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== MLPV2 Version Tracking ==
== MLPV2 Version Tracking ==


This is a first cut at memory reduction for MLPV2. The goal is to reduce memory usage stats.
* ~menucfg: deleted state exit handler, moved code to entry handler.
* ~menucfg sets memory limit to usage + 100 and shuts off
* MEMORY commands for .MENUITEMS and .POSITIONS (see xxxx.example for examples)
* prints ~menu memory usage on Adjust.  What about ~positions? ~pose?
* reduced memory in ~run
* "Adjust" menu button now prints current memory usage in ~menu.  (Need something for ~positions as well.)

sequences: omit objname in chat
TODO in subsequent release(s):

xcite: allow multiple /x in chat strings
* have posers set their memory limit low -- NOPE, leave as LSL, because they take 17K in Mono.
* have posers shut themselves down?  (Currently ~menu stops them when not in use.)
* check for other scripts to lower memory.
* memory limit for ~pos?  use same as ~menu, or that minus a constant?
* find out whether lists can be further optimized
* MEMORY commands for ~sequencer and ~swap

Changed scripts: ~sequences,  ~MLPT-Xcite-adaptor4, and ~menu (version number only)


Use version 2.4z7 (5 and 6 releases were replaced within hours owing to permission issues, etc.)
* sequences: omit objname in chat
* xcite: allow multiple /x in chat strings
* Changed scripts: ~sequences,  ~MLPT-Xcite-adaptor4, and ~menu (version number only)

Moved the "check config" feature to a separate script in MLP tools, freeing up a bit of memory in ~menu and ~memory.

The config check is for when you think it's done: it checks for poses without positions and vice versa, or missing sounds.

Change to ~ball that allows changing sit target without having to adjust .POSITIONS
* Use version 2.4z7 (5 and 6 releases were replaced within hours owing to permission issues, etc.)
* Moved the "check config" feature to a separate script in MLP tools, freeing up a bit of memory in ~menu and ~memory.
* The config check is for when you think it's done: it checks for poses without positions and vice versa, or missing sounds.
* Change to ~ball that allows changing sit target without having to adjust .POSITIONS

Line 30: Line 46:

* Resync when starting same anim (e.g., new pose using same anim, or choosing same pose again)
Resync when starting same anim (e.g., new pose using same anim, or choosing same pose again)

* BUG FIX - Since MLPV2.4w, if you change to a pose with fewer balls, avs popped off are not de-animated, and partner scripts (like xcite) are not told that the avatar stood.
BUG FIX - Since MLPV2.4w, if you change to a pose with fewer balls, avs popped off are not de-animated, and partner scripts (like xcite) are not told that the avatar stood.
* Only changed script is ~menu.
Only changed script is ~menu.

2.4 z
2.4 z
* Adds SOUND for sequences
Adds SOUND for sequences

2.4 y
2.4 y
* With this version, you may now delete unnecessary "~poser n" scripts (e.g. ~poser 5).  Delete the unnecessary high-numbered ones.  For couples, you need "~poser" and "~poser 1" but not the others.
- With this version, you may now delete unnecessary "~poser n" scripts (e.g. ~poser 5).  Delete the unnecessary high-numbered ones.  For couples, you need "~poser" and "~poser 1" but not the others.

2.4 w
2.4 w
* Should fit about 50 more couples poses (assuming button and anim names aren't long).
- Should fit about 50 more couples poses (assuming button and anim names aren't long).

2.4 v
2.4 v
* added random expressions via  ::21 (change in all ~poser scripts)
- added random expressions via  ::21 (change in all ~poser scripts)
* fixed: the "build-in" typo;
fixed: example SEQUENCES nc had debug turned on
- fixed: the "build-in" typo;
- fixed: example SEQUENCES nc had debug turned on

* same as 2.4u, but with a 'fullstop timeout' script in the tools box
- same as 2.4u, but with a 'fullstop timeout' script in the tools box

* allow STAND as first pose chosen in a menu.  Previously, rezzed no balls for STAND (used whatever balls from last menu chosen)
* provide a button for adjusting STAND in zz-adjDefault
* free up some memory in ~menu (about 2K)
* Changes to: ~menu, .readme only, .POSITIONS.zz-default

- allow STAND as first pose chosen in a menu.  Previously, rezzed no balls for STAND (used whatever balls from last menu chosen)

- provide a button for adjusting STAND in zz-adjDefault

- free up some memory in ~menu (about 2K)
* Forgot to update vers # in 2.4t, please use this one.
* Changed: ~menu, ~swap.

