State entry

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Revision as of 10:36, 23 February 2007 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs)
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Event: state_entry( ){ ; }

Triggered on any state transition and startup



  1. Script save or adding to object
  2. State change
    • A state_exit is triggered in the old state and the state_entry is triggered in the new state. All other events in the queue are lost as result of the state change.
  3. On script reset, either by client or llResetScript/llResetOtherScript
  4. When rezzing a script that does not have a saved status.
    • If it was a copy taken from inworld
    • If the event had not been triggered due to no-script land.

Not Triggered

  1. When the object is rezzed (with saved script status)
    • Use on_rez event in this situation


See Also


•  on_rez Triggered when the object is rezzed
•  state_exit Triggered when the state is exited at state change


•  llResetScript Resets the script
•  llResetOtherScript Resets another script in the prim
•  llGetStartParameter The on_rez parameter (or llRemoteLoadScriptPin parameter)

Deep Notes


event void state_entry(  );