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Constant: integer STATUS_PHYSICS = 0x1;

The integer constant STATUS_PHYSICS has the value 0x1

This property (set FALSE by default) if set TRUE allows that the object is subject to and can offer physical interactions and forces.


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Constants Value Description
STATUS_PHYSICS 0x001 Object is physical
STATUS_ROTATE_X 0x002 Can turn along this axis (physical objects only)
STATUS_ROTATE_Y 0x004 Can turn along this axis (physical objects only)
STATUS_ROTATE_Z 0x008 Can turn along this axis (physical objects only)
STATUS_PHANTOM 0x010 Object is phantom
STATUS_SANDBOX 0x020 Keep object within 10 meters and in the same region
STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB 0x040 Prevent click-and-drag movement on the root prim
Constants Value Description
STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE 0x080 Delete and do not return object if it goes off world
STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE 0x100 Return object to owner if it goes off world
STATUS_CAST_SHADOWS 0x200 not currently used
STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT 0x400 Prevent click-and-drag movement on all prims in the object
STATUS_DIE_AT_NO_ENTRY 0x800 Delete and do not return object if it cannot enter a parcel


•  llSetStatus
•  llGetStatus


Simple script to turn on and off the physics of an object.

        llSetTimerEvent(llFrand(10) + 5.0); // Set a random time in seconds between 5 and 15
        if(!llGetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS)) // Check the physical status is non-phys
            llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // Set the object physical
            llMoveToTarget(llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,10.0>, 1.0); // Move to a point 10 meters above the present position
        else // If physical
            llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); // Set the object non-phys
            llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // Stop the timer

Deep Notes

All Issues

~ Search JIRA for related Issues
   llSetStatus can't change STATUS_PHYSICS of an attachment despite the status being preserved between attach & drop


integer STATUS_PHYSICS = 0x1;