Difference between revisions of "LlBase64ToString"

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(return_text=that is the {{LSLGC|Base64}} '''str''' decoded into a conventional string, interpreting the Base64-encoded bytes as UTF-8 character sequence.)
(10 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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{{LSL Function
|p1_type=string|p1_name=str|p1_desc=Base64 string
|p1_type=string|p1_name=str|p1_desc=Base64 string
|return_text=that is the {{LSLG|Base64}} '''str''' decoded into a conventional string.
|return_text=that is the {{LSLGC|Base64}} '''str''' decoded into a conventional string, interpreting the Base64-encoded bytes as UTF-8 character sequence.
|caveats=*If the conversion creates any unprintable characters, they are converted to spaces.
|caveats=*If the conversion creates any unprintable characters, they are converted to spaces.
*Converts invalid characters into question marks ('?').
*Converts invalid characters into question marks ('?').
This can be used in Basic Authentication, such as this login
<source lang="lsl2">default {
        string test = llBase64ToString("U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4=");
        llSay(0,test );

This can be used in {{Wikipedia|Basic access authentication|Basic Authentication}}, such as this login:
GET / HTTP/1.1
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2)
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2)
Host: www.example.com
Host: www.example.com
Authorization: Basic U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4=  
Authorization: Basic U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4=  
will return the string "Secret:Open"
<source lang="lsl2">llBase64ToString("U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4="); //will return the string "Secret:Open"</source>
default {
        string test = llBase64ToString("U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4=");
        llSay(0,test );
|also_functions={{LSL DefineRow||[[llStringToBase64]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llXorBase64]]|Article also discusses xor based Cryptography.}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llStringToBase64]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llBase64ToInteger]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llBase64ToInteger]]|}}
|also_articles={{LSL DefineRow||{{LSLGC|Base64}}|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||{{LSLGC|Base64}}|}}
Line 47: Line 43:
<div id="box">
== Character Ranges ==
<div style="padding: 0.5em;">
!Decimal value
!Hex value
|| 10 || 0xA
|| 32 -> 127 || 0x20 -> 0x7F

Latest revision as of 10:15, 24 January 2024


Function: string llBase64ToString( string str );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a string that is the Base64 str decoded into a conventional string, interpreting the Base64-encoded bytes as UTF-8 character sequence.

• string str Base64 string


  • If the conversion creates any unprintable characters, they are converted to spaces.
  • Converts invalid characters into question marks ('?').


default {
        string test = llBase64ToString("U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4=");
        llSay(0,test );

This can be used in "Wikipedia logo"Basic Authentication, such as this login:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2)
Host: www.example.com
Authorization: Basic U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4= 
llBase64ToString("U2VjcmV0Ok9wZW4="); //will return the string "Secret:Open"

See Also


•  llXorBase64 Article also discusses xor based Cryptography.
•  llStringToBase64
•  llBase64ToInteger


•  Base64

Deep Notes


function string llBase64ToString( string str );