SL Volunteer Island/Freebie Store Committee/2008 07 09 Transcript

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Revision as of 22:09, 9 July 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (summary and transcript of todays meeting)
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A short summary about the decisions and topics of this meeting:

  1. Freebie donators will place their freebie in the showcase and in the regular category, so the showcase can be cleared without the need to worry about moveing the contribution.[1]
  2. The freebie store (fleebie market) should be set up asap as a work in progress.[2]
  3. The showcase will be in the center of the market, beeing surrounded by the different categories.[3]
  4. The market area should be completly reazzable with a draw distance of 96 meter.[4]
  5. To reduce overlap between possible contributions and SLVEC items, the SLVEC large shops will be removed and more personal kiosks will be added instead.[5]
  6. An additional category with household items for the freebie store.[6]
  7. The center showcase area should be communitylike (campfire / fountain / ...).[7]
  8. There is no deadline for building but the sooner the better.[8]


  • [14:00 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: who is wearing lindens
  • [14:00 SLT] Amber Linden: is that an amber linden FISH?
  • [14:00 SLT] Amber Linden: LOL
  • [14:00 SLT] Zai Lynch: and emilie on my head will catch em all ^_^
  • [14:00 SLT] Saxet Uralia: me
  • [14:00 SLT] Saxet Uralia: yes
  • [14:00 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I want a linden coat
  • [14:00 SLT] Amber Linden: I gotta have one of those...LOL
  • [14:00 SLT] Usil Bailey: I want autographs :XD
  • [14:00 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: bye Rusty
  • [14:00 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: rails is not here
  • [14:00 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i want a way to shut off IMs
  • [14:01 SLT] Amber Linden: First I'd like to say a huge thanks to Zai for that awesome wiki page!
  • [14:01 SLT] Saxet Uralia: there you go amber
  • [14:01 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I will catch anothe rone
  • [14:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: aaww *blush* ty ^^
  • [14:01 SLT] Amber Linden: ohh...thanks!
  • [14:01 SLT] Usil Bailey: WOOot Zai
  • [14:01 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: Zai is awesome
  • [14:01 SLT] Lexie Linden: Yay Zai!
  • [14:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: (^_^)
  • [14:01 SLT] Amber Linden: yes
  • [14:02 SLT] Amber Linden: it was a big help to me for playing catch up!
  • [14:02 SLT] Amber Linden: ok, someone showed me a prototype for the building
  • [14:02 SLT] Amber Linden: has everyone seen that?
  • [14:02 SLT] George Linden: Yesss
  • [14:03 SLT] Amber Linden: should we wait for Rails?
  • [14:03 SLT] George Linden: Gasp, me alone? Heh
  • [14:03 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: no
  • [14:03 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: is that Sax's build?
  • [14:03 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: he may have insomnia again
  • [14:03 SLT] Usil Bailey: Nope R/L work has been all over me
  • [14:03 SLT] Amber Linden: ahh... ok
  • [14:03 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I did one
  • [14:03 SLT] Saxet Uralia: want me to rez it
  • [14:03 SLT] Amber Linden: who has the build? I'm embarassed to say I don't remember who showed it to me
  • [14:03 SLT] Saxet Uralia: just a mockup
  • [14:03 SLT] Amber Linden: yes! please!
  • [14:04 SLT] Saxet Uralia: ok, let me find it...hehe
  • [14:04 SLT] Amber Linden: how many of you have seen Stillman's bazaar in the past ...umm...year?
  • [14:04 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i believe i have
  • [14:05 SLT] Usil Bailey: Wow that Build is perfect
  • [14:05 SLT] Saxet Uralia: fairly simple
  • [14:05 SLT] Amber Linden: this reminded me alot of stilmans
  • [14:05 SLT] Saxet Uralia: needs signage
  • [14:05 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i like it
  • [14:05 SLT] Lexie Linden: Its good!
