Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2012-05-03
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This meeting was held on May 03, 2012
- All RC channels running the same code this week
- No main channel roll.
- Second Life Server Channel
- No main channel roll
- BlueSteel RC Channel
- This is a maint-server deploy.
- Features
- New PRIM_SLICE value can be used in llGetLinkPrimitiveParams() and similar functions to set the slice value for prims that support slice values.
- HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH has been added to llHTTPRequest() allowing return body sizes up to 4k for LSO and 16k for Mono scripts
- New LSL llGetRegionAgents() function returns a list of all agent keys on the region
- New Bug Fixes
- Fixed an attachment bug.
- Bug Fixes
- SCR-15: Add flag parameter [vector slice] to llSetPrimitiveParams PRIM_TYPE flags PRIM_TYPE_BOX, PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER, and PRIM_TYPE_PRISM
- SVC-680: Increase HTTP Response body size from 2048 to 4096 or larger
- SVC-5488: llGetRegionAgents() -- returns list of agent keys in the current region
- SVC-6894: Excessive EnableSimulator message spamming to viewers
- SVC-7307: creation of scripts gets a nice error
- Avatar Fly Height Restriction is being raised to 5,000m.
- SVC-7845: Group Notices not working on Magnum
- Also on LeTigre and Magnum
- LeTigre RC Channel
- This is the same code as BlueSteel.
- Magnum RC Channel
- PathFinding User Group right after this meeting.
Upcoming Stuff
- Land Impact discussion with Falcon at 3:45
Interesting Stuff
- Pathfinding Beta Regions Live on AGNI
Transcript of Oskar Linden's Server Beta User Group for May 03, 2012:
- [15:00] Oskar Linden: we'll wait a few minutes to let people arrive and settle
- [15:00] SonicAnd Miles: soup time
- [15:00] Oskar Linden: you can all read this article until we get started
- [15:00] Oskar Linden:
- [15:01] Squirrel Wood: and here I was going to suggest to break your tongues trying to read out loud :p
- [15:02] Oskar Linden: how is everyone this week?
- [15:02] Gooden Uggla: i'll donate 100 bucks towards putting a dog collar on that statue in the middle of the night...
- [15:02] Kallista DestinyKallista Destiny catches a glimps of Kelly and puts her sunglasses on
- [15:02] Oskar Linden: gonna need to be a big dog collar Gooden
- [15:03] Squirrel Wood: how I be this week? explains. :p
- [15:03] Gooden Uggla: yup, but think of the publicity for the tut exhibit :)
- [15:04] Oskar Linden: if it happens IT WASN"T ME!
- [15:04] Oskar Linden: ok everybody let's get this party started
- [15:04] Rex Cronon: greetings everybody
- [15:04] Oskar Linden: welcome welcome welcome!!
- [15:04] Rex Cronon: hi oskar
- [15:05] Oskar Linden:
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: that is the agenda link
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: not a real big agenda today
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: we've had a fairly slow quarter wrt releases
- [15:05] Oskar Linden: some hiccups and loss of velocity
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: again this week no main channel promotion
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: both candidates last week for one reason or another were denied promotion
- [15:06] Oskar Linden: so there was nothing to promote Tuesday morning
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: the good news is that I get to sleep in
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: which I appreciate
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: given that the release starts at like 5am my time
- [15:07] Squirrel Wood: What? They let you sleep?
- [15:07] Oskar LindenOskar Linden is NOT an early riser
- [15:07] SonicAnd Miles: cool, so thats the meeting huh? lol jk
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: more or less Sonic
- [15:07] Oskar Linden: SonicAnd Miles can I just call you SaM?
- [15:07] Kallista Destiny: The didn't pass their written test, quick call the Atty General, clearly it is discrimination
- [15:07] Ima Mechanique: that's terrible, 5 AM is bed time
- [15:08] Gooden Uggla: is the mainland still getting restarted when you don't have a rollout?