Changes to: ~menu, .readme only, .POSITIONS.zz-default

* Minor bug fixed: if SWAP used after reset before any pose selected, ~swap fails; reset required.
* ~MLPT-timeout added to MLP Tools box.  Drop this script in so MLP will STOP when unused for one hour (editable).  See MLPT readme for details.
* NOTE: In this distribution to the MLPV2 group, ~MLPT-timeout is included directly, not just in the MLP Tools box.  Please give it a try and let me know if there are any problems.


Forgot to update vers # in 2.4t, please use this one.
Changed: ~menu, ~swap.
* Sequences turned "chat" off; this update fixes that. I thought I'd fixed that before, but evidently not.
* Changed scripts are ~menu (version string only), and ~sequence.
* No other changes.


Minor bug fixed: if SWAP used after reset before any pose selected, ~swap fails; reset required.
* MLPV2.4p was borked in reading positions.  This fixes it.  It also backs out the ~memory changes, which don't work well with the new server code (1.30.2) (as I'd suspected).

~MLPT-timeout added to MLP Tools box.  Drop this script in so MLP will STOP when unused for one hour (editable).  See MLPT readme for details.

NOTE: In this distribution to the MLPV2 group, ~MLPT-timeout is included directly, not just in the MLP Tools boxPlease give it a try and let me know if there are any problems.
* fixed OFF for "CHAT Chat Info  OFF" and "REDO RedoMenu  OFF" configs.  (Buttons worked; default settings didn't.)<br />
* removed object name from pose chats<br />
* reduced probability of "*" prefix in ~ball desc causing it to miss color change message<br />
* eliminated sliced arrays in ~memory, dramatically increasing free mem (but perhaps running afoul of upcoming changes, stay tuned). followed Liz's suggestion to use one list rather than multiple.  I don't know why multiple had the severe overhead.  When I tested it earlier, the two methods worked the same in Mono, whereas multiple lists worked much better for LSL.  However, there's an issue here, and I expect this subject will come up again, related to memory handling differences for per-parcel script memory limits.<br />
* sitter: Instead of arrow keys adjusting, you now press both page-up and page-down to enable the arrow keys (shift left/right, up/down, and page up/down)Push page-up and page-down to disable again.  This way, folks trying to adjust their view won't move their avvies.
* updated scripts: ~menu, ~memory, ~ball<br />
* Added "ready" linked message.   Uses -11003, "READY"

* same as for 2.4p1 above, except linked message "ready" used channel 0.


Sequences turned "chat" off; this update fixes that.  I thought I'd fixed that before, but evidently not.
* fixes to address some sequencing issues such as NOCHAT turning off all chat, etc.<br />
Changes made to the following scripts: ~sequencer

Changed scripts are ~menu (version string only), and ~sequence.

No other changes.
* fixes to turning off scripts (lag reduction).  Should no longer fail after sim reset.  Should also fix a reanimation problem.<br />
* Leave ~timeout running so it'll delete itself when bought<br />
* ~timeout moved to MLP Tools kit<br />
* Changes made to the following scripts: ~menu and and all ~poser* scripts (~poser, ~poser1, etc.)

* by this version, the MATURE directive was partially retired by being commented out


MLPV2.4p was borked in reading positions.  This fixes it.  It also backs out the ~memory changes, which don't work well with the new server code (1.30.2) (as I'd suspected).
* fix warning when multiple people using menu at same time (popups go to wrong people)

2.4m - add warning and truncate for pose button label too big (usually, missing "|")
- sitter adjustable poseball (start ~ball description with plus sign to activate)