  • [14:05 SLT] Saxet Uralia: 21 prims
  • [14:05 SLT] Saxet Uralia: can be less but looses some of the feel
  • [14:05 SLT] Amber Linden: woot Mia's here!
  • [14:05 SLT] Mia Linden: sorry i am late
  • [14:05 SLT] Lexie Linden: Hi Mia : )
  • [14:06 SLT] Usil Bailey: Mia is in the House !!!
  • [14:06 SLT] Mia Linden: lol
  • [14:06 SLT] Amber Linden: np Mia...knew you had another meeting
  • [14:06 SLT] Asriazh Frye: hi mia ^^
  • [14:06 SLT] Mia Linden: so good to see u all
  • [14:06 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: hi Mia
  • [14:06 SLT] Zai Lynch: heyas ^^
  • [14:06 SLT] George Linden: X)
  • [14:06 SLT] Amber Linden: ok.. I know you were talking about seperate parcels... one of course the showcase area
  • [14:07 SLT] Amber Linden: then a different parcel for each catagory?
  • [14:07 SLT] Amber Linden: correct me if I'm wrong!
  • [14:07 SLT] Zai Lynch: i'm not sure if one parcel per category is needed. the parcelling was just to make cleaning in the showcase easier i think(?)
  • [14:08 SLT] Zai Lynch looks at george ^_^
  • [14:08 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i'm still not clear why that is necessary
  • [14:08 SLT] George Linden: X)
  • [14:08 SLT] George Linden: The parcelling?
  • [14:08 SLT] Amber Linden: yeah... that's what I thought too...
  • [14:08 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: it seems that we would want to move the showcase items, not just clear them
  • [14:08 SLT] Amber Linden: well, part of the parceling idea was prim counts too I think Jezzie
  • [14:08 SLT] George Linden: There'd just be one separate parcel for the showcase area as far as I knew, though more could be made for the other sections if it'd make organization easier
  • [14:09 SLT] Amber Linden: I could have misread... so don't be shy about correcting
  • [14:09 SLT] George Linden: YEah, it's been a few weeks, I could be fuzzy X)
  • [14:09 SLT] Saxet Uralia: my memory was that one area would be permanent and one area would be cleared
  • [14:09 SLT] Lexie Linden: Right, thats what I recall Saxet
  • [14:10 SLT] Usil Bailey: Four basic area's ,,,,by category ,,,
  • [14:10 SLT] Usil Bailey: me thinks
  • [14:10 SLT] Amber Linden: George maybe you could expand on your idea a will the items get from the showcase to the category areas?
  • [14:11 SLT] George Linden: Volunteers would move them manually X) basically,
  • [14:11 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I need the weblink to the wiki, I am on another computer
  • [14:11 SLT] George Linden: At the end of hte month, the showcase area would get cleared.
  • [14:11 SLT] George Linden: So it'd be the responsibility of the owner to move their objects (with our advanced notice) to the outside areas
  • [14:11 SLT] Zai Lynch: there it is =)
  • [14:11 SLT] Amber Linden: (we have 6 categories suggested at the moment)
  • [14:12 SLT] Saxet Uralia: ty
  • [14:12 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: you know, if the showcase items are also put in the main areas at the same time, then we don't have to worry about the owners moving them when we clear the showcase
  • [14:12 SLT] George Linden: So we make an announcement say on the 1st: Set your new objects out at showcase. On the 7th: Hey Mentors, come check out the awesome showcase area. 20th: 10 days to go for showcase, move your objects out! then on the 30th, they get wiped from showcase.
  • [14:12 SLT] George Linden: Yeah that's fine Jezzie
  • [14:12 SLT] George Linden: The showcase is just meant to be a place to highlight new objects
  • [14:12 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah sounds like a neat idea!
  • [14:13 SLT] Amber Linden: yess...I love that idea too
  • [14:13 SLT] Saxet Uralia: i like it too
  • [14:13 SLT] Amber Linden: how big an area did you have in mind for the showcase George?