- [15:08] SonicAnd Miles: or sonic, most just call me sonic -lol
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: depends Gooden
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: this time no
- [15:08] SonicAnd Miles: i go by sonic, miles or SaM
- [15:08] Squirrel Wood: Hey Stickman!
- [15:08] Stolen Ruby: Quiet, Sam
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: after the rebalancing they don't really need it
- [15:08] Stickman Ingmann: Hi Squirrel!
- [15:08] Gooden Uggla: \/me candcels all mainland plans till next week
- [15:08] SonicAnd MilesSonicAnd Miles slaps ruby upside the head
- [15:08] Oskar Linden: :-)
- [15:08] Squirrel Wood: frozen zone?
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: we did get a release out to the RC channels this week
- [15:09] Theresa TennysonTheresa Tennyson now has Manfred Mann in her head. Thanks, Squirrel.
- [15:09] Stickman Ingmann: Speaking of which, I saw a Jira get action again about offline IMs sent to email but not delivered on login.
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: each RC got the same code
- [15:09] Squirrel Wood: you're welcome ^^
- [15:09] Oskar Linden: which jira stickman?
- [15:10] Stickman Ingmann: Lemme see if I can look it up. At a coffee shop, bad internet.
- [15:10] SonicAnd Miles: mine worked fine today :)
- [15:10] Jonathan Yap: I've been losing attachments upon teleport
- [15:10] Latif Khalifa: the one about having to mute something for offline IM's to work?
- [15:10] SonicAnd Miles: hey maestro
- [15:10] Theresa Tennyson whispers: Hi Maestro!
- [15:10] Maestro Linden: hi guys
- [15:10] Stickman Ingmann: Sonic, did you log in to an RC? Mine worked fine, too, but I didn't log into an RC.
- [15:11] Latif Khalifa: hey maestro
- [15:11] Rex Cronon: hi maestro
- [15:11] SonicAnd Miles: i logged into my sim on RC Magnum
- [15:11] Oskar Linden: the code on the RC's now has a fix for an attachments issue
- [15:11] Kelly Linden: Jonathan: When was the most recent event for that?
- [15:11] Oskar Linden: Kelly or Maestro know more about that
- [15:11] Kelly Linden: Jonathan and do you recall what regions?
- [15:11] Jonathan Yap: Kelly, it was today, and the server code was not a release channel.
- [15:11] Stickman Ingmann:
- [15:11] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-7540] Offline email notifications received but never delivered on login.
- [15:11] Maestro Linden: Actually, I was on vacation when that attachments issue came up :)
- [15:11] Oskar Linden: we are looking for info on tp related issues into or out of the new RC code
- [15:11] Stickman Ingmann: Two comments, did not confirm. But reopened so someone could notice and test.
- [15:12] Jonathan Yap: Kelly, I think I teleported to a show, so don't remember what region I went to
- [15:12] Theresa Tennyson: I haven't been crashing but I've had plenty of teleports not go through the first time.
- [15:12] Oskar Linden: reopening bugs doesn't always help. Rarely is it the same bug, even if it has the same repro
- [15:12] Kelly Linden: I'm definitely interested in attachments not showing up on region cross or entering a region since yesterday but I really need region names and the time it happened.
- [15:12] Oskar Linden: filing a new bug against new RC code is a better idea
- [15:12] Jonathan Yap: Actually, I only consistently lose 1 attachment, I think it is the chest point
- [15:13] Jonathan Yap: Kelly, I will give you better data if/when it happens to me again
- [15:13] Oskar Linden: kelly is there an SVC container for the issue?
- [15:13] Kelly Linden: jonathan: interesting. something different than what we saw before. The issue from before was an all or nothing kind of case.
- [15:13] Kelly Linden: thanks jonathan
- [15:13] SonicAnd Miles: I have had a few lengthy tp requests to to in and out of RC Magnum but i thought it was just me.
- [15:14] Oskar Linden: I'm going to create a forums post as a container for these attachments / tp issues
- [15:14] Oskar Linden: let me do that now
- [15:14] Jonathan Yap: Please put the url here when you are done so I can bookmark it
- [15:15] Oskar Linden: 1s
- [15:15] Stickman Ingmann: Oskar, I'll close that bug and tell them to create a new bug with reproduction steps.
