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Revision as of 12:05, 24 September 2012 by Kireji Haiku (talk | contribs) (changed example script)
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Function: llSetObjectName( string name );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sets the prim's name according to the name parameter.

• string name

If this function is called from a child prim in a linked set, it will change the name of the child prim and not the root prim.


  • The name is limited to 63 characters. Longer prim names are cut short.
  • Names can only consist of the 95 printable characters found in the "Wikipedia logo"ASCII-7 (non-extended) character set.
    • Non-ASCII characters will be replaced with two question marks ("??").
  • While an object is attached, the script cannot change the name of the object as it appears in the user's inventory.[1]
    • Changes to the name of the root prim (with llSetObjectName for example) will not be saved to inventory; when the attachment is detached (to inventory, not dropped) this name change is discarded and the name in inventory is used instead.
    • When attachment is dropped (to the ground) and taking it into inventory, the inventory item will have the new name (not the old).
  • Changes to the names of child prims will be saved back to inventory when the object is detached to inventory. They survive detachment.


<lsl> // WARNING: // // llSetObjectName(string name); sets the name of the prim containing the script. // // to set the name of a linkset's root prim use // llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_ROOT, [PRIM_NAME, string name]); instead

default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       // store owner's legacy name in the name
       // field of the prim containing the script
       string ownerLegacyName = llKey2Name(llGetOwner());
       if (llGetSubString(ownerLegacyName, -1, -1) == "s")
           llSetObjectName(ownerLegacyName + "' prim");
           llSetObjectName(ownerLegacyName + "'s prim");



See Also


•  llGetObjectName Get the prims name
•  llGetLinkName Get a linked prims name
•  llGetObjectDesc Get the prims description
•  llSetObjectDesc Set the prims description
•  llGetObjectDetails Get a list of object details


•  Limits SL limits and constrictions

Deep Notes


  1. ^ Whether or not this is a bug is still debated, regardless LL has said they will not fix it. This behavior was first recognized as a pain point in 2006 and only confirmed to be lava-flowed more recently (2011).


function void llSetObjectName( string name );