Bug triage/2009-04-27/Transcript
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- [12:03] Kona Linden: let's get this party started then shall we: [1]
- [12:03] Ellla McMahon: Hello Soft :))
- [12:03] Yann Dufaux: more simple to read now :)
- [12:03] Moon Metty: Soft :)
- [12:03] Soft Linden: Hey hey!
- [12:03] Morgaine Dinova: Parties++
- [12:03] Yann Dufaux: hi soft :)
- [12:04] Kona Linden: So the the Fast Track Import stuff...
- [12:04] Morgaine Dinova: Hiya Soft :-)
- [12:04] Cummere Mayo: hey soft wanna sit with me? i could use a pillow
- [12:04] Soft Linden: Okay, let's see what you folks broke this week!
- [12:04] Soft Linden: ha!
- [12:04] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4143
- [12:04] WolfPup Lowenhar: hello soft and opensource
- [12:04] Kona Linden: When an estate manager disables a script there is no way to re enable it (No Mod Objects Permanently Broke)
- [12:04] Kona Linden: ouch!
- [12:04] Uni Ninetails: oooooooooo
- [12:04] Techwolf Lupindo: That can be abused by estate owners before ejecting the avatar.
- [12:05] Cummere Mayo: hey josh
- [12:05] WolfPup Lowenhar: hey josh
- [12:05] Opensource Obscure: >_<
- [12:05] Soft Linden: Ooof. Okay. If they can disable scripts in no-mod objects, I don't think people can re-enable those scripts.
- [12:05] Squirrel Wood: Lagon ^^
- [12:05] Soft Linden: You could permanently screw up an object this way. This wants attention.
- [12:05] Moon Metty: yeah
- [12:05] Cummere Mayo: yep
- [12:05] Kona Linden: Import then?
- [12:05] Soft Linden: Yup
- [12:05] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:05] Cummere Mayo: defiantely
- [12:05] Kona Linden: done
- [12:06] Soft Linden: Either the disable should be temporary, reverted on re-rez. Or EMs should just be able to return, not disable.
- [12:06] Kona Linden: next: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4164
- [12:06] Kona Linden: Search Database world.secondlife.com empty/messy?
- [12:06] Kona Linden: lol
- [12:06] Latif Khalifa: that one broke a lot of content
- [12:07] Latif Khalifa: URLs to search profiles/places etc etc changed
- [12:07] Kona Linden: ouch
- [12:07] WolfPup Lowenhar: there was a grid status notice about that ine
- [12:07] Harleen Gretzky: I put these three under the Grid Status post because it didn't seem the Gris Status realized the full extent of the problem
- [12:07] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:07] Techwolf Lupindo: Once again, someone made a change without notice. Like the avatar animation playing at once limit that nearly broke a lot of content, but was adverted.
- [12:07] Soft Linden: Looking for it - thought I saw discussion internally already
- [12:07] Dessie Linden: heya everyone!
- [12:07] Dessie Linden: waves
- [12:08] WolfPup Lowenhar: hey dessi
- [12:08] Moon Metty: hi Dessie :)
- [12:08] Kona Linden: Hi Dessie dawlink!
- [12:08] Ellla McMahon: hello Dessie :))
- [12:08] Dessie Linden: :o)
- [12:08] Harleen Gretzky: Hi Dessie
- [12:08] Yann Dufaux: hello Dessie!! :)))
- [12:08] Morgaine Dinova: Hiya Dessie :-)
- [12:08] Latif Khalifa: my profile is now at [2] (the bit /a/ after host name has suddenly appeared)
- [12:08] Dessie Linden: great to see you all!
- [12:08] Soft Linden: ah well - I'd import
- [12:08] Opensource Obscure: so this is supposed to be an expected change - the only problem is that there was no pre-announce?
- [12:08] Kona Linden: yep
- [12:08] WolfPup Lowenhar: here the grid status notice about that one [3]
- [12:09] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:09] Kona Linden: Thanks Wolfpup!
- [12:09] Latif Khalifa: a lot of content looks up those profiles/froups/parcels, etc
- [12:09] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-4151
- [12:09] Kona Linden: profile picks dont seem to be updating
- [12:09] Kona Linden: ouch, this sucks too
- [12:09] WolfPup Lowenhar: same issue
- [12:09] Harleen Gretzky: Caused by the same thing
- [12:09] Soft Linden: For the previous URL one - might assign it to Bridie and ask if she knows where the matching issue is.
- [12:09] Kona Linden: kk, then I shall skip along =)
- [12:10] Kona Linden: which includes https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-12951
- [12:10] WolfPup Lowenhar: those are being cause by the extra letter in the profile url
- [12:10] Harleen Gretzky: correct
- [12:10] Soft Linden: 4151 isn't necessarily the same issue, but closely related. I'd import both.
- [12:10] Moon Metty: bloody noobs
- [12:10] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-12962
- [12:10] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:10] Kona Linden: Skins with alpha bake make up much more opaquely than before
- [12:10] Opensource Obscure: rewording...is the URL change going to be reverted as it was an error? or it's a new format, and it will stay like it's now?
- [12:11] Moon Metty: ahh, vwr-12962
- [12:11] Soft Linden: 12962, I'd import and nudge it toward Nyx
- [12:11] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:11] Soft Linden: He ought to know where it should go.
