Difference between revisions of "PRIM TYPE SCULPT"

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m (The PRIM_SCALE is not available in SL. The real way to scale an object is PRIM_SIZE. By the way, nice job to clarify my script. I'm busy to create.)
Line 52: Line 52:
//          , PRIM_SIZE, <0.63,0.199,0.52> // If you need to change the scale (size) of the object, uncomment this line.
//          , PRIM_SIZE, <0.63,0.199,0.52> // If you need to change the scale (size) of the object, uncomment this line.
     } // The grey color you see on your sculpt object is the SL no found texture that is grey.

Revision as of 08:46, 28 June 2008


Constant: integer PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT = 7;

The integer constant PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT has the value 7

PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT is a parameter of PRIM_TYPE used to make a prim into a sculpty of specific shape and type.
Sculpted Prims: FAQ


[ PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT, string map, integer type ]
• string map a texture in the inventory of the prim this script is in or a UUID of a texture
• integer type PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_* flag

For use with llSetPrimitiveParams and llSetLinkPrimitiveParams

type Flags Style Description
PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE 1 Sphere Converge top & bottom, stitch left side to right
PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_TORUS 2 Torus Stitch top to bottom, stitch left side to right
PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_PLANE 3 Plane No stitching or converging
PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_CYLINDER 4 Cylinder Stitch left side to right.
PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH 5 Mesh model See: Mesh
PRIM_SCULPT_FLAG_ANIMESH 0x20 Animesh Read-only flag to query Animated mesh status.
PRIM_SCULPT_FLAG_INVERT 0x40 Invert Render inside out (inverts the normals).
PRIM_SCULPT_FLAG_MIRROR 0x80 Mirror Render an X axis mirror of the sculpty.


  • If map is missing from the prim's inventory and it is not a UUID or it is not a texture then an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.
  • If map is a UUID then there are no new asset permissions consequences for the object.
    • The resulting object develops no new usage restrictions that might have occurred if the asset had been placed in the prims inventory.

Related Articles




•  llSetPrimitiveParams
•  llSetLinkPrimitiveParams
•  llGetPrimitiveParams


•  changed



                           "d962089b-2197-993c-9ec9-4993eb0a95f2",  // sculpty texture
                           PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE                  // type

<lsl>//Rotates between the different sculpt types. default {

   touch_start(integer a)
       list b = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE]);
       integer type = llList2Integer(b,2) % 4;
       llSetObjectDesc(llList2String([ "Sphere",
                                       "Cylinder"], type));
       llSetPrimitiveParams(PRIM_TYPE + llList2List(b, 0, 1) + (type + 1));


<lsl>//A simple script to setup a prim as a sculpty. default {

           PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT, "your Sculpt map name in the object", PRIM_SCULPT_TYPE_SPHERE
         , PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "your texture name in the object", <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.0 //comment out if not needed.

// , PRIM_SIZE, <0.63,0.199,0.52> // If you need to change the scale (size) of the object, uncomment this line.

   } // The grey color you see on your sculpt object is the SL no found texture that is grey.


Deep Notes

Search JIRA for related Issues


integer PRIM_TYPE_SCULPT = 7;