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Function: llSay( integer channel, string msg );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Says the text supplied in string msg on channel supplied in integer channel.

• integer channel output chat channel, any integer value
• string msg message to be transmitted
Channel Constant Description
DEBUG_CHANNEL 0x7FFFFFFF Chat channel reserved for script debugging and error messages, broadcasts to all nearby users.
PUBLIC_CHANNEL 0x0 Chat channel that broadcasts to all nearby users. This channel is sometimes referred to as: open chat, local chat and public chat.


  • Messages sent on channel zero[1] and DEBUG_CHANNEL are throttled to a rate of <200/10sec, per region, per owner/user.
    • Once the rate is exceeded, all following messages on channel zero or DEBUG_CHANNEL will be dropped until the send rate is again below 200/10sec for the previous 10 sec. Dropped messages, despite being dropped still count against the limit.
  • Text can only be a maximum of 1024 bytes.
  • Text spoken can only be heard within 20 meters of the speaking prim (rather than the root). This is contrary to how listens work, where a message can only be heard by any prim in the object if and only if the root prim is capable of hearing it.
  • A prim can not hear itself, to prevent problems with recursion.


<lsl>default {

       llSay(0,"This is an incredibly useless program." );


To avoid making your object spam its neighborhood, use llOwnerSay or llInstantMessage.


Consider using llOwnerSay or channel DEBUG_CHANNEL for debugging purposes.

If one object 'says' something to another object (e.g., a button that, when touched, turns on a lamp), it is a good idea to use a very negative channel (if never more negative than the most negative 32-bit integer that is -2,147,483,648), e.g., <lsl>

   llSay(-5243212,"turn on");

</lsl> Negative channels are popular for script communications because the client is unable to chat directly on those channels ("/-xxxx message" won't chat "message" on channel "-xxxx", it will chat "/-xxxx message" on channel zero). The only way to do so prior to llTextBox was to use llDialog which was limited to 24 bytes.

If DEBUG_CHANNEL is used as channel, the script will say msg to the Script Warning/Error window.

Channel 0 is PUBLIC_CHANNEL. Everyone can hear chat transmitted on this channel. All other channels are private channels (not sent to users).

See Also


•  listen


•  llListen
•  llOwnerSay Sends chat to the owner only to avoid spamming the PUBLIC_CHANNEL
•  llRegionSay Sends chat region wide
•  llWhisper Sends chat limited to 10 meters
•  llShout Sends chat limited to 100 meters
•  llInstantMessage

Deep Notes


  1. ^ Channel zero is also known as: PUBLIC_CHANNEL, open chat, local chat and public chat


function void llSay( integer channel, string msg );