Combat Log

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The Combat Log has been added as part of the Combat2 update which allows for auditing and useful usecases.

  • Combat Log messages are sent region-wide on the channel: COMBAT_CHANNEL
  • Records all damage events, damage adjustments and kills
  • System generated messages by a specific ID that scripts may filter to: COMBAT_LOG_ID
  • Scripts may write to this channel if not restricted by the region, check via: llGetEnv("restrict_combat_log")

System generated messages can be delayed up to 1 second as the sim collects messages to send them in bulk at a time.

Unless you want to intentionally listen to object generated messages it is recommended to set your listener to filter by COMBAT_LOG_ID, e.g. llListen(COMBAT_CHANNEL, "", COMBAT_LOG_ID, ""); This is because your script may end up unnecessarily receiving and processing custom messages that it was not designed to handle and ends up ignoring.

Message Format

The format of the combat log message is a JSON array ([]) containing JSON objects ([{},{},{}]). There is always an "event" property present to describe the type of the message object for parsing. The schema of the different objects are as follows:

JSON structure of a DAMAGE event
Key Value Description
"event" "DAMAGE"
"damage" JSON_NUMBER Float of final damage applied
"initial" JSON_NUMBER Float of initial damage before adjustment
"type" JSON_NUMBER DAMAGE_TYPE_* or any number defined by the scripter of the damage source
"source" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source
"target" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage target
"owner" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source owner
"rezzer" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source rezzer
"modifications" JSON_ARRAY Array of damage adjustments
JSON structure of a damage adjustment in the modifications array
Key Value Description
"events" JSON_ARRAY A json array of json objects. Each object has a "new_damage" number representing the adjusted damage and a "script" string
"task_id" JSON_STRING UUID key of the prim that adjusted the damage

JSON structure of a DEATH event
Key Value Description
"event" "DEATH"
"type" JSON_NUMBER DAMAGE_TYPE_* or any number defined by the scripter of the damage source
"source" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source
"source_pos" JSON_ARRAY Array representing the position of the damage source
"target" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage target
"target_pos" JSON_ARRAY Array representing the position of the damage target
"owner" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source owner
"rezzer" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source rezzer

Example Messages

Below is an example of a system generated combat log message, featuring a DAMAGEevent following by a DEATHevent:

		"damage": 100,
		"event": "DAMAGE",
		"initial": 100,
		"owner": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
		"rezzer": "7061ebe8-6919-49fd-8d9e-06983ada3108",
		"source": "4daf361b-5912-e8f6-455c-ea9cdf0f0422",
		"target": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
		"type": 102
		"event": "DEATH",
		"owner": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
		"rezzer": "7061ebe8-6919-49fd-8d9e-06983ada3108",
		"source": "4daf361b-5912-e8f6-455c-ea9cdf0f0422",
		"source_pos": [
		"target": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
		"target_pos": [
		"type": 102

A DAMAGEevent which features a damage adjustment:

	"damage": 15.000000953674316,
	"event": "DAMAGE",
	"initial": 25,
	"modifications": [
			"events": [
					"new_damage": 15.000000953674316,
					"script": "Damage Adjustment Testing"
			"task_id": "9d980b7e-9c74-a790-001c-bb852f95c16e"
	"owner": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
	"rezzer": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
	"source": "daf3a6cb-8a56-afa9-5ebf-2156272dde16",
	"target": "75078730-ebc8-4a80-adb9-1cfd2d95b5ca",
	"type": 102

Parsing Messages

You can use JSON functions to help parse the messages:

// Script example with a listener and showing how to filter for death events

        llListen(COMBAT_CHANNEL, "", COMBAT_LOG_ID, "");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key identifier, string message)
        list payloads = llJson2List(message);
        integer index = 0;
        integer count = llGetListLength(payloads);
        for(; index < count; ++index)
            string payload = llList2String(payloads, count);
            string eventName = llJsonGetValue(payload, ["event"]);
            if(eventName == "DEATH") // Set here which type of event we want to filter for
                // We can now parse the event message
                // For example if we want to extract the damage type and source:
                integer type = (integer)llJsonGetValue(payload, ["type"]);
                key source = llJsonGetValue(payload, ["source"]);

Lookahead optimisations

Parsing JSON is fast but not as quick as simply trying to find a substring, so instead it's possible to do a performance optimisation by looking ahead using substring matching before actually committing to fully parsing out the message via the JSON functions.