- [15:16] Oskar Linden:
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: thanks Stickman
- [15:16] Oskar Linden: creating new bugs is probably the best method going forward
- [15:17] Rex Cronon: who would have thought that bug reproduction would be the driving force behind jira:)
- [15:17] Stickman Ingmann: Thanks, I'll do that from now on.
- [15:17] Oskar Linden: so yeah if anyone is having attachments issues please forward them to that forums post
- [15:18] Oskar Linden: if there is still an issue we'll need to get it investigated and fixed before next week
- [15:18] Oskar Linden: if not this code will get promoted
- [15:18] Jonathan Yap: was the problem supposed to have been fixed by now for the attachement issue?
- [15:18] Rex Cronon: i have been having attachements problems for years, both here and on main
- [15:19] Oskar Linden: well we're only going to be able to address new issues while on the RC
- [15:19] Oskar Linden: Kelly can you share the details of the attachment issue you fixed last week?
- [15:19] Jonathan Yap: Also, was the problem linked to leaving a region or entering one (because some regions are still on the pathfinding code base)
- [15:20] Kelly Linden: There was a badly implemented ReadWrite lock around the mesh asset cache that could get into a bad state and lock some of the threads used for attachment deserialization.
- [15:20] Kelly Linden: Replaced this with a slightly less optimal, but far more robust, simple mutex.
- [15:21] Oskar Linden: thanks Kelly
- [15:21] Kelly Linden: that is basically it.
- [15:21] Kelly Linden: :)
- [15:21] Oskar Linden: has anyone seen any other oddities on the RC's?
- [15:21] Jonathan Yap: I often had no attachments when logging into Hippotripolis (a PF region)
- [15:22] Oskar Linden: some people were talking about vwr crashing when entering RC regions
- [15:22] Kelly Linden: On fresh logins this would show as no attachments, on region cross or TP it would show as non-functioning attachments as the viewer would continue to display the attachments you were last wearing
- [15:22] Theresa Tennyson: I had problems with a clothing change on Magnum this morning (didn't get a number of attachments)but I'm also trying a new viewer.
- [15:22] Kelly Linden: This bug was in path finding as well, and I will have to find the state of their fix.
- [15:23] Oskar Linden: if anyone experiences vwr crashes on TP comment in this forum:
- [15:23] xstorm Radek: :)
- [15:24] xstorm Radek: hope im not too late
- [15:24] Oskar Linden: never
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: we might not have any new projects for RC next week. We'll know tomorrow.
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: we've got some infrastrucure projects that have taken over some of the QA resources we use for simulator projects
- [15:25] Oskar Linden: for the near future.
- [15:26] Jonathan Yap: Oz mentioned something about http improvements
- [15:26] Maestro Linden: Yes, I believe some viewer devs are working on that now, Jonathan
- [15:26] Oskar Linden: oz works in viewer
- [15:26] Maestro Linden: there's some server-side work there as well
- [15:27] Oskar Linden: this meeting is more about server stuff
- [15:27] Oskar Linden: I dont have as much insight into vwr stuff as I should
- [15:27] xstorm Radek: has any one look at may be OBJ import ???
- [15:27] Oskar Linden: what?
- [15:28] xstorm Radek: well will not mesh be quicker if it was just simple OBJ files ?
- [15:29] Oskar Linden: ask falcon
- [15:29] Oskar Linden: I don't know
- [15:29] Oskar Linden: where did that question come from xstorm?
- [15:29] xstorm Radek: viewer updates lol
- [15:30] Oskar Linden: ok
- [15:30] xstorm Radek: not having any
- [15:30] Oskar Linden: again this isn't really a meeting for vwr updates
- [15:30] Oskar Linden: I don't have insight into them
- [15:31] xstorm Radek: oh and what about the number of server crashes i have been seeing ?
