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(First draft of more accurate caveat.)
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*A new parcel created by subdivision of an existing parcel will be allocated a UUID. The UUID of the donating land will remain the same. If the two parcels are rejoined the UUID for the whole (at least in one mainland test) reverts to the original. It seems the UUID of a parcel is quite sticky. Changes to land name/desc/options/acess will NOT change the UUID.
*A new parcel created by subdivision of an existing parcel will be allocated a UUID. The UUID of the donating land will remain the same. If the two parcels are rejoined the UUID for the whole (at least in one mainland test) reverts to the original. It seems the UUID of a parcel is quite sticky. Changes to land name/desc/options/acess will NOT change the UUID. Nor will physical changes to the parcel such as new builds or terraforming.

Revision as of 19:07, 28 March 2010


Constant: integer PARCEL_DETAILS_ID = 5;

The integer constant PARCEL_DETAILS_ID has the value 5

This is a flag used with llGetParcelDetails to get the parcel UUID.


  • A new parcel created by subdivision of an existing parcel will be allocated a UUID. The UUID of the donating land will remain the same. If the two parcels are rejoined the UUID for the whole (at least in one mainland test) reverts to the original. It seems the UUID of a parcel is quite sticky. Changes to land name/desc/options/acess will NOT change the UUID. Nor will physical changes to the parcel such as new builds or terraforming.

Related Articles


Flag Meaning Max Length Return
PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME 0 The name of the parcel. 63 Characters string
PARCEL_DETAILS_DESC 1 The description of the parcel. 127 Characters string
PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER 2 The parcel owner's key. (36 Characters) key
PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP 3 The parcel group's key. (36 Characters) key
PARCEL_DETAILS_AREA 4 The parcel's area, in sqm. (5 Characters) integer
PARCEL_DETAILS_ID 5 The parcel's key. (36 Characters) key
PARCEL_DETAILS_SEE_AVATARS 6 The parcel's avatar visibility setting[1] (1 character) integer - boolean
PARCEL_DETAILS_PRIM_CAPACITY 7 This parcel's prim capacity. integer
PARCEL_DETAILS_PRIM_USED 8 The prim usage on this parcel. integer
PARCEL_DETAILS_LANDING_POINT 9 Landing point set for this parcel, if any. vector
PARCEL_DETAILS_LANDING_LOOKAT 10 Look at vector set for the landing point on this parcel, if any. vector
PARCEL_DETAILS_TP_ROUTING 11 Teleport routing for this parcel.

Note that routing rules are only enforced if the landing point is set.

PARCEL_DETAILS_FLAGS 12 Parcel flags set for this parcel.

See llGetParcelFlags for a listing of the flags and their meaning.

PARCEL_DETAILS_SCRIPT_DANGER 13 Is the script in danger in the indicated parcel.

See llScriptDanger for a discussion of script danger.

integer - boolean
Max Lengths in parentheses represent how many characters required when it is typecast to a string.


•  llGetParcelDetails


Two ways to create a chatted active link in-world to bring up a destination landmark window. <lsl>default {

   touch_start(integer nd) // Nice simple code but a long "anonymous" link...
   {       // ...and no dest position choice (returns the center of the parcel at zero Z).
       llOwnerSay("secondlife:///app/parcel/" +
                  llList2String(llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_ID]), 0) +
   touch_end(integer nd) // Slightly more complex code but a short "decriptive" link...
   {                                           //  ...as well as dest position fine tuning.
       vector my_pos = llGetPos();
       llOwnerSay("http://slurl.com/secondlife/" +
                  llEscapeURL(llGetRegionName()) +
                  "/" +
                  ((string)llRound(my_pos.x)) +
                  "/" +
                  ((string)llRound(my_pos.y)) +
                  "/" +


Deep Notes


  • Suggested in SVC-1638
  • Implemented in Server 1.36
Search JIRA for related Issues


  1. ^ The parcel avatar visibility setting is used to hide avatars, their chat, and objects they sit on when they are in other parcels.


integer PARCEL_DETAILS_ID = 5;