Open Grid Public Beta/Map Locations

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OpenSim regions cannot be placed directly adjacent to existing regions on aditi or vaak.

Zha Ewry: "Setup as a very basic stand alone opensim. set the default location and the location of your region to be the same value, and run only one region on the server. (ie. in OpenSim.ini, make sure you set default_loc_x and default_loc_y, and make them match the ones in the default.xml in the Regions subdirectory of you r bin directory in your install. Make sure your X and Ys are multiples of 256."

Non-Linden Lab OpenSims should use default_loc_x and default_loc_y values greater than 4096.

Claim Map Locations Below

Claims that are not multiples of 256 will be marked in pink.

Whump Linden

  • 2048/2048
  • 2304/2560

Enus Linden

  • 2304/2304

Dahlia Trimble

  • 4096/4096
  • 4352/4352
  • 4608/4608

Christophe003 Carter

  • 4608/4608

Pier Tempel

  • 5120/5120

Bluewall Slade

Winne Woodget

  • 6912/6912

Matias Carter

  • 7168/7168

Xugu Madison

  • 8192/8192

Eddy Stryker

  • 5888/5888

Latif Khalifa

  • 6144/6144

Tracy Welles

  • 4352/4352

Bluecat Jun

  • 7424/7424

Julie Wasserstrom

  • 5888/5888

Chris Samtanko

  • 4864/4864

Tao Takashi

  • 6656/6656

Jim Kupferberg

  • 6656/6400

Emma Nowhere

  • 5120/5120

Gomez Bracken

  • 8448/8448

Ciemaar Flintoff

  • 6656/7680

Media Hax

  • 5632/5632

Twa Hinkle

  • 7680/7680

Vicero Lambert

  • 5130/5130

Whichway Janus

  • 6656/6912

Stamo Stuer

  • 5376/5376

Patnad Babii

  • 9728/9728

Torrid Luna

  • 6144/8448

Darb Dabney

  • 4608/4352

Morph Wollongong

  • 6789/6789

Estate Shepherd

  • 8704/8704

Zerodog Witte

  • 8448/8448

Lil Linden

  • 2806/2806

EriX Oh

  • 4352/4864

James Benedek

  • 7936/7936

Hawk Carter

  • 9984/9984

McCoy Ducatillon

  • 8960/8960

Laurent Bechir

  • 9216/9216

Economic Mip

  • 9216/8960

whyroc Slade

  • 10240/10240

Bartholomew Kleiber

  • 10752/10752

Arbitar Basiat

  • 13056/13056

TheCoolLeader Boyer

  • 16384/16384

Aidamina Hunt

  • 25600/25600

Stirling Allen 19:59, 4 August 2008 (PDT)

  • 65536/65536 (ETA Friday 9 August)

Sonof Marvin

  • 69683/69683

Radioactive Rosca

  • 4864/5376

Jim Brock

  • 9472/9472

Jonit Ivory

  • 11264/11264

Ideia Boa

  • 4096/4608

Athanasius Skytower

  • 5632/6656

camilla Yosuke

  • 6656/4352

bonghit Schism

  • 12544/12544

Elio Donat

  • 6656/4353

Just Dinkin

  • 11520/11520

Miki Gymnast

  • 8448/5632

Jillian Taringa

  • 11776/11776

JB Kraft

  • 6400/4608

Wangxiang Tuxing

  • 5120/4352

Tensai Hilra

  • 12800/12800

Mirt Tenk

  • 5376/7680

Maniac Choche

  • 5632/5888

Kish Kas

  • 6400/6656

Bit2zero Planer

  • 6500/6656

Trifile Toshi

  • 20736/20736

Micheil Merlin

  • 4608/5120

Yuu Nakamichi

  • 9728/8960

Norgan Torok

  • 6400/6400

Master Huldschinsky

  • 16400/16400

Giulio Perhaps

  • 16640/16640

Lexa Sands

Junta Kohime

Strawberry Fride

  • 17408/17408

G2 Proto

  • 17664/17664

Kuraiko Yoshikawa

Prometheus Dovgal

  • 17920/17920

Cow Taurog