
From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 14:56, 5 October 2012 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (Apparently I lost track of what I was doing when I was udating the documentation with SVC-7421's resolution.)
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Emblem-important-red.png Warning!

This permanently deletes your whole object (root prim and all linked prims). The deleted object WILL NOT appear in your lost-and-found folder. The deleted object WILL NOT appear in your trash folder. It will be gone, lost forever. There will be NO WAY WHATSOEVER to get it back. Use with caution!


Function: llDie( );

Deletes the object. The object does not go to the owners Inventory:Trash.

If called in any prim in the link set the result will be the deletion of the entire object.To remove a single prim from an object use llBreakLink first.


  • After this function is called there is no way to undo the deletion of the object.
  • Has no effect if called from within an attachment; there is no way to delete an attachment.


Useful Snippets

llRemoveInventory of llGetScriptName deletes just the calling script, rather than all of the object that the calling script contains. For instance, you can write a script that chats a little when dragged on to an object from inventory and then politely disappears itself, such as: <lsl> // http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/llDie default {

       llOwnerSay((string) llGetRegionTimeDilation());

} </lsl>

See Also


•  llDetachFromAvatar
•  llBreakLink


•  Attachment

Deep Notes


function void llDie();