User:Salahzar Stenvaag

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Revision as of 01:28, 9 May 2010 by Salahzar Stenvaag (talk | contribs) (→‎Technical Experience)
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Second Life Avatar Born Date: 20 April 2007

I'm Salahzar Stenvaag from Italy.

I am dedicated to various volunteer activities in SL including Mentors, didactical teaching in Italian and English (see ALI - Accademia delle Land Italiane, correct and effective usage of OpenSim, and currently contributors of patches to OpenSim itself. Very active organizing 2 weekly Italian events in Italian. Active in Coach Mentoring and also creator of extensions to XyText and Xyzzy lsl opensource software. Recently founded a group for the diffusion of the usage of sloodle in Italian community and actively helping International Sloodle Community in producing educational tools.

My goal is to help other avatars in using SecondLife in better and creative ways, especially using it for team meetings, conferences, discussions, idea exchange.

Specially interested in noprofit and volunteer organizations who want to use SL as a complementary platform for their activities.

I speak English and Italian and can help people in scripting in LSL.

I also have some skills in Building and in using tools and gadgets for building/scripting.

SL specific contributions

Technical Experience

  • Languages: Java, C, C++, PHP/Mysql and many others
  • Platforms: Windows xp, Linux and various other platforms
  • Concepts: middleware and SOA developer, web developer, project management
  • SL Tools Software: Rokuro, Skidz Primz, Prim Docker, Holodeck, Hypercube, MystiTool, Script, Rez Faux and various others
  • Producing and selling objects at XStreetSL but stopped in December 2009, after the new policies from SL which practically made impossible to distribute free objects, and I was full of freebie.

Speaking Languages

  • Italian
  • English

Second Life Experience

  • RSS scripting for SL companies
  • Contributor to XyText and Xyzzy "projects" with UTF-8 expansions
  • Various scripting classes in Italian & English from March 2008 for Second Life Italian Mentors in SLVEC. (Basic and Advanced)
  • Was scripting teacher in ^ASL^ teaching xytext and other
  • Second Life Italian Speaking Mentor
  • With the Mentor CT group helped in translating in Italian the Viewer 1.23
  • You can also see a gallery of tools produced here: items on xstreet

My useful notepad for wikipages to check for mentors:

  • The Volunteer Portal:

-- This the gateway to much of our information. There is a lot of stuff here, if you dig for it.

  • The Tao of Volunteers:


  • VTEAM Blog:

-- The VTEAM Blog has information about upcominng meeting & events, transcripts of meetings, and upcoming classes taught by mentors (week to week)

  • Monthly Meeting Schedule:

  • Mentors Teaching Mentors

-- The class announcements and schedules are maintained at the vteam blog.

-- Another place

-- Outlines the requirements for teaching other mentors

Mentor Goodies and Freebies

-- secondlife://app/teleport/SLVEC/120/128/22 -- secondlife:///app/teleport/SLVEC/120/128/22 <-- Windlight friendly link -- secondlife://SLVEC/120/128/22 --

Go to the kiosks all around the landing zone - explore the language-specific shops, pickup the latest Orientation Island HUDS and work them yourself (keep an unused one to give to a newbie who might not have their tutorial on their screen). There are notecards with useful info, New Mentor Starter kits

  • Wiki User Page creation

-- Shows you how to go about creating your User Profile Page (like the link at the bottom of my messages). Translated into several languages for your convenience.

  • Places to volunteer

-- Suggestions on where to show up to help people. Translated into a couple languages.

  • Helping Residents & Troubleshooting tips


Other sources of information

  • SL Forum (Restricted- requiring registered payment info)

-- Discussions on scripting, access to a scripting library, the knowledgebase, Animation Tips, Building Tips, Texturing Tips, Scripting Tips, Movies and Machinima, etc., etc.! Includes multi-language forums in German, Korean, Japanese, Italian and Spanish.

  • SL Support Portal

-- Access to FAQ's and Knowledgebase and Solution Finder. Requires login (and available to basic membership residents). For premium account residents, it also allows you to navigate to a Live Chat page with Linden Support.

  • Resident Blogs & Tutorials

-- This girl is incredible! She will show you how to make everything from shoes to hair to clothing and more!

-- Torley Linden's blog where he features lots and lots of YouTube video tutorials on how to do stuff and what stuff mean.

-- Like Natalia above, Vint Falken is another super-explorer with useful tutorials on just about any topic (including building and photoshop)

  • Use Your Search Feature

-- Press the SEARCH button and select the ALL tab. Enter "Mentor" and search. Wiki pages, Mentor Buddy Lists can be viewed directly from inside SL without having to open up a new browser!

  • When all else fails

-- Search for " second life " Search for " second life tier fees " Search for " seocnd life mac right click " Search for " second life estate tools " so on and so forth.

  • What's been going on with SL


Salahzar's Quick Links
Salahzar stenvaag.jpg
Click to Enlarge

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