  • [14:14 SLT] George Linden: Hmm I haven't given it a lot of consideration-
  • [14:14 SLT] George Linden: Depends on the layout of the rest of the buildings
  • [14:14 SLT] Usil Bailey: Thats where everbody will want to hangout
  • [14:14 SLT] Amber Linden: I'm all for setting this up asap... make it a work in progress
  • [14:15 SLT] Usil Bailey: If you build it they will come :)
  • [14:15 SLT] Lexie Linden: lol
  • [14:15 SLT] Amber Linden: lol
  • [14:15 SLT] George Linden: Could always set out the 6 stations now as a preliminary layout,
  • [14:15 SLT] Lexie Linden: right
  • [14:15 SLT] George Linden: With a central space set aside
  • [14:15 SLT] Usil Bailey: cool
  • [14:15 SLT] George Linden: Could be quick n easy X)
  • [14:15 SLT] Amber Linden: I did like the suggestion of an OI area... the NEW resident stuff
  • [14:15 SLT] Lexie Linden: sounds like a plan
  • [14:15 SLT] Usil Bailey: The Six will surround the showcase ???
  • [14:16 SLT] Usil Bailey: Like this table and chair set up ???
  • [14:16 SLT] Amber Linden: the brand new residents vs the new, but older residents
  • [14:16 SLT] George Linden: Showcase area should be highlighted/centralized in some way, so that when we start shouting out \"come check it out!\" Mentors don't arrive and go, \"So now I have to find it among the other buildings?\" Something easy to visit at leisure
  • [14:16 SLT] Amber Linden: actually thats a good idea Usil
  • [14:16 SLT] George Linden: I like Amber's idea *listening*
  • [14:16 SLT] Lexie Linden: I like Usils idea
  • [14:16 SLT] Usil Bailey: keep it simple like HIP people go to the center
  • [14:17 SLT] George Linden: Sure.. one thing that may help,
  • [14:17 SLT] Amber Linden: You all talked a bit about the OI needs... because of it being a no rez area
  • [14:17 SLT] George Linden: Is to lay out flat prims where the stations and the showcase area could go
  • [14:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: it should be near the demo area
  • [14:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: so people can unbox
  • [14:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we spend a lot of time trying to help people UNBOX
  • [14:17 SLT] Usil Bailey: Mmm
  • [14:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: maybe a sign
  • [14:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: an unbox area
  • [14:17 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: something
  • [14:18 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: no I believe that Rails was talking about the way it was boxed
  • [14:18 SLT] George Linden: (Putting the showcase closer to the sidewalk pathways would make it the first you'd see if you were entering from that area.. that's my take)
  • [14:18 SLT] Usil Bailey: and a big how to unbox,,thru copy to inventory etc,,,,
  • [14:18 SLT] Amber Linden: well, stuff for the OI's shouldn't be boxed at all
  • [14:18 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: for mentors it can be, but it should give a folder
  • [14:18 SLT] Zai Lynch: i think that was exactly his point amber
  • [14:18 SLT] Amber Linden: it should be things plainly marked...easily found in inventory
  • [14:19 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: Right
  • [14:19 SLT] Usil Bailey: True George But if the showcase is the central area they will go to it naturally i think
  • [14:19 SLT] Amber Linden: ahh..sorry, kept seeing the word
  • [14:19 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: that was why it was for OI
  • [14:19 SLT] George Linden: Sure Usil X) I'm flexible, just my .02 -- I don't have a creative eye (my old office hour space, anyone? >.>)
  • [14:19 SLT] Usil Bailey: lol
  • [14:19 SLT] Lexie Linden: I agree Usil..if shocase is central people will keep seeing as they go section to section
  • [14:20 SLT] Lexie Linden: showcase*
  • [14:20 SLT] Amber Linden: I like the center showcase idea
  • [14:20 SLT] Zai Lynch: and i'm kinda worried that the large shops might remain unused in case we put all the stuff here. so we got an \"orientation shop\" a \"scripting\" shop a \"tools\" shop which could hold many of the things which might come here too in case we take the same categories as they are currently listet in the wiki
  • [14:20 SLT] Usil Bailey: Note can we keep the whole area under say 96 meters fron the center so new people can rezz it all at once,,,for a grander effect ???
