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Latest revision as of 00:14, 22 April 2009
- [11:01 SLT] Lexie Linden: /I need to run to another meeting : )
- [11:01 SLT] Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife
- [11:07 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Hello Katrin
- [11:07 SLT] Kitty Beery: hello Katrin
- [11:07 SLT] Asterion Coen: hi katrin
- [11:07 SLT] Drakon Cortes: Hello Katrin
- [11:07 SLT] Katrin Linden: hello all - still rezzing :)
- [11:07 SLT] Morrigan Liebling: Hey Katrin
- [11:07 SLT] Lexie Linden: Hi Katrin! Thanks for coming by
- [11:07 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: I couldn't log in
- [11:07 SLT] Katrin Linden: it is a pleasure, thanks for inviting me :)
- [11:07 SLT] Lexie Linden: : ))
- [11:07 SLT] Kitty Beery: watch out for Dirk while you're rezzing.... ;-)
- [11:07 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: well actually i did log in but it says i'm unauthorized
- [11:07 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: Welcome to the mainland.. All of the lag, none of the content
- [11:07 SLT] Lexie Linden: We can go back to the Answers beta topic after Katrin : )
- [11:08 SLT] Lexie Linden: There is a chair next to me Katrin, when you can see
- [11:08 SLT] Katrin Linden: will we talk via text chat?
- [11:08 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: Hop in my lap Katrin
- [11:08 SLT] Lexie Linden: Usually text here
- [11:08 SLT] Katrin Linden: ok thanks
- [11:08 SLT] Kitty Beery: text is all i have over here, sorry
- [11:08 SLT] Katrin Linden: text works perfectly
- [11:09 SLT] Asterion Coen: that entertain the fingers
- [11:09 SLT] Asterion Coen: :)
- [11:09 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Voice is not a reliable communication method
- [11:09 SLT] Lexie Linden: Kitty, you had questions right?
- [11:09 SLT] Kitty Beery: i have one yes, talked to katrin before about it
- [11:09 SLT] Lexie Linden: and I think Doc did as well
- [11:09 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: We wanted to greet you in a proper setting
- [11:10 SLT] Katrin Linden: please feel free to ask whatever you want to know - i try my best :)
- [11:10 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: let you get to know what mentors do
- [11:10 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: if you had any questions about what we do
- [11:10 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: our mission in SL
- [11:10 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: so that our role was more clear to you
- [11:10 SLT] Katrin Linden: this is wonderful - because i think the greeters from the CGs and your work has lots of interfaces
- [11:10 SLT] Asterion Coen: let me put the compatriot music for the introduction doc :)
- [11:11 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: why do some Gateways Exclude Mentors and is that fair ?
- [11:11 SLT] Lexie Linden: agreed Katrin
- [11:11 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: it is why I tried to get into the cgw meeting
- [11:11 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I feel proactively we will need to exchange info
- [11:11 SLT] Katrin Linden: well i think basically the CGs are not against mentors - not at all
- [11:11 SLT] Katrin Linden: if this happened those are single cases
- [11:11 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I worked many cgw
- [11:11 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: gaia
- [11:11 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: was the first
- [11:11 SLT] Drakon Cortes: <<< welcomes SL Mentors at his gateway
- [11:11 SLT] Katrin Linden: principally the interest from CG side in the mentors is big
- [11:11 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: 3 years ago
- [11:12 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we havea nice mix of talents
- [11:12 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: among the mentorship
- [11:12 SLT] Katrin Linden: we always talk about acquiring "good and patient" mentors for the cgs
- [11:12 SLT] Lexie Linden: very true Doc
- [11:12 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: w ework with a lot of gateways community and otherwise
- [11:12 SLT] Katrin Linden: yes Doctor very good points.
