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Function: string llJsonGetValue( string json, list specifiers );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Gets the value indicated by specifiers from the json string.
Returns a string made by parsing json, a string representing json and traversing as specified by specifiers.

• string json
• list specifiers

When the input is invalid or no result can be found this function returns JSON_INVALID. If the result is null the function returns JSON_NULL.



<lsl> j="[[1,2],[4,5,6]]"; //JSON may be written directly as a string like this in sl. string k; //this will change with each command below; k=llJsonGetValue(j,[]); //returns the whole "list" of a JSON. It might just be one entry or a whole nested list or whole nested object.


//if "j" is a single JSON_STRING, this may return what the string represents as a JSON within a string; a JSON_NUMBER , JSON_TRUE, TRUE ... k=llJsonGetValue("\"3.14\"",[]); //==k="3,14" //float that was stored in a JSON_STRING within a JSON. and not as JSON_NUMBER for no good reason k=llJsonGetValue("\"TRUE\"" ,[]); //==k=TRUE=1; k=llJsonGetValue("\"JSON_TRUE\"",[]); //==k=JSON_TRUE="�"; k= llJsonGetValue(j,[1]);//returns only the first entry. An entry can be many things, a string, a float stored as string,

                                      //a [list] or {object}, each entry being separated by a comma from other entries.
                                      //list and object entries may contain multiple comma separated entries within them.

k= llJsonGetValue(j,[2]);//returns only the second entry... (all the above still counts) k="[4,5,6]"; k=llJsonGetValue(llJsonGetValue(j,[2]),[3]);

                                      //instead of getting an entry from "j" we get a sub-entry from llJsonGetValue(j,[2]), 
                                      //assuming the sub-entry is a JSON_LIST. It returns the 3rd sub-entry of the second entry, 
                                      //that is a list with 3 entries. it would make jk="6". 
                                      //it will return JSON_INVALID if there is no 3rd entry in no 2nd sub-list.


see LlJsonValueType for LlJsonGetValue()-examples, because its better to test if the LlJsonValueType() is correct before getting its value as that type.

See Also


•  llList2Json
•  llJson2List
•  llJsonSetValue
•  llJsonValueType


•  Typecast

Deep Notes


Date of Release 20/05/2013


function string llJsonGetValue( string json, list specifiers );