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Revision as of 05:19, 23 June 2022 by Jenna Huntsman (talk | contribs) (Add caveat about the delay in enabling or disabling the queue.)
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Function: llSetSoundQueueing( integer queue );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Set whether attached sounds wait for the current sound to finish. If queue is TRUE, queuing is enabled, if FALSE queuing is disabled. Sound queuing is disabled by default.

• integer queue boolean, sound queuing: TRUE enables, FALSE (default) disables


  • The sound queue is only 1 level deep - this means that beside the sound that is currently playing, there can only be 1 sound in reserve. The sound queue is first-come, first-serve.* SVC-4260
  • Further to the above, the queue order is reversed when using llPlaySoundSlave - using the below example, the default behaviour would be to play SoundName1 and SoundName2, however when using the aforementioned function the order would be to play SoundName2 and SoundName3.
  • Sound queuing is a property of the prim, not the script. It can be activated and deactivated by any script in the prim and survives script reset, re-rez and script removal.
  • If used to make smooth transitions using slave/master sounds the sounds tend to go out of sync.
  • Although sounds are queued, the volume of all sounds in the queue is set by the last item in the queue. If your application requires the use of differing volume values, you may wish to implement llAdjustSoundVolume alongside the sound queue
  • There is a very small (but audible) gap of silence between sounds due to network latency and processing time.
  • The queued sound must be fully loaded in the viewer, or else it will not play. llPreloadSound is not always reliable in doing its job.
  • Queueing a sound that is identical to the one currently playing will fail. Use llLoopSound instead.
  • While this function does not have a delay, enabling or disabling the sound queue is not instant. It seems to take approx ~0.1 seconds to set the queueing flag.


        llPreloadSound("SoundName1");//This loads the sounds into all in range viewers and cuts delay between sounds.
        llPreloadSound("SoundName2");//All sound parameters can be the name of a sound in the prim's inventory or a UUID of a sound");
        llPreloadSound("SoundName3"); //This sound will be skipped, as the queue is only 1 level deep.
    touch_start(integer detected)
        llSetSoundQueueing(TRUE);//Set to TRUE for queueing and SoundName2 plays after the SoundName1 has ended.
        //Set to FALSE only the second will be played since the prim has only one sound emitter and the second was called last.
        //Can be set anywhere within the script (if within an event it will activate when the event is triggered.
        llPlaySound("SoundName1", 1.0);
        llPlaySound("SoundName2", 1.0);
        llPlaySound("SoundName3", 1.0); //This sound isn't played as the queue is already full, so this is discarded.

See Also


•  llLoopSound
•  llLoopSoundSlave Plays a looped sound attached, synced with the master.
•  llPlaySoundSlave Plays a sound once attached, synced with the master.
•  llAdjustSoundVolume Adjusts the volume of playing sound(s).

Deep Notes



  1. ^ Early release notes were not very accurate or thorough, they sometimes included information about features added in previous releases or failed to include information about features added in that release.


function void llSetSoundQueueing( integer queue );