  • [14:21 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its all a process
  • [14:21 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we will learn as we go as to what works
  • [14:21 SLT] Amber Linden: new ppl = new mentors?
  • [14:21 SLT] Amber Linden: yes, exactly Doc
  • [14:21 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: yes, only mentors can come here
  • [14:21 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: well include them too LOL
  • [14:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: the great part of what we are doing is we can make changes
  • [14:22 SLT] Amber Linden: I know Jezzie...just wanted to be sure which NEW you were referring to :)
  • [14:22 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: it doesn't have to be perfect 1st day
  • [14:22 SLT] Usil Bailey: yes I run accros many with less than optimum pc's that cannot draw out to 256 meters or so
  • [14:22 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: we often get confused on that one
  • [14:23 SLT] Amber Linden: ok... so we've centered the showcase..
  • [14:23 SLT] Amber Linden: added a category... OI
  • [14:24 SLT] Amber Linden: Zai..I liked your idea of just having a link to the scripting library
  • [14:24 SLT] Amber Linden: rather then a scripting section
  • [14:24 SLT] Amber Linden: unless that becomes cumbersome
  • [14:24 SLT] Amber Linden: awkard for folks
  • [14:25 SLT] Usil Bailey: I can see the reason to keep the scripting area separate
  • [14:25 SLT] Amber Linden: (can't spell this
  • [14:25 SLT] Zai Lynch: this on the one hand and maybe showcaselike scripts in the scripting shop
  • [14:25 SLT] Amber Linden: but do we need an area?
  • [14:25 SLT] Usil Bailey: Hmmm
  • [14:25 SLT] Amber Linden: I will bow to your judgement if you think we do :)
  • [14:25 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: we have alot of scripting mentors, who might contribute
  • [14:26 SLT] Zai Lynch: i don't think we do... we got the shop already
  • [14:26 SLT] Amber Linden: :))
  • [14:26 SLT] Amber Linden: maybe a small area for Mentors tools? like Lum's... maybe a translator?
  • [14:26 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: rails has a texture library in a vendor on his property
  • [14:26 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: all freebie textures you vend thru them
  • [14:26 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its very nice
  • [14:27 SLT] Usil Bailey: cool
  • [14:27 SLT] Amber Linden: we could maybe set up a tp to his shop?
  • [14:27 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: sure
  • [14:27 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: we have some tools on SLVEC
  • [14:27 SLT] Saxet Uralia: have mine on the roof of my
  • [14:27 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: are we duplicating
  • [14:27 SLT] Amber Linden: or a lm giver
  • [14:28 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: well then we could have a giver for any freebie places for all mentors, they just have to ask to be included
  • [14:28 SLT] Amber Linden: I don't see a problem if we duplicate mentors tools doc...
  • [14:28 SLT] Usil Bailey: I would put everone thru a Tp ,,,LM's get lost in my inventory,,,
  • [14:28 SLT] Amber Linden: I don't want to get into LMs for freebie places
  • [14:28 SLT] Usil Bailey: right
  • [14:29 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i am just saying ones that are from mentors
  • [14:29 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: Rails has one, Sax has one, many mentors do
  • [14:30 SLT] Amber Linden: I don't want the landscape dotted with tp devices
  • [14:30 SLT] Amber Linden: if we do one...all will want it... so I retract my liking that
  • [14:30 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: of course not, one notecard giver with a notecard that has the landmarks
  • [14:30 SLT] George Linden: XD
  • [14:30 SLT] Usil Bailey: How about a map they can look at ???
