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Revision as of 05:00, 2 May 2009 by Viktoria Dovgal (talk | contribs) (example)
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Function: llSetHoverHeight( float height, integer water, float tau );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Critically damps to a height above the ground (or water) in tau seconds.

• float height Distance above the ground
• integer water boolean, if TRUE then hover above water too.
• float tau seconds to critically damp in

Do not use with vehicles.
Use llStopHover to stop hovering.


  • Only works in physics-enabled objects.
  • Do not rely on built-in limits. In the past, the difference between the object's initial position and the hover height was limited to 64 meters. Under SL Server 1.26.2 there is no apparent limit.


<lsl> // Put in an attached prim and touch to start floating in air without flying. // Touch again to drop to the ground.

integer gHovering = FALSE; // are we supposd to be hovering now?

default {

   touch_start(integer total_number) {
       if (!llGetAttached()) {
           llWhisper(0, "Wear me to play.");
       if (gHovering) {
           llOwnerSay("Releasing you.");
       else {
           llOwnerSay("Making you float...");
           // Start hovering 5 meters over our current location.
           vector myPosition = llGetPos();
           llSetHoverHeight(myPosition.z - llGround(ZERO_VECTOR) + 5.0, FALSE, 1.0);
       gHovering = !gHovering; // flip the switch



See Also


•  llGroundRepel Same as llSetHoverHeight but does not hover all the time
•  llStopHover To stop hovering

Deep Notes


function void llSetHoverHeight( float height, integer water, float tau );