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{{Multi-lang}}[[Image:SL Volunteer Island.jpg|right|'''SL Volunteer Island''']]

[[Image:SL Volunteer Island.jpg|right|'''Isla de Voluntarios de SL''']]
¡A fecha de Mayo de 2008, el VTeam se congratula en anunciar la remodelación de las Islas de Voluntarios de SL! El experimento del año pasado con una estructura de gestión moderada, puso de manifiesto una muestra salvaje de creatividad por parte de los Mentores que participaron. Tenemos una estructura que le permitirá a usted continuar añadiendo su creatividad y aportaciones funcionales a la isla, pero bajo un sistema de gestión de tierras que impulsará mayor colaboración entre cada Mentor que se involucre. Por favor, continúe leyendo el artículo [[SLVI Events/Attractions Policies/es|Eventos de las SLVI/Política de Actividades]] para más información sobre cómo USTED puede utilizar las Islas de Voluntarios de SL como lugares para sus actividades y eventos.

La Isla de Voluntarios de Second Life está compuesta por islas que reúnen lugares de interés para ser utilizadas en eventos, orientación de voluntarios, y formación. Las islas son únicamente para voluntarios, siendo un fantástico lugar para escapadas!
==Resultados del sorteo de Diciembre de 2008==
La siguiente lista es la de los Mentores de Second Life que han ganado en el sorteo el derecho de uso de una parcela en una de las SLVIs en el sorteo.

Los Voluntarios son animados a diseñar atracciones, organizar actividades y eventos, y tener invitados en estas islas. Por favor revise la Política de Eventos/Atracciones para la Isla de Voluntarios de Second Life en el vínculo de más abajo, para informarce acerca de cómo USTED puede utilizar la Isla de Voluntarios SL para sus propias atracciones y eventos.

[[SLVI Politica de Eventos/Attracciones]]
<!-- Please translate only "Lottery Results" in the following link -->
<div align="center">{{SL Volunteer Island Lottery Winners|Lottery Results}}</div>

== Here Are Some Attractions Going On Right Now! ==
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== Atracciones de las Islas de Voluntarios ==
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* En esta misma página en su versión en inglés, se reseñan las distintas atracciones que estas Islas ofrecen cada mes.
** Por razones prácticas, no tiene especial sentido irlas traduciendo aquí.

Waterslides, Tiki Huts, Stone Faces, Hot Tubs, Coves, Flora, Fish, and Beyond - all around the SL Volunteer Islands you'll find these scattered about for your enjoyment. Some are fine details, some are easter eggs, but all are for fun and relaxation!

