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Function: llUnSit( key id );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

If the agent identified by id is sitting on the object the script is attached to or is over land owned by the object's owner, the agent is forced to stand up.

• key id avatar UUID that is in the same region


<lsl>// UnSit on Sit, Using a sit target default {

       llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, ZERO_ROTATION); // Needed for llAvatarOnSitTarget to work. The vectors components must not all be set to 0.0
   changed(integer change) // Triggered when various changes are sensed.
       if(change & CHANGED_LINK) // When an agent sits on an object they become a new link.
           key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); // Store the UUID of any agent sitting on the sit target.
           if(user) // An avatar is on the sit target.
               llUnSit(user); // Un-Sit the avatar.

}</lsl> <lsl>// UnSit on Sit, NOT using a sit target

default {

   changed(integer change) // Triggered when various changes are sensed.
       if(change & CHANGED_LINK) // When an agent sits on an object they become a new link.
           integer links = 0; // Create an integer type variable.
           if(llGetObjectPrimCount(llGetKey()) < (links = llGetNumberOfPrims())) // During the check store the number of links.
           // If the number of prims is fewer than the number of links, the last must be an avatar.
           llUnSit(llGetLinkKey(links)); // Use the key of the last link to be added (the avatar) to call llUnSit().
           llOwnerSay("Some kind of linking or unlinking has changed me but, I am not being sat on.");
           // llUnSit() triggers the changed event too (the number of links is reduced by 1).

See Also


•  changed


•  llAvatarOnSitTarget
•  llSitTarget

Deep Notes


function void llUnSit( key id );