  • [14:30 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I am sure Rails' is way better
  • [14:30 SLT] George Linden: brainstorming mode will have us checkin' out all the dynamics
  • [14:30 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I agree, we don't need a tp to every one of them
  • [14:31 SLT] George Linden: for sake of squandering the overlap between here and SLVEC,
  • [14:31 SLT] George Linden: what's been successful at SLVEC have been the personal kiosks Mentors have signed up/applied for
  • [14:31 SLT] George Linden: Whereas the communal shops (for tools, etc.)... not so much.
  • [14:31 SLT] Lexie Linden: pretty slim content
  • [14:31 SLT] George Linden: We could really remove those and make more room for personal kiosks and just have this space be the communal area for freebies
  • [14:32 SLT] Amber Linden: agrees
  • [14:32 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i agree
  • [14:32 SLT] Usil Bailey: agrees
  • [14:32 SLT] Amber Linden: the agrees have it?
  • [14:32 SLT] Usil Bailey: :XD
  • [14:32 SLT] Amber Linden: lol
  • [14:32 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: sure
  • [14:32 SLT] Saxet Uralia: sure
  • [14:33 SLT] Amber Linden: then we'll work on that ...
  • [14:33 SLT] Usil Bailey hopes someone is taking notes ,,,
  • [14:33 SLT] Amber Linden: we'll have the transcript...
  • [14:33 SLT] Amber Linden: and why I love text
  • [14:33 SLT] Usil Bailey: :)
  • [14:33 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: lol
  • [14:33 SLT] Zai Lynch: yes, will post a transcript again in case everyone is fine. just beeing phoning atm sorry ^^
  • [14:33 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: phoning LOL
  • [14:34 SLT] Amber Linden: George you were talking about laying out flat prims....
  • [14:34 SLT] George Linden: Sure, if you want to make a 3d model blueprint of where things go, that's an easy way to visualize
  • [14:34 SLT] Amber Linden: I think that would be super!
  • [14:34 SLT] George Linden: It's how we started out with SLVEC anyway, dropping prims where we wanted things to go (kind of like the 'freebie' block somewhere around here x) )
  • [14:34 SLT] Amber Linden: will make layout much easier
  • [14:35 SLT] Usil Bailey: cool
  • [14:35 SLT] Amber Linden: yes!
  • [14:35 SLT] Amber Linden: btw...I also LOVE the name you guys came up with!
  • [14:35 SLT] Amber Linden: Fleebie Market!
  • [14:35 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: hehe
  • [14:36 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: we loved that
  • [14:36 SLT] George Linden: wewt
  • [14:36 SLT] Mia Linden: lol i love it too
  • [14:36 SLT] Lexie Linden: : ))
  • [14:36 SLT] Usil Bailey: lol
  • [14:36 SLT] Saxet Uralia cute
  • [14:36 SLT] Mia Linden: Fleebie Fever
  • [14:36 SLT] Asriazh Frye: some japanese people wont be able to get it though ^^;;
  • [14:36 SLT] Amber Linden: lol
  • [14:36 SLT] Amber Linden: well... some English speaking people won't
  • [14:36 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: haha
  • [14:36 SLT] Usil Bailey: Bet Lum could translate it
  • [14:36 SLT] Asriazh Frye: ^^;
  • [14:36 SLT] Amber Linden: but we will know!
  • [14:37 SLT] Usil Bailey: yep
  • [14:37 SLT] Amber Linden: I did have one possible addition for a category... for slightly older residents
  • [14:37 SLT] Usil Bailey: Flea Market in europe is called \"Open market\" i think
  • [14:37 SLT] Amber Linden: and that's household items...
  • [14:38 SLT] Amber Linden: I won't be offended if you throw that idea out
  • [14:38 SLT] Asriazh Frye: dishwahers?
  • [14:38 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i think we should have it
  • [14:38 SLT] Amber Linden: I remember when I was new...and first rented a place
  • [14:38 SLT] Lexie Linden: toasters?
