Difference between revisions of "Features"

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* Relationship to other features (Features that need to be tested when this feature changes)
* Relationship to other features (Features that need to be tested when this feature changes)

What can a user do?
* [[ Land ]]  
** [[ Estates ]]
= [[ Land ]] =
*** [[ Regions ]]
== Estates ==
**** [[ Parcels ]]
=== Regions ===
* [[ Build ]]
****** Parcels
** [[ Create ]]
= Build =
*** [[ Shapes ]]
== Create ==
*** [[ Trees and Grass ]]
=== Shapes ===
** [[ Edit ]]
=== Trees and Grass ===
*** [[ Selection Silhouettes feature ]]
== Edit ==
*** [[ Edit Linked Parts feature ]]
=== Selection Silhouettes feature ===
*** [[ Flexible Objects ]]
=== Edit Linked Parts feature ===
*** [[ Lights ]]
=== Flexible Objects ===
*** [[ Locked ]]
=== Lights ===
*** [[ Physical ]]
=== Locked ===
*** [[ Temporary ]]
=== Physical ===
*** [[ Phantom ]]
=== Temporary ===
*** [[ Materials ]]
=== Phantom ===
*** [[ Shape parameters ]]
=== Materials ===
*** [[ Textures ]]
=== Shape parameters ===
*** [[ Contents ]]
=== Textures ===
** [[ Delete ]]
=== Contents ===
* [[ Interact with the world ]]
== Delete ==
** [[ touch ]]
= Interact with the world =
** [[ drag ]]
== touch ==
** [[ push ]]
== drag ==
** [[ right click ]]
== push ==
** [[ buy ]]
== right click ==
** [[ pay ]]
== buy ==
** [[ sit on ]]
== pay ==
** [[ select ]]
== sit on ==
* [[ Interact with the UI ]]
== select ==
** [[ Window management ]]
= Interact with the UI =
* [[ Communicate ]]
== Window management ==
** [[ Emotes / Animations ]]
= Communicate =
** [[ Chat ]]
== Emotes / Animations ==
** [[ Instant Message ]]
== Chat ==
*** [[ Person to person IM ]]
== Instant Message ==
*** [[ Group IM ]]
=== Person to person IM ===
*** [[ Conference IM ]]
=== Group IM ===
*** [[ IM to email / email to IM ]]
=== Conference IM ===
** [[ XML-RPC ]]
=== IM -> email ===
** [[ HTTP-OUT ]]
== XML-RPC ==
** [[ Voice ]]
== HTTP-OUT ==
** [[ Notecards ]]
== Voice ==
** [[ Hover text ]]
== Notecards ==
** [[ Textures (on objects/particles) ]]
== Hover text ==
* [[ Search ]]
== Textures (on objects/particles) ==
** [[ People ]]
= Search =
** [[ Groups ]]
== People ==
** [[ Places ]]
== Groups ==
** [[ Events (places in time) ]]
== Places ==
** [[ Things ]]
== Events (places in time) ==
** [[ Simulator ]]
== Things ==
** [[ Land ]]
== Simulator ==
* [[ Script ]]
== Land ==
** [[ nearly everything? ]]
= Script =
* [[ Groups ]]
** nearly everything?
** [[ Create groups ]]
= Groups =
** [[ Join ]]
== Create groups ==
** [[ Invite ]]
== Join ==
** [[ Leave ]]
== Invite ==
** [[ Kick ]]
== Leave ==
** [[ Deed ]]
== Kick ==
*** [[ objects ]]
== Deed ==
*** [[ parcels ]]
**** objects
** [[ contribute ]]
**** parcels
* [[ Own stuff ]]
== contribute ==
** [[ Inventory ]]
= Own stuff =
*** [[ Animations ]]
== Inventory ==
*** [[ Avatar outfits are a collection of ]]
**** Animations
*** [[ Body parts ]]
**** Avatar outfits are a collection of
*** [[ Clothing ]]
****** Body parts
*** [[ Attachments are objects ]]
****** Clothing
*** [[ Body parts ]]
****** Attachments are objects
*** [[ Hair ]]
**** Body parts
*** [[ Skin ]]
****** Hair
*** [[ Shape ]]
****** Skin
*** [[ Eyes ]]
****** Shape
*** [[ Clothing ]]
****** Eyes
*** [[ Undershirt ]]
**** Clothing
*** [[ Shirt ]]
****** Undershirt
*** [[ Underpants ]]
****** Shirt
*** [[ Pants ]]
****** Underpants
*** [[ Jacket ]]
****** Pants
*** [[ Gloves ]]
****** Jacket
*** [[ Socks ]]
****** Gloves
*** [[ Shoes ]]
****** Socks
*** [[ Dress ]]
****** Shoes
*** [[ Gestures ]]
****** Dress
*** [[ Collection of Animations, sounds and phrases that can be triggered ]]
