Camera and Picking Test

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Revision as of 19:27, 16 October 2007 by Gigs Taggart (talk | contribs)
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Prerequisite tests:

Testing Basic Picking:

  • Enter build mode (B key)
  • Click in world to create a cube prim
  • Verify that a particle beam extends from your hand to near the center of the new prim
  • Navigate to content tab in tool floater
  • Click "New Script"
  • Close the tool floater
  • Verify that build mode is no longer active.
  • Click the prim in several places
  • Verify that each click elicits an "Object: Touched" response in chat.

Testing Camera Constraints:

Constraint Test 1:

  • Enable the mini-map with ctrl-shift-M, if it is not enabled already.
  • Identify the triangular viewer field of view (FOV) on the mini map.
  • Hold the alt key
  • Click on the back of your avatar's head using the left mouse button, and hold it down.
  • Verify that the camera shifts slightly to focus on the point clicked on.
  • Move mouse down to zoom out until the camera stops zooming.
  • Verify that the green dot representing your avatar remains within the minimap FOV triangle.
  • Press Escape to return camera to default mode.

Constraint Test 2:

  • Hold the alt-key
  • Click on the back of your avatar's head using the left mouse button, and hold it down.
  • Move mouse up to zoom in until camera no longer moves.
  • Verify that camera is not deep inside avatar.

Constraint Test 3:

  • Hold the alt-key
  • Click on the prim created earlier.
  • Verify that the camera shifts slightly to focus on the point clicked on.
  • Move mouse straight up to zoom in until camera no longer moves.
  • Verify that minimap FOV has narrowed.
  • Verify that the camera does not penetrate the prim.
  • Move mouse up an additional amount
  • Verify that the camera does not penetrate the prim

Testing advanced constraints and select picking:

  • Right-click on the prim.
  • Verify that pie menu appears where you clicked.
  • Verify that a particle beam extends from your hand to where you clicked on the new prim
  • Select "Edit..."
  • Select the Object tab, in the tools floater.
  • Locate "Size (meters)" and enter 10.0 for X, Y, and Z
  • Locate "Hollow" and enter 95.0 for Hollow
  • Locate "Path Cut" and enter 0.280 for "B"
  • Hold Ctrl key
  • Click and hold blue rotation ring and drag until open side of prim is facing your avatar.
  • Press B to exit build mode

Advanced Constraint 1:

  • Hold down Alt key
  • Left click and hold on inner back surface of hollow prim
  • Move mouse up and verify that the camera moves toward the back surface
  • Verify that the FOV triangle does not decrease until the camera is near the back surface.
  • Press escape to reset camera

Advanced Constraint 2:

  • Hold down alt key
  • Left click and hold on inner back surface of hollow prim
  • Move mouse up until camera is near the center of the hollow prim.
  • Move mouse left to orbit the selection point.
  • Verify that the camera traces a circular orbit around the selection focus, without being constrained.

Small prims:

  • Delete the large hollow prim by right clicking on it and selecting More->Delete.
  • Enter build mode (B)
  • Create a cube prim by clicking on the ground.
  • Select the Object tab of the tools floater
  • Enter 0.010 for X,Y, and Z of "Size (meters)"
  • Verify that a particle beam extends from your hand to the prim's location.
  • Hold down alt key
  • Left Click and hold on small prim
  • Move mouse up to zoom in on small prim
  • Verify that FOV shrinks as the camera gets close to the prim.
  • Move mouse left and right to orbit prim
  • Verify that camera orbits prim properly
  • Right click prim and select "More->Delete"
  • Verify that FOV expands to normal when prim disappears.