- [11:13 SLT] Katrin Linden: there are currently several things going on
- [11:13 SLT] Katrin Linden: some of you might have heard about a group called the SL: certification devs
- [11:13 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: yes we have
- [11:13 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I am in that group
- [11:13 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: rails
- [11:13 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: orange
- [11:13 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I have not
- [11:13 SLT] Katrin Linden: this is a group sponsored by glenn and they work on topics how to certify and/or increase quality in different segments
- [11:13 SLT] Drakon Cortes: or myself
- [11:13 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we want to help with the cert for mentoring
- [11:14 SLT] Katrin Linden: then the gateway members have established working groups
- [11:14 SLT] Katrin Linden: one group is currently working on best practices for greeters/mentors
- [11:14 SLT] Lexie Linden: I think the confusion on that project is that its not official mentors..its the term "mentoring"
- [11:14 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: they want to qualify us so they get good product
- [11:14 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: a fairly good business practive
- [11:14 SLT] Katrin Linden: the goal should be - how can we use synergy effects and increase the quality of supporting new residents
- [11:14 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: I'm sorry, I am confused. CG greeters are working in this work group, but not SL mentors?
- [11:15 SLT] Katrin Linden: yes and i am also keen to understand what the plans of this group here is
- [11:15 SLT] Katrin Linden: no they are not working in the sl cert group
- [11:15 SLT] Katrin Linden: we have set up working groups in the CG member area
- [11:15 SLT] Katrin Linden: some work on marketing for gateways, others on monetization and - there is a greeter group
- [11:15 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: are CG greeters volunteers?
- [11:16 SLT] Lexie Linden: The official group has never supported the CGs as part of the program. But I know many Mentors have helped on those on their own
- [11:16 SLT] Katrin Linden: we could think about how to better work with each other
- [11:16 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: I am just in the group to peddle my goods and services under the guise of a helpful resident.
- [11:16 SLT] Lexie Linden: I think so Katrin
- [11:16 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I have trained greeters
- [11:16 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: and mentors
- [11:16 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: and have worked gateways
- [11:16 SLT] Katrin Linden: there are several CGs that would be happy to welcome you guys - good mentors/greeters are so hard to find
- [11:16 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: are Help Islands going to removed and gateways the only landing spots in the future ?
- [11:16 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: one of the reasons why I wanted to attend the meeting
- [11:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: in any capacity
- [11:17 SLT] Kitty Beery: maybe they should ask katrin?
- [11:17 SLT] Katrin Linden: i dont think so XLR
- [11:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I have formed a mentor coop
- [11:17 SLT] Kitty Beery: mentors aren't hard to find, but you have to ask for them
- [11:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: for communication with the various gws
- [11:17 SLT] Lexie Linden: I had an idea and wonder what you all think: Would it be good to have Mentors who would like to help on CGs unofficially, do a wiki page with all their names listed. Perhaps have them list skills too?
- [11:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: exactly Kitty
- [11:17 SLT] Katrin Linden: Kitty good point - but first we need a bridge so we find each other :)
- [11:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: not everyone is hip to it Lex
- [11:17 SLT] Kitty Beery: use lexie's blog.......
- [11:17 SLT] Kitty Beery: nice bridge i think ;-)
- [11:18 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: many of the cgws are for profit
- [11:18 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: and they do not work for for profits
- [11:18 SLT] Drakon Cortes: sounds good lexie because I can use all the help I can get at my gateway
- [11:18 SLT] Katrin Linden: Lexie this is a great idea i think
- [11:18 SLT] Katrin Linden: so it can be free of choice if you would like to support gateways or not
- [11:18 SLT] Drakon Cortes raises hand to ask a question
- [11:18 SLT] Lexie Linden: I think it might be a good resource. And its not official...just there in case mentors want CGs to find them
- [11:18 SLT] Lexie Linden: Go ahead Draken
- [11:19 SLT] Lexie Linden: *Drakon, sorry
- [11:19 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we formed the mentor coop to match up gws with mentors and help transition issues
- [11:19 SLT] Drakon Cortes: If we here we are talking about SL mentors helping at CG
- [11:19 SLT] Drakon Cortes: then
- [11:19 SLT] Drakon Cortes: why can we as gateway owbers
- [11:19 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I like Help Islands and will NOT help at a CG
- [11:19 SLT] Drakon Cortes: owners
- [11:19 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: my choice
- [11:19 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I understand that completely rick
- [11:19 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its a personal thing
- [11:19 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I respect that
- [11:20 SLT] Drakon Cortes: not allowed to ask for help for a ch in main sl mentors chat ?
- [11:20 SLT] Drakon Cortes: cg*
- [11:20 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Drako refers to calling to a gw in mentor channel
- [11:20 SLT] Lexie Linden: Drakon, because we do not officially support that. It would be considered unofficial.