*SL Volunteer Island (SLVI)
*Por favor, tenga en cuenta que si por cualquier razón la propiedad de su parcela se asigna al VTeam, la tierra será transferida al siguiente Mentor en la lista de la columna correspondiente. Todos los ganadores del sorteo y los reservas fueron elegidos aleatoriamente.
**'''Sandcastle Maze''' - Find its entrance at (205, 60, 22) ... the exit is a bit harder to find!
*No se permite cambiar de región, ni combinar parcelas, ni canjearlas entre sus propietarios.
**'''Ruins By The Wrestling Pit''' - Catchy eh? Stop by here for some scenic ruins by a wrestling pit!
**'''Surf's Up''' - Check out the beaches at this side of the island--they rock for surfing and hanging out beside!
**'''The Big Ship!''' Famed location of SLVDay's dancing and pie exploits!
**'''SL Volunteers Cafe''' Great place to just sit and relax, created by Rhaorth Antonelli. Come on in sit for a spell, have a snack or a drink while you are here. http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island/69/21/35
**'''Underwater Gallery''' Really immersive gallery with hang out on the roof  http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island/111/234/17
**'''Tranquility Hut''' PTSD Support and focus group meeting place for people in SL who suffer with or are living with people who suffer from all types of mental health problems , I know its not all bright and breezy folk's  but i bet we all know someone who could use a meeting place to talk with other's?
***Anyone wishing to talk about the group or know anyone who may wish to talk with the group , Please contact Lostmedia Ares .
'''**~SL Mentor Freebie information Center~**'''
A comprehensive Second Life Mentor Freebie information Center  has been established on one of the SL Volunteer Islands.  Coords are - 242, 155, 22  http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island/240/156/22 The purpose of this store is for the Volunteers to come and choose item's to give to those New Residents coming into Second Life. It also contains valuable infomation for the all of SL Mentors. Ex: Updated TAO, Info HUBS
You cant miss it, a large ship is moored next door.
The building that houses the freebies was donated by Contessa Marquez.
Facilities on-site:
A large deck building area has been attached to one side of the build. A Prim finder is on-site in the build area. Custom designed and donated by Rails Bailey.
A fully loaded paradise blanket is available for use, and a Trivia game is located on the lower floor.
Fishing Station, for those treasured quiet moments
This was built to assist mentors in helping others in Second Life. Its a community project. If you have any suggestions on how this can be improved, drop a notecard in the suggestion box provided
If you would like to donate items to this build send Contessa Marquez or Rails Bailey your request on a notecard.
*SL Volunteer Island S (SLVIS)
**'''The ThinkDome''' - A quiet, badly-cracked gardendome with little of note except access to a prim-rezzer and a knowledge fruit tree... What's a knowledge fruit tree anyway?
**'''Shorgin's Public Rest and Play Station''' - A nice place to hang and relax, with room to build and create inside and out! Posing stands inside for easy aligments. Free items as I find them for ALL Mentors and Volenters! Come on down and Enjoy!
**'''Dutch Volunteer Beachclub (work in progess!)''' - Special place for Dutch volunteers to hang out and have fun. Other menters are very welcome too offcourse to hang out! :-) http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20S/243/230/29
**'''Sky Field''' - Ride the express elevator up 1500m to the platform and enjoy the wide open vistas. Try your hand at ultra high building.
**'''Skypod Photostudio''' - its a skypod studio. With an N30 Photostudio and accessories in it. Plus various modeling photos from susan Snookums portfolio.http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20S/234/243/501
**'''[[K&M RECREATION AREA]]''' - Helping people specially Newbie give us a feeling that sum1 need us and it feels good, but being a Mentor isnt easy, its an interresting and hard task too. Feeling tired and need a break? Why not visit K&M Recreation Area at  http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20S/58/39/23/ .... All are welcome and Feel at home. Click Link for more Info. More Stuff added soon.
**'''Tiki-Style Class Room''' - A little Class Room with working Flipchart and Bulletin Board, after Class Party Location and free JetSki Riding. {{SLurl|region=SL Volunteer Island S|x=86|y=103|z=21|title=Class Room TP)|}}
*SL Volunteer Island SW (SLVISW)
**'''The Spam Museum''' - A collection of pictures and items sent out in the [[Mental Mentors]] group.
**'''The Road and Garden''' - An early infrastructure built around the spam museum to organise the planned growth on this island and garden to leave some free green space for (random (shit))chatting. [[User:Kerunix Flan|Kerunix Flan]] 16:11, 11 August 2007 (PDT)
**'''Borrowdale Pier Stage''' - Beautiful stage by the water, found at the edge of the central island.
**'''Island of Relaxation''' - Little Island in the middle of everything to relax from all the stresses of Volunteering with Shamooo the Resident Whale! More to Come! All are welcome! (SL Volunteer Island SW 238,40,22)
**'''Office Building''' - Expanding office building Katie Kellner and Stewart Saru own. If you want to have an office in it just ask one of us. We will expand it more and you can put your office down. (Note: Mentor offices will be used for hanging out basically or get away from the public.) The green windows design however may change seeing as how I walked right into one.(SL Volunteer Island SW 88,166,21)
**'''Don Misfit's Volunteer Hangout''' - A nice spot to sit and chat... and to try out a few silly activities:
*** the Amazing Vacuum Tube (warning: it *will* send you up and flying across the region)
*** the Ring Swing (get an instructions notecard from the sign)
*** the Target Jumping game (get an instructions notecard from the sign)
*** Also, be sure to pick up a copy of my Wearable Slide Show for Mentors ([[User:Don Misfit/Wearable Slide show|details]])
*** and a Free-for-Volunteers copy of my See Me HUD!
*** (SL Volunteer Island SW 224,70,21)
**'''Beaver Lodge''' - Nestled high in the sky above The Spam Museum, Beaver Lodge is a great place for Volunteers to kick back, play crib, dance, arm wrestle, or soak in the hot tub. Beaver Lodge "Where All Volunteers are Welcome and All Lindens are Tolerated :)" (SL Volunteer Island SW 39,157,710)
**'''St. Louis Arch''' - St. Louisans are proud of their city, and we want to share our lovely city with you!  