- [15:31] Oskar Linden: how man yhave you seen?
- [15:31] Oskar Linden: are they on the RC's?
- [15:31] xstorm Radek: is that a physics attack or UUID attack ?
- [15:31] Oskar Linden: are they reproducible?
- [15:31] Oskar Linden: I don't know how I can know the reason for the crashes you're seeing
- [15:31] xstorm Radek: i seen them at the welcome plave at korea1 on sl
- [15:31] Oskar Linden: is ther ea Jira?
- [15:32] xstorm Radek: plus they did it to bear
- [15:32] Rex Cronon: if he could reproduce them he could get very rich...
- [15:32] xstorm Radek: i do not know how to file a jira for that
- [15:32] xstorm Radek: i had to file a ticket to get back in to sl
- [15:33] Oskar Linden: if you have a repro for a server crash you can file it as a SEC jira and then it is confidential
- [15:33] xstorm Radek: the Linden Lab dev island i had my home rez point was removed on sl
- [15:34] Oskar Linden: ok
- [15:34] Oskar Linden: is that a bug?
- [15:34] xstorm Radek: ok i will talk to simon and amber if they have logs
- [15:34] Oskar Linden: thanks xstorm
- [15:34] xstorm Radek: no the island was removed by LL
- [15:34] Oskar Linden: it happens
- [15:35] xstorm Radek: seems so was glenn linden lol
- [15:35] Stickman Ingmann: Having your home remove preventing you from logging in sounds like a bug. Did you try to manually choose a new landing point, xstorm?
- [15:35] Oskar Linden: ok, Falcon will be here in 10 minutes to talk about changes to LI (Land Impact)
- [15:35] Oskar Linden: Glenn Linden hasn't worked here in a long time
- [15:35] arton Rotaru: xstrom: OBJ does not support rigging (sorry for the delay)
- [15:35] Jonathan Yap: Years ago I have my home removed and still could log in
- [15:35] Stickman Ingmann: So OBJ isn't an import choice.
- [15:35] xstorm Radek: yeyes i found that out thanks :)
- [15:36] Oskar Linden: until Falcon gets here does anyone have any questions?
- [15:36] Stickman Ingmann: I know I have a hard time logging into the beta grid when I get a new copy of myself here. I need to manually enter a landing point, because my "home" doesn't exist.
- [15:36] NeoBokrug Elytis: I have a random question about last weeks rollout. Have you heard any reports of scripts just stopping working on regular server?
- [15:37] Ima Mechanique: is the very smart co-worker doing threaded crossings back from vacation yet?
- [15:37] Rex Cronon: can't u just enter a random string
- [15:37] xstorm Radek: can there be a server side stats system on a webpage to see when a regions has been attack an by what ?
- [15:37] Jonathan Yap: Stickman, maybe your home here is the same region as your home on the main grid, but that region does not exist here
- [15:37] Stickman Ingmann: Right, that's what I'm saying, Jonathan.
- [15:37] Theresa Tennyson: Whenever I try logging in to "home" here it automatically makes it my last location instead.
- [15:37] Jonathan Yap: NeoBokrug, I saw a jira where all scripts stopped on a region, and they reported some even went from Mono to LSO
- [15:38] Kallista Destiny: Just login to where you logout from
- [15:38] NeoBokrug Elytis: It wasn't all scripts, it was just one.
- [15:38] xstorm Radek: ??? lso ?
- [15:38] NeoBokrug Elytis: One or two, across different regions
- [15:38] xstorm Radek: whats LSO ?
- [15:38] Ima Mechanique: Linden Scripting Object
- [15:38] Jonathan Yap: LSO is the first implementation of LSL
- [15:38] Maestro Linden: Yeah. that issue was SVC-7861
- [15:38] Flame of Jira: [#SVC-7861] Scripts in Region Reset, stopped, even switched from Mono to LSL
- [15:38] Ima Mechanique: the VM before Mono
- [15:38] Stickman Ingmann: It's what the scripting engine used before Mono.