- [11:20 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: they were counseled for it
- [11:21 SLT] Drakon Cortes: confuseing
- [11:21 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: this is why I formed the mentor coop
- [11:21 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: although I have no opinion regarding SLM helping on CG. I think that we should be able to ask for help on group chat whenever we are helping any resident, regardless of locaiton.
- [11:21 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: so mentors and gws could call for help
- [11:21 SLT] Katrin Linden: Jezzie this is what the cg greeters currently do also
- [11:21 SLT] Katrin Linden: they often help each other
- [11:21 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: as mentors we help each other
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we network
- [11:22 SLT] Katrin Linden: especially when new residents come into a cg that does not offer their languages
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: which is why I set up a mentor coop for the gws
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: for calling for help
- [11:22 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: what I am confused about is why there is a seperate group of CG greeters and why SLM wasn't used instead?
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: with no reprisal
- [11:22 SLT] Katrin Linden: if we set up something inofficial - then we could invite all sorts of people that are interested in helping new residents
- [11:22 SLT] Kitty Beery: are you drakon? you can ask in the mentor channel for a dutch mentor i guess?
- [11:22 SLT] Kitty Beery: no matter where?
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: many of teh gws Jez are for profit
- [11:22 SLT] Drakon Cortes: nope
- [11:22 SLT] Lexie Linden: Doc, maybe it would be good to list that group on the wiki page (if one is made)
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: businesses
- [11:22 SLT] Katrin Linden: Jezzie the CGs are privately owned
- [11:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I think that is a great idea
- [11:22 SLT] Katrin Linden: some of them have their own staff and teams
- [11:23 SLT] Katrin Linden: old groups that know each other rl
- [11:23 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: currently we have many gw owners and mentors in it
- [11:23 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: I don't care if a CG is for profit. SL is for profit. helping residents is the same whereever.
- [11:23 SLT] Drakon Cortes: I was told not to ask for help if it pertains to mey gateway
- [11:23 SLT] Kitty Beery: i agree jezzie
- [11:23 SLT] Kitty Beery: i help everywhere
- [11:23 SLT] Morrigan Liebling: Good point Jezzie
- [11:23 SLT] Katrin Linden: so those gateways want the management of the cg work to be done in their "rows" which does not mean that they are against you guys
- [11:23 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: certain owners want certain people not certain people
- [11:23 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: some are
- [11:23 SLT] Katrin Linden: then there are other cgs, that offer people inworld jobs of being a greeter
- [11:23 SLT] Katrin Linden: they are very open to all help they can get
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I have trained many a greeter
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Jezzie too
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Jezzie and I trained many mentors
- [11:24 SLT] Lexie Linden: true ㋡
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: hey!
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Ella
- [11:24 SLT] Dirk Talamasca shouts: Ellla!!!!!
- [11:24 SLT] Drakon Cortes: hi Ella
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we want to make a connection with cgw owners
- [11:24 SLT] Kitty Beery: katrin, this is all about who is helping where, i have a question about a gateway that is allready up, but isn't running ok.....
- [11:24 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: other than our word of mouth
- [11:25 SLT] Katrin Linden: please ask Kitty
- [11:25 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: which one Kitty
- [11:25 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: I think that the value of any SLM helping at a CG is that it is different. It clears the rut out.
- [11:25 SLT] Ellla McMahon shouts: hello :))
- [11:25 SLT] Katrin Linden: Kitty this is a process thing
- [11:25 SLT] Lexie Linden: /scrolling back to catch any questions we missed
- [11:25 SLT] Katrin Linden: i just returned from vacation and was out the last two weeks
- [11:25 SLT] Katrin Linden: i am aware of the DNB 0031
- [11:26 SLT] Kitty Beery: i know, talked to you before your vacation ;-)
- [11:26 SLT] Kitty Beery: but i can't reach otto
- [11:26 SLT] Katrin Linden: the challenge here is - i have not received an official statement of the owners, that they close down
- [11:26 SLT] Kitty Beery: and i think the gateway has to be closed.
