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Function: llSensorRepeat( string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc, float rate );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Performs a single scan for name and id with type within range meters and arc radians of forward vector and repeats every rate seconds. It does not perform the first scan until rate seconds have passed.

• string name Object or avatar name!
• key id group, avatar or object UUID
• float range range in meters, [0.0, 96.0]
• float arc the max angle between the local x-axis of the prim and detectable objects, range [0.0, PI]
• float rate How often a sensor/no_sensor will be queued.

If name, id, and/or type are empty or 0, they are ignored.
If id is an invalid key or NULL_KEY it is treated as empty.
Depending upon which AGENT* flag is used determines the format requirements for name

See: llSensor for an excellent explanation of arc.

type Flag Mask Description (llDetectedType()) Description (llSensor() and llSensorRepeat() mask)
AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME 0x1 Agents This is used to find agents by legacy name.
AGENT 0x1 Agents This is also used to find agents by legacy name, and is functionally identical to AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME
AGENT_BY_USERNAME 0x10 Reserved This is used to find agents by username.
ACTIVE 0x2 Physical tasks. (Physical objects & agents) Physical objects that are moving or objects containing an active script. Thus, it is using SL server resources now.
PASSIVE 0x4 Non-physical objects. Non-scripted or script is inactive and non-physical or, if physical, not moving. Thus, it is not using SL server resources now.
SCRIPTED 0x8 Objects containing any active script. Objects that has any script, which is doing anything in simulator just now.
DAMAGEABLE 0x20 Objects & agents that are able to process damage. Filter for objects in world that have a script with on_damage or a final_damage event (able to process damage)
llDetectedType() Scripted Not Scripted Agent Standing Agent Sitting
Float Constants Arc
PI_BY_TWO A hemisphere scan
PI A full sphere scan


  • When searching for an avatar but not by name, it doesn't matter which AGENT flag is used.
  • The repeat of the sensor event is adversely affected by time dilation (lag).
  • Sensors placed in attachments will use the direction the avatar is facing as their forward vector. In mouselook, this means that it will be wherever the avatar is looking, while out of mouselook, this means whichever way the avatar is pointing. This does not include where the avatar's head is pointing, or what animation the avatar is doing, just the direction the avatar would move in if you walked forward. This is the case, regardless of where the object is attached.
  • Only the most recent sensor event is queued. Previous sensor events are replaced.
  • llSensorRepeat can occasionally detect outside of it's specified range every few cycles when used near sim borders. llSensor in a timer does not.


<lsl>// Written by Steamy Latte. // Scans every 30 seconds for visitors within 10 meters. // Reports new visitors to object owner when she is in range.

string AllAgents; string OwnerName;

default {

       // arc=PI is a sphere, you could look more narrowly in the direction object is facing with PI/2, PI/4 etc.
       // don't repeat this too often to avoid lag.
       llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, 10.0, PI, 30.0);
   sensor(integer num_detected)
       string thisAgent = "";
       integer agentNum;
       for (agentNum=0; agentNum<num_detected; agentNum++)
           key thisKey = llDetectedKey(agentNum);
           string thisAgent = llDetectedName(agentNum);
           if (thisKey == llGetOwner())
               if (AllAgents != "")
                   llOwnerSay("We've had the following visitors:" + AllAgents);
                   AllAgents = "";
           else if (llSubStringIndex(AllAgents+"\n", "\n"+thisAgent+"\n") < 0)
               AllAgents = AllAgents + "\n" + thisAgent;


<lsl> // Written by Evans Love. // (Limited to most recent 200 names by Void Singer to prevent eventual Stack/Heap Collision) // Continuously scans for visitors within 10 meters and reports new visitors to object owner. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Channel integer RESPONSE_CHANNEL = -100;

// Variables list VISITOR_LIST; float SCAN_RANGE = 10.0; float SCAN_INTERVAL = 0.1;

// Functions report_new_agent ( ) {

   llOwnerSay ( llList2CSV ( VISITOR_LIST ) );


//Program default {

   state_entry (  )
       llSensorRepeat ( "", NULL_KEY, AGENT, SCAN_RANGE, PI, SCAN_INTERVAL );
   sensor ( integer number_detected )
       integer agent_number;
       for ( agent_number = 0; agent_number < number_detected; agent_number ++ )  // Iterates through all Agents detected.
           string this_agent_name = llDetectedName ( agent_number ); // Working Agent Name
           key this_agent_key = llDetectedKey ( agent_number ); // Working Agent Key
           integer index = llListFindList ( VISITOR_LIST, [ this_agent_name ] );
           if ( index == -1 )  // If the Agent is not on the list.
               VISITOR_LIST = [this_agent_name] + llList2List( VISITOR_LIST, 0, 198 ) + ; // Appends the Agent to the Visitor List
               llDialog ( this_agent_key, "Welcome!", "Ok", RESPONSE_CHANNEL );
               report_new_agent (  );
           else // If the Agent is already on the list.
   no_sensor (  )




Lag tip: Consider llVolumeDetect as a less resource intensive alternative to llSensorRepeat in many cases.

See Also


•  sensor Triggered when a sensor detects something
•  no_sensor Triggered when a sensor detects nothing


•  llSensor Runs a sensor once
•  llSensorRemove Stops the llSensorRepeat timer
•  llOverMyLand What happens over owners land

Deep Notes


  1. ^ The ranges in this article are written in Interval Notation.


function void llSensorRepeat( string name, key id, integer type, float range, float arc, float rate );