If you area St. Louisan, either past or present, please post a picture of it on a box roughly the same size as the others, and see who is from the STL!  http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20SW/152/172/22
**'''Mc-Beth's Grog of Rum Tavern''' - Come sit dockside at the tables or bar for some great drinks and company.  Or dance over the water to some great music.  Ride the shark just off the dock!  All volunteers and Lindens welcome! http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20SW/241/188/24
**'''Paradise Blanket''' - Fully loaded Paradise Blanket for everyone to enjoy.  For those of you not familiar with the PB, sit on it and use menu.  It will temporarily rez a themed room at selected altitude.  Over 30 rooms (clubs, parks, skating rink, etc.)  Up to 8 people can enjoy it at once.  http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20SW/225/226/33/
**'''Firing Range''' - From the (ficticious) ''Griefer Response Unit'' comes this 50m firing range to unload your stress or test your home built weaponry. The target comes straight from the Weapons Testing Sandbox and lists number of bullets and damage. A nice freebie K98 Mauser carbine is available for all. The textures used in this build and a camo uniform are also up for grabs. And more will follow! Land your chopper, moor your boat or just TP straight in: http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20SW/160/58/21/
*SL Volunteer Island W (SLVIW)
**'''Media Center and free resources for volunteers''' by [[User:Petronilla Paperdoll|Petronilla Paperdoll]] - Take a comfy seat and leaf through SL free newspapers, read breaking news and profit from Paperdoll's Quality Freebies and free resouces for volunteers. There is a huge collection of SL media, but please feel free to let [[user: Petronilla Paperdoll|me]] know about new/different ones: I will add them at once. More to come... Location: http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/28/229/38
** '''Meditation center''', An eastern themed place where you can meditate. Wonder around and feel the positive energy that it emits. As we all come across the ventilation of frustration by some beings its a nice retreat. Also to uphold the positive work and vibes into the mentors group i can and will give personal advice when asked. Of course we know that we have to help eachother when asked so feel free to ask for any guidance and it dousn't mather if it is sl or rl related.
As all is always a reflection of your inner state of being and we are here and now to learn true experiance then its wise to use guidance of someone that can't thell you what you already know but can point at it. Hence the nickname ToThePoint Garfield. A humble being that acts upon and with " all that is ".
** '''ECLIPSE''', Ever wanna get sick in a ride on sl ? Try this free ride it takes you 3.5 min @ 97 km/h speed with a 60m beam. Get a vomit bag handy lol.
**Three versatile '''holodeck systems''', capable of rezzing multiple scenes
***Demo Holodeck http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/71/130/29 (Pick up a free copy)
***Horzions Advanced Virtual Reality System, Basic Edition http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/71/130/68
***Prototype 1.63 Opensource Home Rezzing System. http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/80/126/101 (Pick up a free copy)
**Calling all Mentors come on out to '''Doc G's Mentor Clinic'''. Specially prescribed relaxation for the Mental Lag of Mentoring.
***Come Dance, Bounce in the Moon Walk, Use the Hot tub, relax by the beach. Feel free to enjoy this space at any time.
**'''Mentor's Skygarden''' another place to escape the stress omnipresent in the rest of the grid. Just use the teleporter on the pier at http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/175/92/22 to find a peaceful sanctuary in the clouds. Also features an alternative meeting place for up to 30 people.
**'''G.W. Art Gallery''', featuring volunteer made artwork http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/128/128/0
***All my collected volunteer info is available for free, just buy for 0L from the vase outside the doorway.
***Any volunteer who wishes to have their work displayed IM Gordon Wendt
** '''dD Library''' http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/148/10/30
***Dedicated space to share poetry and another literature preferential made inside of the SL, with a space of relaxation to be able to congregate you with friends and, or to share experiences!
***Almost everything you see here, done by me (and I hope by us all’s tomorrow), is free to copy and feel free to distribute (is not allowed sell this items) always with the intention you use it to learn or take new ideas.
***This space was made in the desire of that it comes to have poetry of all those that desire it, then, I am available to help to place your poetry in “prim-book”, or if already you possess proper books, please you use this space to show them or to distribute freely! (You can found or distribute texts in not cards too if u wish) .
***Place here you books and share with us your Soul
***Make of this space your space of culture and sharing, for an always better SL!
***any questions IM me '''Nittas Massiel'''
** '''Beachside Oasis''' http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/31/138/28
*Check out the beaches at this side of the island--they rock for surfing and hanging out beside!
**Play some drums, play chess, hang in the huge tent, go diving, jump off the rope or just relax
** '''SL Italian Speaking Mentor Area'''
*** Located, http://slurl.com/secondlife/SL%20Volunteer%20Island%20W/32/138/28
*** Check out (the area is underconstruction 80% done)
*** A great place to relax and watch the sunset.
*** Almost everything you see here, done by [[User:Michel Lemmon|Michel Lemmon]] and [[User:aliceinwire Bleac|Aliceinwire Bleac]] is free to copy and feel free to distribute (is not allowed sell this items) always with the intention you use it to learn or take new ideas.
*** Make of this space your space of culture and sharing, for an always better SL!
*** Anyone wishing to talk about the group or know anyone who may wish to talk with the group , IM '''Michel Lemmon''' or '''aliceinwire Bleac'''
*SL Volunteer Island OI (SLVOI)
**Grab an Orientation Guide attachment from the center and feel free to walk through '''Orientation Island''' on your own!
*SL Volunteer Island HI (SLVHI)
**Feel free to explore the most current '''Help Island''' in Second Life. This Help Island uses its sandbox area as the main stage for Second Life Volunteer Orientation!