- [11:26 SLT] Kitty Beery: i know
- [11:26 SLT] Katrin Linden: however, i have 2 dutch gateways in the pipeline that will open up soon
- [11:26 SLT] Kitty Beery: they don't give statements at all
- [11:26 SLT] Katrin Linden: i can not close a gateway without an fficial notice :)
- [11:26 SLT] Lexie Linden: That's great Katrin
- [11:26 SLT] Kitty Beery: i know, virtual holland is one of them, i'm helping over there.
- [11:26 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: thats wonderful news Kitty
- [11:26 SLT] Katrin Linden: but the plan is to touch base with them and figure out etails of what is going on there
- [11:27 SLT] Ellla McMahon: hello Lexie, Katrin, Doc .. everyone :)))
- [11:27 SLT] Lexie Linden: Hi Ellla ㋡
- [11:27 SLT] Katrin Linden: and once i could get somebody from DNB - we will do the next steps
- [11:27 SLT] Katrin Linden: hello Ella :)
- [11:27 SLT] Katrin Linden: Kitty we will act on this challenge
- [11:27 SLT] Asterion Coen: hi ellla
- [11:27 SLT] Kitty Beery: ok ;-)
- [11:28 SLT] Katrin Linden: this would be wonderful Kitty - and of great help
- [11:28 SLT] Kitty Beery: i'm concerned about the new residents, that is why i bring it up
- [11:28 SLT] Katrin Linden: yes a valid point
- [11:28 SLT] Lexie Linden: : ))
- [11:28 SLT] Katrin Linden: new residents should arrive in a place where they are welcomed and taken care of
- [11:28 SLT] Lexie Linden: Absolutely
- [11:28 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Help Island
- [11:28 SLT] Kitty Beery: i can take care of it my self, but don't want to do that
- [11:29 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: not some commercial Business
- [11:29 SLT] Asterion Coen: wirh coffe and sweet candies
- [11:29 SLT] Katrin Linden: Kitty it is on my radar
- [11:29 SLT] Asterion Coen: with*
- [11:29 SLT] Katrin Linden: Rick not all CGs are commercial businesses
- [11:29 SLT] Lexie Linden: That's ok Rick. Help where you feel it is best for you!
- [11:29 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: %
- [11:29 SLT] Katrin Linden: we have non-profits, privatly run gateways and yes also commercials
- [11:30 SLT] Katrin Linden: i think in the selection of the cg itself they already explain pretty good what they do
- [11:30 SLT] Katrin Linden: so the choice should be on the user side to decide where to go no?
- [11:30 SLT] Katrin Linden: and also think about language issues
- [11:30 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I just dont like CG
- [11:30 SLT] Katrin Linden: for english speaking people help island is a good thing - what about polish speaking people?
- [11:30 SLT] Katrin Linden: russian etc?
- [11:30 SLT] Drakon Cortes: lol no wonder you did nt return to mine rick lol
- [11:30 SLT] Kitty Beery: what happens to a resident when the gateway isn't public access and they try to log in over there?
- [11:31 SLT] Katrin Linden: Kitty the orientation is public for all new users - maybe the orientation area is locked for users older than x days
- [11:31 SLT] Katrin Linden: but if you register to SL and go to a gateway you will end up there
- [11:31 SLT] Kitty Beery: no i mean i could close the island dnbmedia..... i'm an estate manager over there.
- [11:31 SLT] Katrin Linden: ohh ok then they go to HI
- [11:31 SLT] Kitty Beery: so that is an option.....
- [11:32 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Please dont force new residents to choose a CG
- [11:32 SLT] Lexie Linden: So they do not get lost..they land in a helpful spot no matter what
- [11:32 SLT] Lexie Linden: : ))
- [11:32 SLT] Kitty Beery: let me know if you can't reach the company
- [11:32 SLT] Katrin Linden: we dont do this Rick
- [11:32 SLT] Katrin Linden: ok i will let you know Kitty
- [11:32 SLT] Lexie Linden: Its optional Rick
- [11:32 SLT] Asterion Coen: (witch company?)
- [11:32 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: there are just gateways
- [11:32 SLT] Kitty Beery: owner of an old dutch gateway asterion
- [11:32 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: not community
- [11:32 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: non profits
- [11:33 SLT] Asterion Coen: oh
- [11:33 SLT] Asterion Coen: a non profit comany :)
- [11:33 SLT] Lexie Linden: Did one of you want to take the idea of the available volunteer wiki page and make one up?