  • [14:38 SLT] Lexie Linden: lol
  • [14:38 SLT] Mia Linden: lol
  • [14:38 SLT] Usil Bailey: bathrooms lol
  • [14:38 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I agree, think it will be useful
  • [14:38 SLT] Amber Linden: I only had the default stuff in the library
  • [14:38 SLT] Mia Linden: don't forget the iron
  • [14:38 SLT] Asriazh Frye: toasters are great! they can make panda toasts!
  • [14:38 SLT] Lexie Linden: lol
  • [14:38 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: alot of people rent or even buy places and cannot afford to fill them
  • [14:38 SLT] Saxet Uralia: have a toilet that sucks you in it
  • [14:38 SLT] Amber Linden: lol... low prim!
  • [14:38 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I tried to rent once
  • [14:38 SLT] Usil Bailey: I saw a lawnmower in here someplace,,,gotta have one
  • [14:39 SLT] Mia Linden: i have one of those
  • [14:39 SLT] Mia Linden: lol
  • [14:39 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: also comming up with nice low prim items would be good
  • [14:39 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: my house was a mess
  • [14:39 SLT] Lexie Linden: agreed Jezzie
  • [14:39 SLT] Saxet Uralia: nothing madder than an avatar with a wet fanny
  • [14:39 SLT] Amber Linden: I think I did it twice Doc...rented
  • [14:39 SLT] George Linden: Yeah.. was just talking about at office hour today (Doc will recall!) the idea of helping new residents settle in, finding a community, or in other words, finding a place to call 'home'
  • [14:39 SLT] Mia Linden: i did double walls on my first home
  • [14:39 SLT] George Linden: Homey stuff would be awesome
  • [14:39 SLT] Mia Linden: i didn't know u could texture each side of a prim
  • [14:39 SLT] George Linden: If for no other reason, because it got me to say \"homey\"
  • [14:39 SLT] Lexie Linden: lol
  • [14:39 SLT] Amber Linden: home means so much to a OR old
  • [14:39 SLT] Mia Linden: yeah for homey
  • [14:40 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: well, i know most of my first builds were all very low prim, because that was the land i had
  • [14:40 SLT] Lexie Linden: ok so add the homey shop
  • [14:40 SLT] Lexie Linden: : ))
  • [14:40 SLT] Usil Bailey: George ,, Like NCI,,if they join the group they can set home location to Kuula
  • [14:40 SLT] Amber Linden: and that's what the infohubs have become for many... their home
  • [14:40 SLT] Amber Linden: ok.. George is going to help lay out flat prims... then we can put the build down and see how it looks
  • [14:41 SLT] Amber Linden: Saxet can tweak it if she likes :)
  • [14:41 SLT] Usil Bailey: cool brb phone,,,work,,,uggg
  • [14:41 SLT] Saxet Uralia: can add signs for the categories
  • [14:41 SLT] Saxet Uralia: Jezzie and rails had full mod copies
  • [14:41 SLT] Asriazh Frye: btw, yay for shadowdraft and booh for my videocard being too old to render shadows :/ but the shaders i can see still look very pretty ^_^
  • [14:42 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: yep, remind me what it's called again
  • [14:42 SLT] Saxet Uralia: and anyone else want one can have one
  • [14:42 SLT] Saxet Uralia: Open Air Market
  • [14:42 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: yes i have it
  • [14:42 SLT] Saxet Uralia: it does need signage I think
  • [14:43 SLT] Amber Linden: does soemone want to draw straws for making signs?
  • [14:43 SLT] Saxet Uralia: and will be glad to do or if someone wants to
  • [14:43 SLT] MiaEmlyn Mayflower: hi evrybody
  • [14:44 SLT] Saxet Uralia: hello MiaEmlyn
  • [14:44 SLT] Mia Linden: hello MiaEmlyn
  • [14:44 SLT] Asriazh Frye: hello ^_^
  • [14:44 SLT] Amber Linden: not a lot needed... feel free Saxet...
  • [14:44 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: hi
  • [14:44 SLT] Amber Linden: George will lay out for us... and you will set up the building for tweaking?
