Roaming Continental Vehicles

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Second Life Geography

This page is made to offer an information about all vehicles moving on the large mainland continents. They don't have a schedule and not a clear path to follow. They are not owned by a single company, like the Yava Script Pods.

Please note that the vehicles owned by Annemarie Oleander are not listed separately, they can be found inside all vehicle categories listed below.

Second Life Transport authority - SLTA

Under this name are the vehicles released in traffic by AneMarie Oleander (also known as AneMarie Otoole). There are bases (that look like gas stations) on main continents, where these vehicles are released into traffic. On small continents, like Sharp Continent, probably they are rezzed manually. These vehicles are roaming, not following a specific destination. Their number varies from one at a day to 10 at an hour, depending on route. They can also be released by manual command. There are more SLTA vehicles then Yava Script Pods, but they have less passengers because they don't offer a guided tour.

In some parts, these vehicles are seen often, but in other places, like the inner atoll of Heterocera or on Gaeta 5, they are too rare. In Bay City, they are unexistent, like they are not seen on unconnected roads of Gaeta 5, Gaeta 1, Corsica or Nautilus. By design, there is a huge variety of SLTA vehicles: tanks, trucks, garbage cars, cars, micro vehicles and not only. Majority of them are freebies, some of them are from the Arcadia Asylum Library.

SLTA is the largest transport company by the number of vehicles, but is the second by land coverage, since these vehicles are found only on road, while the Yava Script Pods are seen also on sea, air and off-road.

There has been some criticism on the forums about SLTA vehicles, including an online petition to stop them enter protected land. On the other hand, there are people enjoying them.

About 60% to 70% of all roaming continental vehicles belong to SLTA.

Nowhere Bus Line

These vehicles can be found in many places of Sansara, but also on Heterocera and on other continents. They are not moving to a certain destination, they can take unpredictable turns to any direction and sometimes they can end out of the road. They also have a self-rezz device. If they stay too much time parked in a place, they seem to keep on rezzing another bus before autoreturn time. Passengers are really going 'nowhere' with these vehicles, since they chose the way to go at random. They interact with vehicles or passengers on the way and they make a lot of smoke when parked. The name comes from the fact that they have marked 'NOWHERE' exactly where destination should be written. Passengers have the power to make vehicle to turn around.

Heterocera Runaway Trains

On all railways of Heterocera you can find vehicles of any type: trains (coal engines, diesel engines), cars, tanks, trucks and on rare occasions even the most unusual vehicles (like a functional bathtb or even a yellow bath ducky) Still, majority of them are modified opensource trains.. Majority of these vehicles have no script to control their movements. They are releasedd in diverse points and keep on moving along the rail. some vehicles have an incredible high speed, sometimes far too big for a passenger to survivie. They can be found on the main line and on rare occasions on other lines.

Tests show that the vast majority of runaway trains will enter the main line. If they are going East, they will move to Bhaga and return. If they are heading East, there is a 40% possibility that in Crumbi they will go North and will enter the branch that connects Pawpaw with Pavonia. Over 95% (if not all) trains heading to Pavonia will enter Pavonia Pass, a parcel that does not allow objects to enter, so they will stop at parcel border and will be auto-returned. If a train does not go North at Crumbi junction, it will continue along main line all the way to Tuliptree, where it will turn back. Tests show that less then 10% of all runaway trains endd up in other places then Pavonia. The chance that a runaway train will enter other rails is very small. This might happen if a resident changes a switch before the train comes or if a train passed to a branch line just before the runaway train.

If a mechanism prevents a train from entering Pavonia sim (making it to flip), that train will get stocked, at some point, into another parcel with restricted access or will be auto-returned after it enters a sim with a restart process. Experiments show that a runaway train might survive a few days on rail.

Runaway trains can enter private parcels if they have rail connection. This is rare, since these connections are always set for main line, but if a resident cchanges the switch, this is what will happen.

Freebie Roaming Cars

These kind of vehicles can be found on all Linden-owned continents, except Premium Continents and Zindra. They are made of a freebie car with an autodrive script. They will, most often, follow the road, but on some cases they might get lost and enter unwanted parcels.

Right Side Cars

These vehicles are moving along the right side of the road, many times even outside of road surface. They seem to have a parcel border sensor and follow the right border of road parcel, not the prims that actually compose the road. They are not phantom and when they meet an avatar, they will whisper Sorry.

Road Center Cars

Unlike the previous group, these cars follow the center of road, but many times they move to left and right. Most probably, they have parcel border sensor and when they see the end of land, they switch in the opposite direction.

Roaming Boats

Unlike roads and railways, waterways are still an untouched limit for many vehicle builders. Second Life Geography team found only two runaway boats in Heterocera Inner Waters that soon crashed. For the moment, roaming vehicles does not exist on water surfaces.

See Also

Second Life Geography

Automated Transportation

SLGI Trains

Yava Script Pods