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Function: llSetCameraAtOffset( vector offset );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sets the point the camera is looking at to offset for avatars that sit on the object.

• vector offset offset relative to the object's center and expressed in local coordinates

This is the point the camera looks at, not the position of the camera's eye.
This function has been superseded by llSetCameraParams.


  • Setting this will not update the cameras of seated avatars, it will only effect avatars that subsequently sit down. In this situation it may be beneficial to use the more powerful llSetCameraParams instead.
  • The offset is locally relative to the object, if you want it relative to the seated avatar (which likely has a custom sit rotation and offset) or the region, you must do the calculation yourself.


<lsl>// Sit the avatar looking at an arbitrary direction // Look over the avatar's shoulders from behind once it sits down

back_view(float degrees) {

    rotation sitRot = llAxisAngle2Rot(<0, 0, 1>, degrees * DEG_TO_RAD);
    llSitTarget(<0, 0, 0.1>, sitRot);
    llSetCameraEyeOffset(<-2, 0, 1> * sitRot);
    llSetCameraAtOffset(<2, 0, 1> * sitRot);


default {

       back_view( 208 );
       llSay(0, "Please sit down");

See Also

Deep Notes


function void llSetCameraAtOffset( vector offset );