  • [14:44 SLT] Saxet Uralia: Ok, anything other than one saying \"Showcase\" and those with the categories?
  • [14:45 SLT] Amber Linden: Fleebie Market!
  • [14:45 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: yep
  • [14:45 SLT] Amber Linden: lol
  • [14:45 SLT] Saxet Uralia: ok
  • [14:45 SLT] Saxet Uralia: will do
  • [14:45 SLT] Usil Bailey: \"The volunteers Fleebie Market\"
  • [14:45 SLT] Amber Linden: we can just file household items for thought if you want
  • [14:45 SLT] Usil Bailey: say who we are !!!
  • [14:45 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: no i like house items
  • [14:45 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: and houses
  • [14:45 SLT] Amber Linden: ok.. one moment...
  • [14:46 SLT] Amber Linden: I read back...
  • [14:46 SLT] Amber Linden: George is the wrong person for lay out...he just suggested a good way
  • [14:46 SLT] Amber Linden: sooo... who will volunteer to put out flat prims for us?
  • [14:47 SLT] Mia Linden: we need a mentor mapper
  • [14:47 SLT] George Linden: XD if no one wants to I'll jump in; figured given all your efforts you might want a handle on the layout :)
  • [14:47 SLT] Mia Linden: anyone up for this
  • [14:47 SLT] Usil Bailey: tell me where and when
  • [14:47 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: well how many shops
  • [14:47 SLT] Usil Bailey: six
  • [14:47 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: ok
  • [14:47 SLT] Usil Bailey: plus showcase
  • [14:47 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i can do it
  • [14:48 SLT] Lexie Linden: great!
  • [14:48 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i could just throw the shops out?
  • [14:48 SLT] Usil Bailey: likes that idea ,,will give us a feel for size
  • [14:48 SLT] Lexie Linden: Its up to you guys..what ever you think will work best in arranging it
  • [14:49 SLT] Amber Linden: :))
  • [14:49 SLT] Usil Bailey: Keep going Jezzie
  • [14:49 SLT] Saxet Uralia: my original thought was change the textures on the fabric prims to make it more visually appealing
  • [14:49 SLT] Saxet Uralia: good idea?
  • [14:49 SLT] Amber Linden: (brain storming is good )
  • [14:50 SLT] Usil Bailey loves hangin with smart peoples,,,hopes it rubbs off :)
  • [14:50 SLT] Amber Linden: I like that Saxet
  • [14:50 SLT] Lexie Linden: Sounds interesting Saxet
  • [14:50 SLT] Mia Linden: i agree Usil grins I keep hoping that my company kept will make me better for it too
  • [14:50 SLT] Usil Bailey: lol
  • [14:51 SLT] Amber Linden: Stillman's is very clean looking... might give that a look, see what you think
  • [14:51 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: that is six
  • [14:51 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: but i think that we could move one
  • [14:51 SLT] Usil Bailey: Im gonna walk it off for distance and set my viewer down to 96 meters,,,
  • [14:51 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: Sax could you take yours back?
  • [14:52 SLT] Saxet Uralia: will try to work on the signs tonight
  • [14:52 SLT] Lexie Linden: excellent
  • [14:52 SLT] Amber Linden: this will be nice :)
  • [14:52 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: how should the center showcase look
  • [14:52 SLT] George Linden: yes, very exciting! so close :)
  • [14:53 SLT] Usil Bailey: From the wind sock U can see it all at 64 meters draw distance
  • [14:53 SLT] Saxet Uralia: will get with Jezzie when done
  • [14:53 SLT] Amber Linden: how about some low shelves out in the open?
  • [14:53 SLT] George Linden: if it stands out either by location or appearance or both, that's great Jezzie..
  • [14:53 SLT] George Linden: yeah!
  • [14:53 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: I am so fond of the freebie store
  • [14:54 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: i set these so anyone can move them
  • [14:54 SLT] Saxet Uralia: how about a campfire area in the center
  • [14:54 SLT] Amber Linden: something like a two tier stair step?.
