User:Nexii Malthus/Object-based health
This is pretty much as simple as it gets. No damage adjustment, just processing final damage. We initialise with a set amount of health which other scripts can read via llGetHealth. The presence of the final_damage event marks this as a DAMAGEABLE object for sensors and collisions.
For object-based health the script needs to manually manage it's own health, applying the final damage to the health amount and setting the objects health. If the health reaches 0 or below during the damage processing, it should be considered dead and stop further processing.
Because objects don't generate death events, whether the on_death or the system generated combat log messages, we have to handle that aspect ourselves. A community proposals is to send a synthetic OBJECT_DEATH event into the combat channel.
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [
PRIM_TEXT, "300/300", <0,1,0>, 1
final_damage(integer count)
float health = llGetHealth(llGetKey());
integer deadlyDamage = -1;
integer index;
for(index = 0; index < count; ++index)
list damage = llDetectedDamage(index);
float amount = llList2Float(damage, 0);
health -= amount;
// Check which damage dealt a deadly blow and break the loop
if(health <= 0)
health = 0;
deadlyDamage = index;
index = count;
// Prevent overhealing
else if(health > 300.0) health = 300.0;
// Update the scripted health and set a useful hovertext
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [
PRIM_HEALTH, health,
PRIM_TEXT, (string)llRound(health) + "/300", <0,1,0>, 1
if(health == 0)
// Generate synthetic object death event as per
vector sourcePos = llDetectedPos(deadlyDamage);
vector targetPos = llGetPos();
llRegionSay(COMBAT_CHANNEL, llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [
llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, [
"event", "OBJECT_DEATH",
"owner", llDetectedOwner(deadlyDamage),
"rezzer", llDetectedRezzer(deadlyDamage),
"source", llDetectedKey(deadlyDamage),
"source_pos", llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [sourcePos.x, sourcePos.y, sourcePos.z]),
"target", llGetKey(),
"target_pos", llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [targetPos.x, targetPos.y, targetPos.z]),
"type", llList2Integer(llDetectedDamage(deadlyDamage), 1)
state dead;
state dead
// We are dead, jim
llSetText("dead", <1,0,0>, 1);