- fixed OFF for "CHAT Chat Info  OFF" and "REDO RedoMenu  OFF" configs.  (Buttons worked; default settings didn't.)<br />
- removed object name from pose chats<br />
- reduced probability of "*" prefix in ~ball desc causing it to miss color change message<br />
- eliminated sliced arrays in ~memory, dramatically increasing free mem (but perhaps running afoul of upcoming changes, stay tuned). followed Liz's suggestion to use one list rather than multiple.  I don't know why multiple had the severe overhead.  When I tested it earlier, the two methods worked the same in Mono, whereas multiple lists worked much better for LSL.  However, there's an issue here, and I expect this subject will come up again, related to memory handling differences for per-parcel script memory limits.<br />
- sitter: Instead of arrow keys adjusting, you now press both page-up and page-down to enable the arrow keys (shift left/right, up/down, and page up/down).  Push page-up and page-down to disable again.  This way, folks trying to adjust their view won't move their avvies.
- updated scripts: ~menu, ~memory, ~ball<br />
- Added "ready" linked message.  Uses -11003, "READY"

2.4p<br />
same as for 2.4p1 above, except linked message "ready" used channel 0.
* avoid "animating without permission" script errors (when sitter doesn't accept) -- partially solved (error gone, but something's still wrong if MLP bought when someone's on a ball.)<br />
* MATURE directive (skip rest of card if not MATURE sim). (might ditch this)<br />
* stop poser# scripts when corresponding ball isn't rezzed<br />
* stop several other scripts when no balls are rezzed<br />

2.4n4 - fixes to address some sequencing issues such as NOCHAT turning off all chat, etc.<br />
Changes made to the following scripts: ~sequencer

2.4n3 - fixes to turning off scripts (lag reduction).  Should no longer fail after sim reset.  Should also fix a reanimation problem.<br />
Leave ~timeout running so it'll delete itself when bought<br />
* fix ~prop: don't jump on double-save
~timeout moved to MLP Tools kit<br />
Changes made to the following scripts: ~menu and and all ~poser* scripts (~poser, ~poser1, etc.)

2.4n2 - by this version, the MATURE directive was partially retired by being commented out

2.4n - fix warning when multiple people using menu at same time (popups go to wrong people)
* fix ~ball: don't listen if rez-arg is zero; cancel old listen on rez.

2.4m - add warning and truncate for pose button label too big (usually, missing "|")
- sitter adjustable poseball (start ~ball description with plus sign to activate)

v2.4l - avoid "animating without permission" script errors (when sitter doesn't accept) -- partially solved (error gone, but something's still wrong if MLP bought when someone's on a ball.)<br />
- MATURE directive (skip rest of card if not MATURE sim). (might ditch this)<br />
* fix getrefpos issue on save
- stop poser# scripts when corresponding ball isn't rezzed<br />
- stop several other scripts when no balls are rezzed<br />

v4.2k - fix ~prop: don't jump on double-save

v4.2j - fix ~ball: don't listen if rez-arg is zero; cancel old listen on rez.
* warn if props aren't copiable (check for current and for next owner)

v4.2i - fix getrefpos issue on save

v4.2h - warn if props aren't copiable (check for current and for next owner)
* Adjust mode auto-saves props too; delete trailing zeros on save

v4.2g - Adjust mode auto-saves props too; delete trailing zeros on save

v4.2f - STOP resets swap
* STOP resets swap

v2.4e - restarter button in MLP Tools, xcite double-stim for per-anim fixed

2.4 d Bug fix:  SAVE after SWAP should now work correctly. Note: don't SWAP while editing a pose; it'll reset it to the previously saved position.  Instead, save and then swap, after which you can save and it'll do the right thing.  I should put this in the wiki!
* restarter button in MLP Tools, xcite double-stim for per-anim fixed

~timeout put back in
2.4 d
* Bug fix:  SAVE after SWAP should now work correctly. Note: don't SWAP while editing a pose; it'll reset it to the previously saved position.  Instead, save and then swap, after which you can save and it'll do the right thing.  I should put this in the wiki!
* ~timeout put back in

* HIDDEN attribute for menus (instead of "ALL/GROUP/OWNER") for menus used only by sequences.
* NOCHAT option for sequences (use "SEQUENCE | seqname | NOCHAT") -- disables bed chatting pose name during sequence.
* SWAP behavior configurable per-pose (for poses with more than 2 balls).  See "CONFIGURING SWAP FEATURE" above.