- [15:39] Maestro Linden: We don't know how to reproduce that one, and there was nothing in the logs to indicate a massive script failure on the region (or what could have caused it)
- [15:39] xstorm Radek: why has the LSO not been removed ?
- [15:39] any1 Gynoid: In the new Server Beta rollout yesterday... has the llSetPrimitiveParams [ PRIM_ROTATION ] been discussed? This issue is of great important to all developers and vendors of prim animated SL products... ???
- [15:39] Ima Mechanique: too much legacy scripts xstorm
- [15:39] Theresa Tennyson: The broken stuff and the yelling, probably.
- [15:40] Maestro Linden: You mean PATHBUG-109, any1?
- [15:40] Flame of Jira: [#PATHBUG-109] llSetPrimitiveParams [ PRIM_ROTATION ] Broken
- [15:40] any1 Gynoid: yes... and my PATHBUG-110
- [15:40] Flame of Jira: [#PATHBUG-110] In Pathfinding Characters: Prim Animation Scripts Stopped Working Today
- [15:40] any1 Gynoid: exactly!.. you broke Ferd's Prim Anim Scripts too
- [15:41] xstorm Radek: if we keep holding on to all the older scripting it will open up more holes to the server for people to fin ways to attack it
- [15:41] Stickman Ingmann: It was in the name of progress!
- [15:41] Oskar Linden: is there a jira any1?
- [15:41] any1 Gynoid: Flame of Jira just posted 2 links.... scroll back PATHBUG 109 and 110
- [15:41] Rex Cronon: can u prove that xstorm?
- [15:42] any1 Gynoid: i can repro these defects very easily
- [15:42] Oskar Linden: pathbug doesn't have anything to do with the server beta rollout yesterday
- [15:42] xstorm Radek: i have seen it with old rezzer scripts it was proven
- [15:42] Oskar Linden: pathbug is for issues on the pathfinding beta regions
- [15:42] any1 Gynoid: ru sure? how come all our animated Pathfinding Characters stopped working?
- [15:42] Maestro Linden: pathfinding cahracters can only work on pathfinding beta regions
- [15:42] Jonathan Yap: any1, were you reporting those problems for a Pathfinding region?
- [15:42] any1 Gynoid: ahhh okay
- [15:43] Maestro Linden: and yes, it's a confirmed bug
- [15:43] xstorm Radek: :) bugs ?
- [15:43] Oskar Linden: :-)
- [15:44] NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh, did you guys see the llGetAgentList bug?
- [15:44] Oskar LindenOskar Linden imagines Falcon will fly in any second now
- [15:44] Oskar Linden: llGetAgentList bug?
- [15:44] Oskar Linden: on RC?
- [15:44] SonicAnd Miles: ?
- [15:44] xstorm Radek: i did see do to the last update to the server prim drift ha stop
- [15:44] NeoBokrug Elytis:
- [15:44] Flame of Jira: [#SCR-311] llGetAgentList() with scope AGENT_LIST_PARCEL or AGENT_LIST_PARCEL_OWNER returns empty list when attached to avatar
- [15:45] Reverie-by BUR - "Amanda" whispers: Lights ON
- [15:45] NeoBokrug Elytis: Ahh it's been set to Acknowledged. herp-derp
- [15:45] Maestro Linden: Yep, it is acknowledged. Kelly committed a fix for it yesterday, I think
- [15:45] Oskar Linden: Falcon is going to make you wait
- [15:45] Rex Cronon: it would be very usefull for attachements. too bad it doesn't work:9
- [15:45] Rex Cronon: :(
- [15:45] xstorm Radek: lol
- [15:45] xstorm Radek: oh befor i forget
- [15:45] Oskar Linden: also there is a pathfinding usergroup after this meeting
- [15:45] Maestro Linden: Falcon's stuck in some other meeting, apparently
- [15:46] Oskar Linden: Maestro did anyone make a linkable wiki page with details on the PUG?