  • [14:54 SLT] Amber Linden: or a fountain
  • [14:54 SLT] Saxet Uralia: community area feel
  • [14:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: ok, am back... sorry :-/
  • [14:55 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: like that?
  • [14:56 SLT] Amber Linden: wb Zai
  • [14:56 SLT] Usil Bailey: George is that the showcase ,,and is that the size ??
  • [14:56 SLT] Zai Lynch: ty
  • [14:56 SLT] Amber Linden: oh nice Jezzie...
  • [14:56 SLT] Amber Linden: I hadn't thought of it quite that way...but I like it!
  • [14:56 SLT] Jezzie McCellan: can do another step
  • [14:56 SLT] Zai Lynch: oh, you've been building meanwhile ^_^
  • [14:57 SLT] George Linden: Looking good to me X)
  • [14:57 SLT] Lexie Linden: I like it
  • [14:57 SLT] Amber Linden: they are starting the layout Zai...
  • [14:57 SLT] MiaEmlyn Mayflower: sorry, it was fantastic to meet you, but here in europe it's midnight and I have to go to sleep :) bye bye
  • [14:57 SLT] Zai Lynch: ah i see
  • [14:57 SLT] Amber Linden: me too!
  • [14:57 SLT] George Linden: If we move the chairs out of the way we could probably centralize the showcase area a little more
  • [14:57 SLT] George Linden: But looks great
  • [14:57 SLT] Amber Linden: nice of you to drop in MiaEmlyn!
  • [14:57 SLT] MiaEmlyn Mayflower: ;-)
  • [14:57 SLT] Mia Linden: i really like the frames
  • [14:57 SLT] George Linden: night!!!
  • [14:57 SLT] Usil Bailey: K MiasEmlyn come back :)
  • [14:58 SLT] Amber Linden: It's about time for us to go...
  • [14:58 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: oh no
  • [14:58 SLT] Amber Linden: but you guys stay and hash out as long as you like!
  • [14:58 SLT] Amber Linden: no?
  • [14:58 SLT] Amber Linden: we aren't leaving forever!
  • [14:58 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: all of you here together
  • [14:58 SLT] Amber Linden: lol
  • [14:58 SLT] Doctor Gascoigne: its great
  • [14:58 SLT] Lexie Linden: : ))
  • [14:58 SLT] Amber Linden: aww :))
  • [14:58 SLT] Usil Bailey: Amber logging into R/L is too much work,,
  • [14:59 SLT] George Linden: lolol
  • [14:59 SLT] Amber Linden: LOL
  • [14:59 SLT] George Linden: But it's been cool brainstorming and planning!
  • [14:59 SLT] Amber Linden: ty so much for my fish!
  • [14:59 SLT] Usil Bailey: See ya Lady with the fishes
  • [14:59 SLT] Lexie Linden: Yes, great meeting : )
  • [14:59 SLT] Saxet Uralia: do we have a deadline you want this up by?
  • [15:00 SLT] Amber Linden: well.. the quicker the better... two weeks? one?.
  • [15:00 SLT] Usil Bailey: Lets do it this weekend
  • [15:01 SLT] Saxet Uralia: ok, signs tonight but no later than friday
  • [15:01 SLT] Amber Linden: We'll leave it up to you!
  • [15:01 SLT] Amber Linden: any questions... or concerns...just IM one of us!
  • [15:02 SLT] Mia Linden: indeed!
  • [15:02 SLT] Amber Linden: if we don't know we'll figure out
  • [15:02 SLT] Lexie Linden: Talk to you all soon!
  • [15:02 SLT] Amber Linden: bye for now!
  • [15:02 SLT] George Linden: Yep, have a good one X)
  • [15:03 SLT] Mia Linden: okies gang
  • [15:03 SLT] Mia Linden: so good to see u all
  • [15:03 SLT] Mia Linden: bye for now!
  • [15:03 SLT] Saxet Uralia: I will make the signs tonight and attach them

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