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Function: string llGetObjectName( );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a string that is the name of the prim the script is attached to.


  • The prim name is limited to 63 bytes, any string longer than that will be truncated. This truncation does not always happen when the attribute is set or read.
  • This function does not get the name of the object's rootprim, as the name would imply. See examples below on how to do that.


Get this prim's name

default {

       llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "This prim's name: " + llGetObjectName() );

} </lsl>

Get the root prim's name

<lsl> default {

       llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Root prim's name: "
           + llGetLinkName(LINK_ROOT));

} </lsl>


  • This function may return "(Waiting)" sometimes.

Presumably the function queries the asset server for a predetermined time and returns "(Waiting)" if that elapses. It then silently proceeds to the next instruction. A work around therefore, might be to test object name is not "(Waiting)" after calling llGetObjectName.

See Also


•  llSetObjectName Set the prims name
•  llGetLinkName Get a linked prims name
•  llGetObjectDesc Get the prims description
•  llSetObjectDesc Sets the prims description
•  llGetObjectDetails


•  Limits SL limits and constrictions
•  Prim Attribute Overloading

Deep Notes


function string llGetObjectName();