- [15:46] Maestro Linden: No, I didn't make it.. I guess nobody has yet, looking at the pathfinding public beta page
- [15:46] Draconis Neurocam:
- [15:46] Maestro Linden: I'll add it now.
- [15:47] xstorm Radek: oskar griefer on sl gave m a griefing toy that seems to crash the region can you move that inventory from sl to the test grid for me please ?
- [15:47] xstorm Radek: a
- [15:47] xstorm Radek: drats
- [15:47] Oskar Linden: this is all we really need I guess:
- [15:47] Maestro Linden: oh okay, it's covered.
- [15:47] Oskar Linden: xstorm just file a SEC jira and reference the name of the objects in your inventory and we can take a look at it
- [15:47] Maestro Linden: I guess Pathfinding_Public_Beta should link to that
- [15:48] xstorm Radek: ok thank you
- [15:48] any1 Gynoid: just fyi... according to there is supposed to be a Pathfinding User Group at 4pm SLT .. very soon! But the meeting sim ... has been down for for almost 24 hours! PathTest1
- [15:48] Oskar Linden: well how should we entertain ourselves while waiting for Falcon?
- [15:49] Rex Cronon: right. when i logged in, the sim was down
- [15:49] Oskar Linden: good point any1
- [15:49] Stickman Ingmann: Last Man Standing.
- [15:49] Ima Mechanique: Oskar, any news on threading crossings?
- [15:49] xstorm Radek: lol
- [15:49] MartinRJ Fayray: dance
- [15:49] Maestro Linden: Okay, added a link: "* User Group Details"
- [15:50] Oskar Linden: awesome
- [15:50] Maestro Linden: Oh yes, pathtest1 got into a crash loop
- [15:50] Maestro Linden: I think that crash has since been fixed though.. let's find out
- [15:51] Moundsa Mayo: Still no name on its tile in Map.
- [15:52] Oskar Linden: can someone attempt a TP out there?
- [15:52] xstorm Radek: i still think there needs to be some sort of data base recording the types of crash and the error messages to help make the server better
- [15:52] Moundsa Mayo: FALCON!!
- [15:52] Oskar Linden: oh there's Falcon
- [15:52] Stickman Ingmann: PUNCH!!
- [15:52] Falcon Linden: Hey folks, very distracted here, but I've got a bit of info on the Land Impact changes for you
- [15:52] xstorm Radek: hi Falcon
- [15:52] Rex Cronon: u need a master control that lists what sims crashed, when, how...
- [15:52] Falcon Linden: Really just that we determined how we'll handle sculpties
- [15:53] Rex Cronon: hi falcon
- [15:53] Falcon Linden: rex: we have that :)
- [15:53] Oskar Linden: we do Rex, it's just not for public consumption
- [15:53] Oskar Linden: Falcon stay on topic. xstorm please let falcon talk.
- [15:53] Oskar Linden: :-)
- [15:53] Ima Mechanique: oooh excellent Falcon. Do tell
- [15:53] Rex Cronon: lol. i didn't know i read minds:)
- [15:54] Falcon Linden: Sculpties will have their streaming cost capped at 2.0, rather than 1.0 which will be the limit for legacy prims
- [15:54] Oskar Linden: my bad.meant rex not xstorm. sorry :-p I can't read
- [15:54] Falcon Linden: That's all :)
- [15:54] Moundsa Mayo: Short AND sweet!
- [15:54] Oskar Linden: that's it?
- [15:54] xstorm Radek: lol ;)
- [15:55] Ima Mechanique: well, that's simple enough ;-)
- [15:55] Jonathan Yap: Falcon, what happens to full parcels using sculpts when this change occurs? Will people have to remove a bunch of prims to get back to a non-full state?
- [15:55] Oskar Linden: inundate him with questions now
- [15:55] Falcon Linden: I'm in another important meeting about lag. :P
- [15:55] Falcon Linden: jonathan: it will only ever reduce the cost
- [15:55] Falcon Linden: can't increase it from what it is today
- [15:55] Rex Cronon: from now on one sculptie will equal two prims:(
- [15:55] Draconis Neurocam: no i think he just means when using the mesh accounting
- [15:55] Stickman Ingmann: When does this change happen?
