Template:LSL Constants/Status

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Revision as of 13:55, 23 July 2011 by Incoherendt Randt (talk | contribs) (trailing quotes to workaround buggy Template:LSL Const)
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Constants Default Description
STATUS_PHYSICS 0x1 FALSE Object is physical"
STATUS_ROTATE_X 0x2 TRUE Can turn along this axis
STATUS_ROTATE_Y 0x4 TRUE Can turn along this axis
STATUS_ROTATE_Z 0x8 TRUE Can turn along this axis
STATUS_PHANTOM 0x10 FALSE Object is phantom"
STATUS_SANDBOX 0x20 FALSE Keep object within 10 meters and in the same region
Constants Default Description
STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB 0x40 FALSE Prevent click-hold drag on the root or only prim
STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE 0x80 FALSE delete and do not return object if it goes off world
STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE 0x100 FALSE return object to owner if it goes off world
STATUS_CAST_SHADOWS 0x200 TRUE not currently used
STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT 0x400 FALSE Prevent click-hold drag on all prims in the object
STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE - If the object is rezzed by a script, the default is TRUE
Constants Description
STATUS_PHYSICS 0x1 Object is physical"
STATUS_ROTATE_X 0x2 Can turn along this axis
STATUS_ROTATE_Y 0x4 Can turn along this axis
STATUS_ROTATE_Z 0x8 Can turn along this axis
STATUS_PHANTOM 0x10 Object is phantom"
STATUS_SANDBOX 0x20 Keep object within 10 meters and in the same region
Constants Description
STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB 0x40 Prevent click-hold drag on the root or only prim
STATUS_DIE_AT_EDGE 0x80 delete and do not return object if it goes off world
STATUS_RETURN_AT_EDGE 0x100 return object to owner if it goes off world
STATUS_CAST_SHADOWS 0x200 not currently used
STATUS_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT 0x400 Prevent click-hold drag on all prims in the object