HIDDEN attribute for menus (instead of "ALL/GROUP/OWNER") for menus used only by sequences.
NOCHAT option for sequences (use "SEQUENCE | seqname | NOCHAT") -- disables bed chatting pose name during sequence.
SWAP behavior configurable per-pose (for poses with more than 2 balls).  See "CONFIGURING SWAP FEATURE" above.

* fixed startup race condition (stopping before reading MENUITEMS), fixed sequence labels not found


2.3k: fixed startup race condition (stopping before reading MENUITEMS), fixed sequence labels not found
* height menu bug fix (probably broken since 2.3's reorient menu added)

2.3j: height menu bug fix (probably broken since 2.3's reorient menu added)

2.3i: bug fix (remenu broken in 2.3h)
* bug fix (remenu broken in 2.3h)

2.3h: sequences: rez balls on sequence start

2.3g: reset fixes:
* sequences: rez balls on sequence start

- kill balls on reset in ~menu startup

- don't say "click to start" until ready, in ~run
* reset fixes:
* kill balls on reset in ~menu startup
* don't say "click to start" until ready, in ~run


Revision as of 18:20, 18 January 2012

MLPV2 Version Tracking


This is a first cut at memory reduction for MLPV2. The goal is to reduce memory usage stats.

  • ~menucfg: deleted state exit handler, moved code to entry handler.
  • ~menucfg sets memory limit to usage + 100 and shuts off
  • MEMORY commands for .MENUITEMS and .POSITIONS (see xxxx.example for examples)
  • prints ~menu memory usage on Adjust. What about ~positions? ~pose?
  • reduced memory in ~run
  • "Adjust" menu button now prints current memory usage in ~menu. (Need something for ~positions as well.)

TODO in subsequent release(s):

  • have posers set their memory limit low -- NOPE, leave as LSL, because they take 17K in Mono.
  • have posers shut themselves down? (Currently ~menu stops them when not in use.)
  • check for other scripts to lower memory.
  • memory limit for ~pos? use same as ~menu, or that minus a constant?
  • find out whether lists can be further optimized
  • MEMORY commands for ~sequencer and ~swap


  • sequences: omit objname in chat
  • xcite: allow multiple /x in chat strings
  • Changed scripts: ~sequences, ~MLPT-Xcite-adaptor4, and ~menu (version number only)


  • Use version 2.4z7 (5 and 6 releases were replaced within hours owing to permission issues, etc.)
  • Moved the "check config" feature to a separate script in MLP tools, freeing up a bit of memory in ~menu and ~memory.
  • The config check is for when you think it's done: it checks for poses without positions and vice versa, or missing sounds.
  • Change to ~ball that allows changing sit target without having to adjust .POSITIONS


  • Resync when starting same anim (e.g., new pose using same anim, or choosing same pose again)


  • BUG FIX - Since MLPV2.4w, if you change to a pose with fewer balls, avs popped off are not de-animated, and partner scripts (like xcite) are not told that the avatar stood.
  • Only changed script is ~menu.

2.4 z

  • Adds SOUND for sequences

2.4 y

  • With this version, you may now delete unnecessary "~poser n" scripts (e.g. ~poser 5). Delete the unnecessary high-numbered ones. For couples, you need "~poser" and "~poser 1" but not the others.

2.4 w

  • Should fit about 50 more couples poses (assuming button and anim names aren't long).

2.4 v

  • added random expressions via  ::21 (change in all ~poser scripts)
  • fixed: the "build-in" typo;
  • fixed: example SEQUENCES nc had debug turned on


  • same as 2.4u, but with a 'fullstop timeout' script in the tools box


  • allow STAND as first pose chosen in a menu. Previously, rezzed no balls for STAND (used whatever balls from last menu chosen)
  • provide a button for adjusting STAND in zz-adjDefault
  • free up some memory in ~menu (about 2K)
  • Changes to: ~menu, .readme only, .POSITIONS.zz-default


  • Forgot to update vers # in 2.4t, please use this one.
  • Changed: ~menu, ~swap.


  • Minor bug fixed: if SWAP used after reset before any pose selected, ~swap fails; reset required.
  • ~MLPT-timeout added to MLP Tools box. Drop this script in so MLP will STOP when unused for one hour (editable). See MLPT readme for details.
  • NOTE: In this distribution to the MLPV2 group, ~MLPT-timeout is included directly, not just in the MLP Tools box. Please give it a try and let me know if there are any problems.