- [11:33 SLT] Asterion Coen: a new word :)
- [11:33 SLT] Asterion Coen: company
- [11:34 SLT] Kitty Beery: i'm not that good with wiki, glad i have my user page, lol. sorry.
- [11:34 SLT] Lexie Linden: hehe
- [11:34 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we need a wiki person
- [11:34 SLT] Lexie Linden: I can set up a basic one for you, but it would be good if you all maintain it
- [11:34 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok?
- [11:34 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: sure
- [11:34 SLT] Lexie Linden: perfect : )
- [11:34 SLT] Drakon Cortes smiles at Lexie
- [11:34 SLT] Katrin Linden: and please feel free to link it to the gateway page - one sec i give you the link
- [11:35 SLT] Lexie Linden: great thanks Katrin!
- [11:35 SLT] Lexie Linden: Hi Techwolf ㋡
- [11:35 SLT] Techwolf Lupindo: Hi lexie
- [11:35 SLT] Katrin Linden: i on my side could show this to the cg owners and also promote it in that way, that if they are searching for greeters, they should contact you guys
- [11:35 SLT] Asterion Coen: hi tech
- [11:35 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: also for people needed to train greeters
- [11:35 SLT] Katrin Linden: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Gateway
- [11:35 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: as some cgw have greeters who need training
- [11:36 SLT] Katrin Linden: Doctor this is another good point
- [11:36 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok I will add that link
- [11:36 SLT] Katrin Linden: training greeters/mentors...
- [11:36 SLT] Katrin Linden: i have heard several groups talk about htis now
- [11:36 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: One of our best trainers is here
- [11:36 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Jezzie
- [11:36 SLT] Katrin Linden: what about if we set up this wiki so those groups can come toogether also?
- [11:36 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: she has trained thousands of mentors
- [11:36 SLT] Asterion Coen: trainning greeters r the guys who open you the door with a big smile ?
- [11:36 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: thousands?
- [11:36 SLT] Katrin Linden: it currently feels like different people have the same idea - so why not do teamwork?
- [11:36 SLT] Lexie Linden: Katrin, thats an interesting idea
- [11:36 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: yes you did
- [11:37 SLT] Katrin Linden: you could establish a sort of mentor network
- [11:37 SLT] Katrin Linden: mentors united ;))
- [11:37 SLT] Lexie Linden: Mentors have trained many many people : ))
- [11:37 SLT] Katrin Linden: offering trainings in different languages
- [11:38 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we have a mentor network
- [11:38 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we network darn near everything
- [11:38 SLT] Lexie Linden: This sounds a bit like the Resident Help Network
- [11:38 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: ask Lexie
- [11:38 SLT] Katrin Linden: so lets promote this more
- [11:38 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we support the missions of many things
- [11:38 SLT] Lexie Linden: indeed!
- [11:39 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: resources
- [11:39 SLT] Katrin Linden: sounds great
- [11:39 SLT] Lexie Linden: I think the wiki page can be a good start place and volunteers can also get togther and discuss, add ideas to the talk page
- [11:39 SLT] Kitty Beery: we even step into greeting for education faires ;-)
- [11:39 SLT] Lexie Linden: true
- [11:39 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we think there is value to a proactive meeting of the minds
- [11:39 SLT] Katrin Linden: i agree
- [11:39 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: the mentorship has value
- [11:40 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: real definable value
- [11:40 SLT] Lexie Linden: Any other questions for Katrin? Did we miss anyone?
- [11:40 SLT] Katrin Linden: and it is good to have a point where we can direct people to - either people who search mentors for their regions (does not even have to be a gateway) or for volunteers/mentors/greeters that want to help
- [11:40 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I am available as a contact
- [11:40 SLT] Lexie Linden: I think so too
- [11:40 SLT] Asterion Coen: what about a lonk from the SL client to usefull wiki relative to newbies
- [11:40 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: if you need a point person
- [11:40 SLT] Asterion Coen: link
- [11:40 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I want to help but not at a CG
- [11:40 SLT] Mentor information: Annie Swansen Took a card from mentor info
- [11:40 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok Doc : )
- [11:41 SLT] Asterion Coen: like some definitions, like "sandboxs" :)
- [11:41 SLT] Katrin Linden: Asterion do you mean the message of the day?
