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Function: string llGetObjectDesc( );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a string that is the description of the prim the script is attached to


  • The prim description is limited to 127 bytes, any string longer then that will be truncated. This truncation does not always happen when the attribute is set or read.
  • Note that when people have Hover Tips on All Objects selected in the viewer's View menu, they'll see the object description pop-up for any object under their mouse pointer. For that reason, it is good practice to only set human-friendly information in the description (e.g. keys and such).


<lsl>default {

       llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, llGetObjectDesc() );

See Also


•  llSetObjectDesc Sets the prim description.
•  llGetObjectName Gets the prim name.
•  llSetObjectName Sets the prim name.
•  llGetObjectDetails


•  Limits SL limits and constrictions
•  Prim Attribute Overloading

Deep Notes


function string llGetObjectDesc();