This depends on what you are specifically looking to accomplish. If you wish to only parse messages containing DEATH events, we can simply try to find that exact string is present. Here is how we add a lookahead check at the beginning of the listener event:

    listen(integer channel, string name, key identifier, string message)
        if(llSubStringIndex(message, "\"DEATH\"") == -1) return; // Stop processing if there is no "DEATH" string in the message
        list payloads = llJson2List(message);
        integer index = 0;
        integer count = llGetListLength(payloads);

However if you are actually looking to filter by death events of a specific agent such as the owner for example, you can instead filter by the UUID in the message. There are likely to be less combat log messages related to a single agent than filtering by all death events, and you can also combine it with the above check to further refine it like so:

    listen(integer channel, string name, key identifier, string message)
        if(llSubStringIndex(message, "\"" + (string)llGetOwner() + "\"") == -1) return; // Stop if the owner's UUID key is not present anywhere
        if(llSubStringIndex(message, "\"DEATH\"") == -1) return; // Stop if there is no "DEATH" event
        list payloads = llJson2List(message);
        integer index = 0;
        integer count = llGetListLength(payloads);

For example we could now efficiently try to check for any DEATH events that the owner was responsible for within the for loop.

Writing to Combat Log

If a region allows writing to combat logs it's recommended to pass messages in the same format as a JSON array of objects.

string exampleEventObject = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
    "event", "MY_CUSTOM_EVENT"
list payloads = [exampleEventObject];
string message = llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, payloads);
llRegionSay(COMBAT_CHANNEL, message);

If your messages are more auxiliary/extra it might be better to send them on COMBAT_CHANNEL - 1 as there is no easy way to filter types of messages without parsing each (or otherwise only listening to system-generated messages) if you wish to make sure all scripts that listen on the combat log are responsive and not parsing unnecessary messages.

A useful message to send into the combat log could be an OBJECT_DEATH message. DAMAGEABLE objects don't generate system messages when their health is reduced to 0 as the health is entirely managed and responsibility of the script with the damage processing events.

The OBJECT_DEATHmessage should look the same as a DEATHmessage:

JSON structure of a OBJECT_DEATH event
Key Value Description
"event" "OBJECT_DEATH" Object-generated message written into the COMBAT_CHANNEL declaring that the object had died
"type" JSON_NUMBER DAMAGE_TYPE_* or any number defined by the scripter of the damage source
"source" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source
"source_pos" JSON_ARRAY Array representing the position of the damage source
"target" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage target
"target_pos" JSON_ARRAY Array representing the position of the damage target
"owner" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source owner
"rezzer" JSON_STRING UUID key of damage source rezzer

Generating and sending the message taken from an example object-based health script:

// deadlyDamage is the number of the damage that caused the object to die in final_damage when health <= 0
// Generate synthetic object death event as per
vector sourcePos = llDetectedPos(deadlyDamage);
vector targetPos = llGetPos();
llRegionSay(COMBAT_CHANNEL, llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [
    llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
        "event", "OBJECT_DEATH",
        "owner", llDetectedOwner(deadlyDamage),
        "rezzer", llDetectedRezzer(deadlyDamage),
        "source", llDetectedKey(deadlyDamage),
        "source_pos", llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [sourcePos.x, sourcePos.y, sourcePos.z]),
        "target", llGetKey(),
        "target_pos", llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [targetPos.x, targetPos.y, targetPos.z]),
        "type", llList2Integer(llDetectedDamage(deadlyDamage), 1)