- [11:41 SLT] Techwolf Lupindo takes note of the one wiki link to give to new users "Are there any other good links that can be given to new users to help them out?
- [11:41 SLT] Asterion Coen: nah, in the help menu for exemple
- [11:41 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: right
- [11:41 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: 100%
- [11:41 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: well at home too
- [11:42 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok : ) Everyone has their own style and preference. Thats good.
- [11:42 SLT] Katrin Linden: once we have a consolidated wiki oage with all the information - let us have another chat with each other and see how we want to promote it?
- [11:42 SLT] Lexie Linden: Sounds like a good plan Katrin
- [11:42 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we meet on tues
- [11:42 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: with Lexie
- [11:42 SLT] Asterion Coen: they barely think about to consult website by ther own
- [11:42 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: your welcome to come see us when thats established
- [11:42 SLT] Kitty Beery: i even mentor as moderator in a dutch SL forum, answer a lot of questions over there.
- [11:43 SLT] Lexie Linden: Asterion, I think thats true. Some just log in and want to go explore right away
- [11:43 SLT] Asterion Coen: so, a link about usefull and basic stuffs to know, can be fine
- [11:43 SLT] Lexie Linden: right
- [11:44 SLT] Lexie Linden: I will contact you Katrin when we have the page ready. We can meet at office hour again if it works in your schedule : ))
- [11:44 SLT] Katrin Linden: ok this would be great :)
- [11:44 SLT] Katrin Linden: yes please if you let me join you again ;))))
- [11:44 SLT] Lexie Linden: We would love it
- [11:44 SLT] Lexie Linden: : )
- [11:44 SLT] Katrin Linden: and i on my side will have a chat with the cg members
- [11:44 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok
- [11:44 SLT] Asterion Coen: oh, and one of the first ask all newbies ask "how to make money", some answere about that too, can be fine :)
- [11:44 SLT] Kitty Beery: maybe you could announce that page on the vteam blog too lexie?
- [11:44 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we welcome proactive help with mentoring
- [11:45 SLT] Asterion Coen: or maybe where to go to get a job :)
- [11:45 SLT] Lexie Linden: I just want to clarify that those who are volunteering are not doing it as official Mentors. They are volunteering on their own because they are just awesome people : ))
- [11:45 SLT] Katrin Linden: yes Asterion i was thinking about htis also
- [11:45 SLT] Lexie Linden: hehe
- [11:45 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: can I ask about the answer site now?
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: the challenge is - we need to make sure those people know what they are doing
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: you all know
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: the greeters know
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: but what about new volunteers coming in?
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: how can we make sure the level of wuality and knowledge is ok?
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: this leads to the work of the slcertdevs
- [11:46 SLT] Kitty Beery: that is no problem in the mentor group, we don't take new volunteers, lol
- [11:46 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: hehe, that is something we have been debating forever
- [11:46 SLT] Katrin Linden: maybe we can consolidate all those things
- [11:46 SLT] Asterion Coen: when i came first on SL, ti say hello to a friend, SL was for me a game for nolife folks
- [11:47 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: and majority have been certified by the mentor educators
- [11:47 SLT] Asterion Coen: ok, now i got lot of activities on SL, but most of folks r considerating SL as a game
- [11:47 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: there is process to our practice
- [11:47 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its not just ad hoc
- [11:47 SLT] Lexie Linden: : )
- [11:47 SLT] Katrin Linden: true
- [11:47 SLT] Drakon Cortes: SL Mentors Boot Camp hehe
- [11:47 SLT] Asterion Coen: maybe some "packaging" to define a bit beter SL, can be a way :)
- [11:47 SLT] Katrin Linden: but take into consideration - that once you have the wiki page
- [11:47 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Jezzie and I and rails and many ran mentor orientation
- [11:47 SLT] Katrin Linden: you will get requests - how can i join to help?