  • Sequences turned "chat" off; this update fixes that. I thought I'd fixed that before, but evidently not.
  • Changed scripts are ~menu (version string only), and ~sequence.
  • No other changes.


  • MLPV2.4p was borked in reading positions. This fixes it. It also backs out the ~memory changes, which don't work well with the new server code (1.30.2) (as I'd suspected).


  • fixed OFF for "CHAT Chat Info OFF" and "REDO RedoMenu OFF" configs. (Buttons worked; default settings didn't.)
  • removed object name from pose chats
  • reduced probability of "*" prefix in ~ball desc causing it to miss color change message
  • eliminated sliced arrays in ~memory, dramatically increasing free mem (but perhaps running afoul of upcoming changes, stay tuned). followed Liz's suggestion to use one list rather than multiple. I don't know why multiple had the severe overhead. When I tested it earlier, the two methods worked the same in Mono, whereas multiple lists worked much better for LSL. However, there's an issue here, and I expect this subject will come up again, related to memory handling differences for per-parcel script memory limits.
  • sitter: Instead of arrow keys adjusting, you now press both page-up and page-down to enable the arrow keys (shift left/right, up/down, and page up/down). Push page-up and page-down to disable again. This way, folks trying to adjust their view won't move their avvies.
  • updated scripts: ~menu, ~memory, ~ball
  • Added "ready" linked message. Uses -11003, "READY"


  • same as for 2.4p1 above, except linked message "ready" used channel 0.


  • fixes to address some sequencing issues such as NOCHAT turning off all chat, etc.

Changes made to the following scripts: ~sequencer


  • fixes to turning off scripts (lag reduction). Should no longer fail after sim reset. Should also fix a reanimation problem.
  • Leave ~timeout running so it'll delete itself when bought
  • ~timeout moved to MLP Tools kit
  • Changes made to the following scripts: ~menu and and all ~poser* scripts (~poser, ~poser1, etc.)


  • by this version, the MATURE directive was partially retired by being commented out


  • fix warning when multiple people using menu at same time (popups go to wrong people)

2.4m - add warning and truncate for pose button label too big (usually, missing "|") - sitter adjustable poseball (start ~ball description with plus sign to activate)


  • avoid "animating without permission" script errors (when sitter doesn't accept) -- partially solved (error gone, but something's still wrong if MLP bought when someone's on a ball.)
  • MATURE directive (skip rest of card if not MATURE sim). (might ditch this)
  • stop poser# scripts when corresponding ball isn't rezzed
  • stop several other scripts when no balls are rezzed


  • fix ~prop: don't jump on double-save


  • fix ~ball: don't listen if rez-arg is zero; cancel old listen on rez.


  • fix getrefpos issue on save


  • warn if props aren't copiable (check for current and for next owner)


  • Adjust mode auto-saves props too; delete trailing zeros on save


  • STOP resets swap


  • restarter button in MLP Tools, xcite double-stim for per-anim fixed

2.4 d

  • Bug fix: SAVE after SWAP should now work correctly. Note: don't SWAP while editing a pose; it'll reset it to the previously saved position. Instead, save and then swap, after which you can save and it'll do the right thing. I should put this in the wiki!
  • ~timeout put back in


  • HIDDEN attribute for menus (instead of "ALL/GROUP/OWNER") for menus used only by sequences.
  • NOCHAT option for sequences (use "SEQUENCE | seqname | NOCHAT") -- disables bed chatting pose name during sequence.
  • SWAP behavior configurable per-pose (for poses with more than 2 balls). See "CONFIGURING SWAP FEATURE" above.


  • fixed startup race condition (stopping before reading MENUITEMS), fixed sequence labels not found


  • height menu bug fix (probably broken since 2.3's reorient menu added)


  • bug fix (remenu broken in 2.3h)


  • sequences: rez balls on sequence start


  • reset fixes:
  • kill balls on reset in ~menu startup
  • don't say "click to start" until ready, in ~run

CHANGES in MLPV2 Version 2.3:

- Supports sounds

- Supports up to 6 avatars (poseballs)

- Sequences (tours) -- set up a menu button that plays a sequence of poses and chats. You configure the sequences in a new .SEQUENCE type of notecard. More info on that here:

- When rezzed, balls are now named ~ball0 .. ~ball5, to support easy sitting for bot clients (used for machinima, not camping!) The object name in inventory has not changed.