**** Gestures
*** [[ Landmarks ]]
****** Collection of Animations, sounds and phrases that can be triggered
*** [[ Lost and Found ]]
**** Landmarks
*** [[ Look here first if you lost something ]]
**** Lost and Found
*** [[ Notecards ]]
****** Look here first if you lost something
*** [[ Objects ]]
**** Notecards
*** [[ Scripts ]]
**** Objects
*** [[ Sounds ]]
**** Scripts
*** [[ Photo Album ]]
**** Sounds
*** [[ same thing ]]
**** Photo Album
*** [[ Textures ]]
****** same thing
*** [[ same thing ]]
**** Textures
*** [[ Trash ]]
****** same thing
** [[ Parcels ]]
**** Trash
** [[ Estates ]]
== Parcels ==
* [[ Play games ]]
== Estates ==
* [[ Copy stuff ]]
= Play games =
** [[ (in-world) ]]  
= Copy stuff =
*** [[ Ctrl-d ]]
== [in-world] ==
*** [[ shift-drag an arrow ]]
**** Ctrl-d
*** [[ pie menu, take copy ]]
**** shift-drag an arrow
*** [[ linked to another object that gets copied ]]
**** pie menu, take copy
*** [[ in the contents of an object that gets copied ]]
**** linked to another object that gets copied
*** [[ shift-dragged from inventory ]]
**** in the contents of an object that gets copied
** [[ (in inventory) ]]  
**** shift-dragged from inventory
*** [[ right click in inventory, copy ]]
== [in inventory] ==
*** [[ select in inventory, copy from edit menu ]]
**** right click in inventory, copy
*** [[ select in inventory, ctrl-C ]]
**** select in inventory, copy from edit menu
*** [[ give a copy to another avatar ]]
**** select in inventory, ctrl-C
** [[ (with scripts) ]]  
**** give a copy to another avatar
*** [[ llGiveInventory ]]
== [with scripts] ==
*** [[ llGiveInventoryList ]]
**** llGiveInventory
* [[ Make money ]]
**** llGiveInventoryList
** [[ Buy & Sell land ]]
= Make money =
** [[ Buy & Sell products ]]
== Buy & Sell land ==
** [[ Buy & Sell services ]]
== Buy & Sell products ==
** [[ Out of band (eg. SL-related t-shirts) ]]
== Buy & Sell services ==
** [[ Buy & Sell $L ]]
== Out of band (eg. SL-related t-shirts) ==
* [[ Participate in Community ]]
== Buy & Sell $L ==
** [[ Blogs / Forums ]]
= Participate in Community =
** [[ Join Groups ]]
== Blogs / Forums ==
** [[ Volunteer ]]
== Join Groups ==
** [[ Help mentors ]]
== Volunteer ==
** [[ Live Help ]]
== Help mentors ==
** [[ Feature voting ]]
== Live Help ==
** [[ Bug voting ]]
== Feature voting ==
* [[ Document ]]
== Bug voting ==
** [[ Snapshots ]]
= Document =
** [[ Video ]]
== Snapshots ==
* [[ Customize your Avatar ]]
== Video ==
* [[ Travel ]]
= Customize your Avatar =
** [[ Walk ]]
= Travel =
** [[ Fly ]]
== Walk ==
** [[ Teleport ]]
== Fly ==
** [[ Vehicles ]]
== Teleport ==
** [[ SLURL ]]
== Vehicles ==
* [[ Registration ]]
== SLURL ==
** [[ registration via secondlife.com ]]
= Registration =
** [[ registration via affiliate site ]]
== registration via secondlife.com ==
** [[ Log in as a newbie ]]
== registration via affiliate site ==
* [[ Troubleshoot your system ]]
== Log in as a newbie ==
* [[ Optimize your system ]]
= Troubleshoot your system =
* [[ Report Bugs ]]
= Optimize your system =
* [[ Install/uninstall ]]
= Report Bugs =
* [[ Report Abuse ]]
= Install/uninstall =
= Report Abuse =

Revision as of 14:13, 24 October 2006

This feature ontology groups features from the perspective of what a user can do.

Each feature will have a landing page with links to the following:

  • Feature Design Document (Developer's intent)
  • Functional Spec (How the feature works from a User's perspective)
  • Test scripts (Verify the feature works)
  • Discussion for future improvements (Tied to feature requests and to a filter of related bugs)
  • Relationship to other features (Features that need to be tested when this feature changes)