- [15:55] Theresa Tennyson: Does the lag meeting go on and on and you suddenly bounce back to where you started from?
- [15:55] Ima Mechanique: Rex that's maximum of 2, not mandatory 2
- [15:56] Falcon Linden: Stickman: with Pathfinding
- [15:56] Jonathan Yap: Oh, these sculpts have to be linken into the mesh accounting system, so free-standing ones are still under the old system
- [15:56] xstorm Radek: Falcon what about a OBJ import for the viewer and server its simple to use a OBJ file
- [15:56] Moundsa MayoMoundsa Mayo signs "Rubberband Man"
- [15:56] Stickman Ingmann: Is there an estimate on pathfinding, then? We looking at one month, two, six, at the least?
- [15:56] NeoBokrug Elytis: I'd say WIFD
- [15:56] Rex Cronon: xstorm. there r free tools that will do the conversion from obj to dae
- [15:57] Falcon Linden: Also, I'm probably going to be 5mins late to the pathfinding UG :P
- [15:57] xstorm Radek: but OBJ is faster and simple code
- [15:57] Rex Cronon: what will make a sculpt reach a weight of 2?
- [15:57] Stickman Ingmann: Wrong group to be arguing that to, storm. Go tell Nyx.
- [15:57] Maestro Linden: collada is just the format we use to import meshes; we don't store it in that format intenrally
- [15:57] Falcon Linden: if it's more than 2 today :P
- [15:58] Moundsa Mayo: Wher should assemble, Falcon? Pathtest 1 is still down.
- [15:58] any1 Gynoid: i suggest here
- [15:58] Maestro Linden: it's starting.. let's see if it'll crash
- [15:58] Moundsa Mayo: Ah, cool.
- [15:58] Oskar Linden: I say stay huddling here until you learn if it's up or not
- [15:58] xstorm Radek: yes its converted to a format like OBJ ;) lol
- [15:58] any1 Gynoid: better couches lol
- [15:58] Maestro Linden: nope it's still crashing
- [15:58] Maestro Linden: pathtest2 then?
- [15:58] Oskar Linden: or you can chat in the server beta group here
- [15:59] Oskar Linden: thanks for the meeting everyone
- [15:59] Ima Mechanique: pathtest2 already has a few peolpe in, we can wait there
- [15:59] Oskar Linden: this is probably gonna do it
- [15:59] Oskar Linden: have a good weekend
- [15:59] xstorm Radek: still crashing why ?
- [15:59] Rex Cronon: tc oskar
- [15:59] Oskar Linden: let me know if you find any major issues on the RC's
- [15:59] SonicAnd Miles: You too Oskar :)
- [15:59] Stickman Ingmann: So sculpties will count as two prims. Is this period, or is this only when they're included in the new accounting format for land impact? And when is land impact going to apply to all prims, mesh or not?
- [15:59] MartinRJ Fayray: bye byye oskar
- [15:59] xstorm Radek: ty Oskar
- [15:59] Moundsa Mayo: Oskar, Maestro, Kelly, Falcon, thanks for your time and hard work!
- [15:59] Grid Crash Protection Box: stone Reina, you are now shielded from the effects of any Grid crashes which might occur!
- [15:59] Stolen Ruby: Bye, Oskar
- [16:00] xstorm Radek: ?
- [16:00] xstorm Radek: kelly ?
- [16:00] xstorm Radek: hi kelly
- [16:00] Kelly Linden: ?
- [16:00] xstorm Radek: :)
- [16:00] Kelly Linden: hi xstorm
- [16:00] Jonathan Yap: xstorm, is there a full moon where you are? :)
- [16:00] xstorm Radek: im old and my eyes are poor
- [16:00] Moundsa Mayo: There's always a full moon from SOMEWHERE in space.
- [16:01] any1 Gynoid: 4 O'Clock SLT and All's Well!