Difference between revisions of "LlSameGroup"

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   By Aryn Gellner
   By Aryn Gellner
   pos - position (in region coordinates) to check against.
   pos - position (in region coordinates) to check against.
  * Additional Land Owner Test added by Ruthven Willenov, simplified by Strife
    Additional Land Owner Test added by Ruthven Willenov
integer is_rezzable(vector pos)
integer is_rezzable(vector pos)
    list details = llGetParcelDetails(pos, [PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP, PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER]);
    key group_id = llList2Key(details, 0);
    key owner_id = llList2Key(details, 1);
     integer parcel_flags = llGetParcelFlags(pos);
     integer parcel_flags = llGetParcelFlags(pos);
if(owner_id != llGetOwner())
     if(parcel_flags & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS)
     if(parcel_flags & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS)
         return TRUE;
         return true;//Anyone can rez. No further checks are needed.
    else if((parcel_flags & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS) && llSameGroup(group_id))
        return TRUE;
     //Ok, not just anyone can rez. Maybe they share an owner or the land allows for group rezzing.
    //So lets get the parcel owner_id and group_id
    list details = llGetParcelDetails(pos, [PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER, PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP]);
    if(llList2Key(details, 0) == llGetOwner())
         return FALSE;
         return TRUE;//Owner can always rez.
else{return TRUE;}
    //Since what we are going to return is a boolean just return the result of the boolean expression.
    return (parcel_flags & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS) && llSameGroup(llList2Key(details, 1));

Revision as of 17:31, 27 April 2016


Function: integer llSameGroup( key uuid );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a boolean (an integer) that is TRUE if uuid and the prim the script is in are of the same group, otherwise FALSE.

• key uuid group, avatar or prim UUID that is in the same region

This function compares the group-uuid of the prim containing the script to that of the group-uuid of what uuid describes. It answers these two questions:

  • "Is the script's prim in the same group as uuid?"
  • "Is the group-uuid of the script's prim equal to uuid?"


The group of the prim the script is in is...

  • The group the prim is set-to
  • The group the prim is deeded-to
  • The group the prim is otherwise owned by
  • If no group information is set, the group-uuid used for this is NULL_KEY.

The group of the uuid is...

  • If uuid is a prim (known to the region)...
    • and it is an attachment, the active group of the owner*
    • The group the prim is set-to
    • The group the prim is deeded-to
    • The group the prim is otherwise owned by
    • If no group information is set, the group-uuid used for this is NULL_KEY.
  • If uuid is an avatar (known to the region)...
    • The active group of the avatar.
    • If no group information is set, the group-uuid used for this is NULL_KEY.
  • Otherwise, treat uuid AS the group-uuid.
    • This means that instead of doing "Is the script's prim in the same group as uuid?", it becomes "Is the group-uuid of the script's prim equal to uuid?"

Note: No group, prim, or avatar share the same uuid.

In pseudocode:

integer llSameGroup(key uuid){
    key group = getGroupKey(llGetKey());
    if(uuid == group)
        return TRUE;
    if(getGroupKey(uuid) == group)
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


  • Not so obvious is that it returns TRUE if the object is not set to a group (i.e. "(none)") and either the AV with the given key has no group active or the function is called with a NULL_KEY.


// Gives inventory object only to agents with the same active group

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        key id = llDetectedKey(0);

        integer sameGroup = llSameGroup(id);
//      same as llDetectedGroup(i) (with llDetectedGroup, detected does not need to be in the sim)

        if (sameGroup)
            integer numberOfObjectsInPrim = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);

            if (numberOfObjectsInPrim)
                llGiveInventory(id, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, 0));
            llRegionSayTo(id, 0, "Wrong active group!");

Useful Snippets

To determine if an avatar is an object's owner when deeded to group, you should use a function similar to that provided for llGetOwner().

The following uses llSameGroup() to determine if a parcel is rezzable based on the object's active group and parcel details. Useful for preventing unnecessary rez failure notices from various types of attached objects (e.g. guns, water/skywalk HUDs, etc).

  By Aryn Gellner
  pos - position (in region coordinates) to check against.
  * Additional Land Owner Test added by Ruthven Willenov, simplified by Strife
integer is_rezzable(vector pos)
    integer parcel_flags = llGetParcelFlags(pos);
        return true;//Anyone can rez. No further checks are needed.

    //Ok, not just anyone can rez. Maybe they share an owner or the land allows for group rezzing.
    //So lets get the parcel owner_id and group_id

    list details = llGetParcelDetails(pos, [PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER, PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP]);

    if(llList2Key(details, 0) == llGetOwner())
        return TRUE;//Owner can always rez.

    //Since what we are going to return is a boolean just return the result of the boolean expression.
    return (parcel_flags & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_GROUP_OBJECTS) && llSameGroup(llList2Key(details, 1));


Child Prims

It is possible for the group of a child prim to differ from that of the root prim. To build such an object it must first be unlinked, the groups set, and then relinked. Rezzing an object resets the group of the object to that of the group that the user currently has activated. Changing the group of an object changes the group for the entire object. This may only be an artifact or manifestation of VWR-5044.

See Also


•  llDetectedGroup Used in conjunction with detection events
•  llGetAttachedList Together with llGetObjectDetails and OBJECT_GROUP, it can be used to determine the active group of an avatar that is wearing at least one non-HUD attachment.

Deep Notes


•  llSameGroup Test


function integer llSameGroup( key uuid );


Do you belong or
Are you alien, unknown
To us, unwanted?