- "Adjust Pos" is now a toggle. Try it and see! Avs can hop on and off and balls return to the 'adjusting' shape. You can also use STOP to return to normal mode.

- EZ-Adust! Now, when you're in adjust mode and you change poses, it saves the current pose before swithcing to new pose. To abandon changes, quit adjust mode, STOP, or just re-select the current pose.


- "Reorient" menu for more easily adapting an existing pose set to a new furniture item

- script to check anim permissions

- script to check for unused animations

- Three different example xcite adaptor scripts (requires Xcite! Partner script from Xcite) - AutoZhao adaptor script

- touch passer moved here, since it's never required in the MLP prim

CHANGES in MLPV2 Version 2.2 (unreleased other than to MLPV2 group)

- Added LMs when avs sit or unsit, to make it possible to add support for things like xcite and cuffs without modifying MLP scripts. Read more here:

- Cleaner chat on DUMP (omits object name)

CHANGES in MLPV2 Version 2.1:

- Props! Rez an object per pose. Object is deleted when changing to new pose, or after 3 minutes if bed is deleted.

- 15 ball colors supported!

- AUTOBACK - automatically inserts BACK before MORE--> button (optional, off by default)

- Bug fix for AUTOMORE on main menus with too many buttons. AUTOMORE no longer supported for main menu. Might be fixed some day.

- Bug fix for AUTOMORE menues with more than one extra page.

- Expression control code removed -- didn't work out. MLPV2 no longer takes controls. Of course, still compatible with all MLP and MLPV2.0 scripts.

CHANGES in MLPV2, Version 2.0:

- Now supports Solo, 3some, and 4some menus.

- Memory optimized: now holds over 70 couples poses.

- Expressions supported (20 expressions, constant or periodic). See "TO ADD POSES" above.

- Extended menus. (Automatic "More-->" button for menus with more than 12 buttons.)

- Menu buttons now appear in menus in the same order as in the configuration but only if the new MENUORDER config item appears -- otherwise order is same as before, for backwards compatibility).

- Modular configuration: reads all *.MENUITEMS* and *.POSITIONS* files, in sort order (same as in object contents).

MENU config lines with no corresponding TOMENU lines get added to the main menu (replacing a blank "TOMENU -" line).

This allows makers to easily provide add-on packs, each being folder containing .MENUITEMS*, .POSITIONS*, and animations files. Customer simply drops the folder in and resets.

- Backwards-compatible with MLP V1.2 configurations.

- Ball timeouts have been disabled. This should make MLPV2 a little more efficient. However, if you move a bed with balls rezzed, you'll need to delete the balls manually.

- Set poseball's floating text and pie menu sit text by changing its description. Also, if the ball's description begins with an asterisk ("*"), the poseball is phantom. After changing ball's description, STOP to delete any balls and then select any pose.

- New LM button type, to pass LMs to other scripts/prims. This allows adding features to furniture, with buttons in the MLP menus, without changing any MLP scripts.

- Warning for duplicate entries in .POSITIONS* files.

- Configuration consistency checker: try "ConfigCheck" in Shutdown menu NOTE: this will reload .POSITIONS.* files, so backup any saved positions first! It will find buttons with no positions and vice versa.

- AutoZhao support

- Restart menu reorganized:

Use "Pos Reset" button after changing *.POSITIONS* files.

Use "Menu Reset" button after changing *.MENUITEMS* files.

Use "Restart" button to restart all. This used to do only a menu reset.

- MLP bug fix: if you rez a copy, it uses the same channel as the original, and on MLP V1.2 you'd get crosstalk.

The menu script is now reset on rez. This does not reset positions; saved positions are not lost.

- MLP bug fix: Avoid reanimating a non-sitting avatar! This happened in these cases that I'm aware of:

A) Avatar is posed and STOP button is hit and then a new pose is selected. The avatar (no longer sitting) would get animated.

B) Same as above, but instead of STOP button, avatar teleports or relogs