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Revision as of 14:57, 8 August 2009 by EddyFragment Robonaught (talk | contribs) (That was quite good fun to test.)
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Function: llGroundRepel( float height, integer water, float tau );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Critically damps to height if within height*0.5 of ground or water level (which ever is higher)

• float height Distance above the ground
• integer water boolean, if TRUE then hover above water too.
• float tau seconds to critically damp in

Do not use with vehicles.



<lsl>default {

       llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE);
       llGroundRepel(0.5, TRUE, 0.2); // This is roughly the minimum height for any noticeable effect.
       // to
       llGroundRepel(4096.0, TRUE, 0.2); // There is no restrictive maximum.
       // However as the prim reaches 4096 meters (bear in mind the prim height will be (float height + ground height))
       // it will be too high to be allowed to exist.
}// This is actually a remarkably fast way to go straight up!!</lsl>

See Also


•  llSetHoverHeight Same as llGroundRepel but without the height condition
•  llStopHover To stop hovering

Deep Notes


function void llGroundRepel( float height, integer water, float tau );