- [11:47 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: and shadowing trainings
- [11:48 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I put helpers at gateways
- [11:48 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: as greeters Katrin
- [11:48 SLT] Lexie Linden: CGs will have to decide how they want to qualify new helpers
- [11:48 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: thats how they learn
- [11:49 SLT] Lexie Linden: Right, often the best way is to dive in and have an experienced person near by to assist. Docs method I think : )
- [11:49 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: thats it
- [11:49 SLT] Katrin Linden: Lexie this is exactly what the working group is doing at the moment
- [11:49 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: greeter mentor boot camps
- [11:49 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: then we should havea meeting with them
- [11:49 SLT] Katrin Linden: find out ways (that fir for different cgs) how to best acquire and recruit greeters
- [11:49 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: perhaps a mentor attend one
- [11:49 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: answer questions
- [11:49 SLT] Kitty Beery: so you guys are back to buddy shadowing ;-)
- [11:49 SLT] Drakon Cortes: If SL mentors are going to interact and help wit CG's shouldn't they be allowed at some of the CG owner meetings to see whats going on and see how they can be a help?
- [11:49 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: like you being here
- [11:49 SLT] Katrin Linden: lol i can see Doctor standing there with a whip already - *kidding*
- [11:50 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: oh yea
- [11:50 SLT] Asterion Coen: what about some mentor tools, like IRC helpers, or RL hotliners :)
- [11:50 SLT] Lexie Linden: lol
- [11:50 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: and my bunny slippers
- [11:50 SLT] Katrin Linden: :))))
- [11:50 SLT] Katrin Linden: Drakon the challenge is - we can definitely set up a meeting with CG members and mentors
- [11:50 SLT] Katrin Linden: but as you know
- [11:50 SLT] Lexie Linden: Jezzie, you had a question?
- [11:50 SLT] Katrin Linden: most topics we talk about in our CG office hours are very detailed
- [11:51 SLT] Lexie Linden: (sorry, didnt mean to cross talk )
- [11:51 SLT] Katrin Linden: and not public information
- [11:51 SLT] Lexie Linden: : )
- [11:51 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: ok thats where I lost the plot
- [11:51 SLT] Drakon Cortes: well the greeters meeting
- [11:51 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: TP the mentor in
- [11:51 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: ask the questions
- [11:51 SLT] Drakon Cortes: Menors I am sure can offer helpful input
- [11:51 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Mentor out
- [11:51 SLT] Katrin Linden: yes this can be done
- [11:51 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: right now we have mentors going to that meeting
- [11:52 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: just not in a neutral position
- [11:52 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: which is why I wanted to go
- [11:52 SLT] Katrin Linden: the next CG meeting i could offer for this is in 3 weeks
- [11:52 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: representing the mentors
- [11:52 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I would love to go
- [11:52 SLT] Katrin Linden: i will inform Lexie ok?
- [11:53 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: The Answers Beta isn't working with Opera and that sux.. The wiki keeps asking for credentials and that sucks.. It is hard to tell if the portal is really all that useful when you get slapped with prompts but for the most part... it seems like it may be more difficult than the knowledgebase which also sucks
- [11:53 SLT] Katrin Linden: and Lexie can inform you guys - or we fix the date now
- [11:53 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: sure
- [11:53 SLT] Lexie Linden: You can let me know : ))
- [11:54 SLT] Lexie Linden: Doc, if you do attend please remember that you would not be representing the official group. Perhaps you can represent the coop?
- [11:54 SLT] Katrin Linden: i will give Lexie details and she can communicate to you then - Lexie are all Mentors in a group regarding access to the region?
- [11:54 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: thats correct
- [11:54 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok great~
- [11:54 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I represent mentors in and for the coop
- [11:54 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: we have a coop?
- [11:54 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we do
- [11:54 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: in my profile
- [11:54 SLT] Lexie Linden: Doc does
- [11:54 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: the mentor coop
- [11:54 SLT] Drakon Cortes: I am Coop
- [11:54 SLT] Asterion Coen: (what coop is?)
- [11:54 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: for gateways calls
- [11:55 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: I flew the coop
- [11:55 SLT] Drakon Cortes: lol
- [11:55 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its on the actual group if you click me
- [11:55 SLT] Lexie Linden: /Dirk: I saw that error as well. I will check on it. Not sure why Opera is an issue either yet
- [11:55 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its a cooperative effort between mentors and cg owners
- [11:55 SLT] Asterion Coen: thx doc
- [11:55 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: asking for training counsel assistance
- [11:56 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: proactively we are trying to evolved with SL
- [11:56 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: cover needs
- [11:56 SLT] Jezzie McCellan wonders why she is not in the coop
- [11:56 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: spread the love
- [11:56 SLT] Lexie Linden: Volunteers evolve well. Always have!
