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Revision as of 07:03, 12 September 2007


Function: list llParseString2List( string src, list separators, list spacers );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a list that is src broken into a list, discarding separators, keeping spacers, discards any null values generated.

• string src
• list separators
• list spacers

separators and spacers must be lists of strings, maximum of 8 each.


  • Every element in the list will be a string, no matter what you think it should be. Cast the results of llList2String to get what you want.


        // This will say:
        // <A><crazy><fox><.><Saw><the><moon><.><.>
        string my_string = "A crazy fox.  Saw the moon..";
        list my_list = llParseString2List(my_string,[" "],["."]);
        llOwnerSay("<" + llDumpList2String(my_list,"><") + ">");
        // This will say:
        //  <A><crazy><fox><.><><><Saw><the><moon><.><><.><>
        my_list = llParseStringKeepNulls(my_string,[" "],["."]);
        llOwnerSay("<" + llDumpList2String(my_list,"><") + ">");

Deep Notes


function list llParseString2List( string src, list separators, list spacers );