Latest revision as of 02:54, 5 December 2008

SL Volunteer Island

¡A fecha de Mayo de 2008, el VTeam se congratula en anunciar la remodelación de las Islas de Voluntarios de SL! El experimento del año pasado con una estructura de gestión moderada, puso de manifiesto una muestra salvaje de creatividad por parte de los Mentores que participaron. Tenemos una estructura que le permitirá a usted continuar añadiendo su creatividad y aportaciones funcionales a la isla, pero bajo un sistema de gestión de tierras que impulsará mayor colaboración entre cada Mentor que se involucre. Por favor, continúe leyendo el artículo Eventos de las SLVI/Política de Actividades para más información sobre cómo USTED puede utilizar las Islas de Voluntarios de SL como lugares para sus actividades y eventos.

Resultados del sorteo de Diciembre de 2008

La siguiente lista es la de los Mentores de Second Life que han ganado en el sorteo el derecho de uso de una parcela en una de las SLVIs en el sorteo.

Lottery Results
wendyofneverland fussbudget Till Pierce Chilli Cao Xavier Irwin
Lane Erde Sekonda Huet SweetMandy Kline Gellan Glenelg
ianna robbiani P4style Freenote Jorden Allen Hariana Hax
Hazelee Haller Daten Thielt Corwin Carillon Slatan Dryke
Elwin Jacobus Lisa Lowe Baron Delacroix Pumpkin Zenovka
rocky pickles bryan damask Bastien Culdesac Radioactive Rosca
susan Snookums Sillky Pussycat Sullybaby Gomez Dimitrio Lewis
Tid Kidd Khloe Carter Charity Colville Michel Lemmon
ChatBrat Pippita Odessa Dagostino Karin Redgrave Johnny Rambler
Bri Gufler dudarling supermarine Ginger Marseille Oceanna Sands
Pyewacket Bellman Shania Humphreys pasc march Lara Shepherd
Amaro Vita Sal Biedermann Gordon Wendt Doctor Gascoigne
Pamin Oyen Cherokee Diamond Burnman Bedlam Cutter Rubio
Dale Kidd celadori Sakai Autumn Thatch Captain Pike
Astarte Artaud Jezzie McCellan Sweetest Sands Perry Proudhon
Coughran Mayo Shadow Pidgeon Nicoldine Schaffner GOLAN EILDE

Atracciones de las Islas de Voluntarios

  • En esta misma página en su versión en inglés, se reseñan las distintas atracciones que estas Islas ofrecen cada mes.
    • Por razones prácticas, no tiene especial sentido irlas traduciendo aquí.

  • Por favor, tenga en cuenta que si por cualquier razón la propiedad de su parcela se asigna al VTeam, la tierra será transferida al siguiente Mentor en la lista de la columna correspondiente. Todos los ganadores del sorteo y los reservas fueron elegidos aleatoriamente.
  • No se permite cambiar de región, ni combinar parcelas, ni canjearlas entre sus propietarios.