- [11:56 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: Is the Answer site active yet?
- [11:56 SLT] Lexie Linden: Yes Jezzie it is
- [11:56 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I evolve
- [11:56 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: ok I am unauthorized
- [11:56 SLT] Lexie Linden: The beta started for answers today
- [11:56 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: you are always unauthorized
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: you naughty girl
- [11:57 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: grins
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne winks
- [11:57 SLT] Kitty Beery: lol
- [11:57 SLT] Drakon Cortes: lol
- [11:57 SLT] Lexie Linden: I thought you were on the list Jezzie
- [11:57 SLT] Lexie Linden: I can double check it
- [11:57 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i got an email
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: Jezzie aprty of 1
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: jezzie party of 1
- [11:57 SLT] Lexie Linden: ohh you should get in then
- [11:57 SLT] Lexie Linden: hmm
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I am afraid to log in
- [11:57 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i tried in two browsers
- [11:57 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I hate rejections
- [11:58 SLT] Lexie Linden: Mozilla seems to be working and IE
- [11:58 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: tried Mozilla
- [11:58 SLT] Lexie Linden: https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/answers
- [11:58 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: hate IE
- [11:59 SLT] Lexie Linden: are you able to log into the main blog page at all?
- [11:59 SLT] Lexie Linden: Jezzie*
- [11:59 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: yes i can log in
- [11:59 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: but it say's I am unauthorized and I only have access to the blog
- [12:00 SLT] Drakon Cortes: ╰⁀❘‿ ♩♪♫♬ AAAOOOUUUW !!! ♩♪♫♬ ⁀❘‿╮
- [12:00 SLT] Drakon Cortes: Ok I need to get going ,need to go work on my moms rentals (RL ) ,we a good meeting and was great to meet some new faces and thank you for the newly added contacts , Every have a fantastic day
- [12:00 SLT] Lexie Linden: Do you see the link at the bottom left channel column for Second Life Answers Jezzie
- [12:00 SLT] Asterion Coen: ding dong
- [12:00 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: How many answers or comments will be listed before that thing stops taking more?
- [12:00 SLT] Lexie Linden: Thank you for coming everyone!
- [12:00 SLT] Kitty Beery: see you later drakon
- [12:00 SLT] Asterion Coen: thx for the meeting :)
- [12:00 SLT] Drakon Cortes: :)
- [12:00 SLT] Morrigan Liebling: Thanks everyone, bye
- [12:00 SLT] Asterion Coen: have fun and tazke care folks :)
- [12:00 SLT] Katrin Linden: i also have to go - thank you all very much - thanks Lexie
- [12:00 SLT] Lexie Linden: Dirk: the front overview page holds 25 per section I think
- [12:00 SLT] Kitty Beery: thank you too lexie, and thank you too katrin
- [12:00 SLT] fr43k Paine: thanks for having us here :)
- [12:00 SLT] Lexie Linden: Thank you Katrin!
- [12:00 SLT] Katrin Linden: lets meet again soon and get something rocking :)
- [12:00 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: no link on that page
- [12:00 SLT] Lexie Linden: sounds good
- [12:01 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok Jezzie, I will take a look and see if I can get your access fixed
- [12:01 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: ok thanks
- [12:01 SLT] Asterion Coen: gotta love that lag :)
- [12:01 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: I think it needs to be less. It makes it confusing..
- [12:01 SLT] Asterion Coen: cya folks :)
- [12:01 SLT] Katrin Linden: ok wonderful - so Lexie we are in touch anyways - and dear Mentors - try to come around in 3 weeks - we will announce it before
- [12:01 SLT] Lexie Linden: Bye Asterion : )
- [12:01 SLT] Lexie Linden: Dirk, can you please add that to the feedback thread?
- [12:02 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: I will
- [12:02 SLT] Lexie Linden: I appreciate you all coming today : )
- [12:02 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: thank you
- [12:02 SLT] Lexie Linden: I will talk to you soon!
- [12:02 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: :D
- [12:02 SLT] Kitty Beery: bye bye all
- [12:02 SLT] Kitty Beery: i'm on my way too
- [12:02 SLT] Lexie Linden: Bye for now!
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