- [12:11] Moon Metty: before the meeting i logged in with 1.23, and then relogged with 1.22
- [12:11] Kona Linden: to Nyx it goes then
- [12:11] Kona Linden: lol
- [12:11] Moon Metty: you can see my eyebrows
- [12:12] WolfPup Lowenhar: < is running 1.23pn
- [12:12] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3058
- [12:12] Moon Metty: when i rebake the system eyebrows will dissappear
- [12:12] Kona Linden: Function: llSetSoundRadius( float radius ); fails to limit sound to radius
- [12:12] Soft Linden: Ha - did llSetSoundRadius -ever- work?
- [12:12] Soft Linden: Ya, this can go to viewer triage.
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:12] Soft Linden: Should probably be in VWR, not SVC.
- [12:12] Kona Linden: it did when we tested it
- [12:12] Kona Linden: lol
- [12:12] Kona Linden: a while back
- [12:12] Opensource Obscure: test. can you read this ?
- [12:12] Kona Linden: jess
- [12:12] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:12] Opensource Obscure: thanks.
- [12:13] Kona Linden: triage that one will go then...
- [12:13] Kona Linden: Patches time!
- [12:13] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-12995
- [12:13] Kona Linden: FTBFS: error: format '%-3d' expects type 'int', but argument 3 has type 'size_t'
- [12:14] Latif Khalifa: that one has been commited, no?
- [12:14] Soft Linden: This one shouldn't get imported just yet. It would only affect 64-bit (unsupported) builds.
- [12:14] Soft Linden: It should really go right into the public open source branch.
- [12:14] Techwolf Lupindo: I had to add -DGCC_DISABLE_FATAL_WARNINGS:BOOL=TRUE due to this and couple others.
- [12:14] Alexa Linden: add triaged date then?
- [12:14] Soft Linden: Ya.
- [12:14] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:14] Soft Linden: I'll add a comment asking Robin to flip it to sldev for review if it hasn't been
- [12:14] Cummere Mayo: when are you going to stat supporting 64 bit builds?
- [12:14] Kona Linden: next up: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-12989
- [12:14] Kona Linden: error: 'memcmp' was not declared in this scope
- [12:15] Soft Linden: Same thing here - can just mark the date
- [12:15] Soft Linden: I'll add a comment
- [12:15] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:16] Kona Linden: k, Hot By Vote...
- [12:16] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-9974
- [12:16] Kona Linden: Snapshot: High-res snapshot results in 3 striped images or 9 tiled images
- [12:16] Kona Linden: ahhh...this one again
- [12:16] Soft Linden: This didn't get imported before
- [12:16] Soft Linden: ?
- [12:16] WolfPup Lowenhar: < just updated that one with pic from test he did this morning
- [12:16] Kona Linden: Third time a charm then?
- [12:16] Alexa Linden: we asked for more info last time
- [12:16] Kona Linden: Thanks WolfPup
- [12:16] Soft Linden: Ah, okay - last week, or the week before, asked if it was still a problem
- [12:16] Soft Linden: Ya :)
- [12:17] Soft Linden: Sounds like an import!
- [12:17] Harleen Gretzky: I can no longer reproduce this
- [12:17] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:17] Soft Linden: Wolfpup says he can with 1.23
- [12:17] Cummere Mayo: i can sometimes
- [12:17] Cummere Mayo: not consistantly
- [12:17] Yann Dufaux: loll, i don't have HD screen for test :P
- [12:17] Harleen Gretzky: His picture does not show it
- [12:17] Cummere Mayo: i -think- it may partly be a load thing
- [12:18] WolfPup Lowenhar: the pic shows that i have no problem
- [12:18] Kona Linden: yeah, looks clear
- [12:18] WolfPup Lowenhar: i thought that i out that in
- [12:18] WolfPup Lowenhar: < will edit his entry
- [12:18] Kona Linden: thanks!
- [12:18] Moon Metty: :)
- [12:18] Soft Linden: Ah wait - you're adding system specs but saying you -don't- have the problem?
- [12:18] Kona Linden: ok, Misc Pool...let's dive into this one
- [12:19] Kona Linden: ...
- [12:19] Techwolf Lupindo: waites
- [12:19] Soft Linden: Okay, so 9974 is -not- an import, right?
- [12:19] Alexa Linden: can't repro?
- [12:19] Soft Linden: Can't repro?
- [12:19] Kona Linden: not yet
- [12:19] Squirrel Wood: nmi then ?
- [12:19] Cummere Mayo: nmi
- [12:19] Kona Linden: last week, no one here was able to repro
- [12:19] Cummere Mayo: i can repo but not consistantly
- [12:20] Cummere Mayo: :-/
- [12:20] Soft Linden: Funky. if you're able to, would you include detailed info about your snapshot settings?
- [12:20] Soft Linden: Next time you see it happen?
- [12:20] Cummere Mayo: yeah let me add to my watch list
- [12:20] WolfPup Lowenhar: < just updated his comment
- [12:20] Alexa Linden: so nmi or can't repro?
- [12:21] Kona Linden: yeah, sounds like it thus far
- [12:21] Kona Linden: K, back to the pool...waterwings and all...
- [12:21] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1774
- [12:21] Kona Linden: MAP Greyed out again, Map not loading when zoomed out.
- [12:21] Gellan Glenelg: this is OLD - last comment Nov 08 - hasn't map been changed completely since then?
- [12:21] Kona Linden: gah, this is back?!
- [12:22] Kona Linden: good point, Gellan
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: nmi
- [12:22] Harleen Gretzky: Ramzi Linden was able to reproduce when it first was entered amybe see if he can still reproduce
- [12:22] Alexa Linden: still a problem?
- [12:22] Opensource Obscure: did the map change even on non-http-texture viewers?
- [12:22] Cummere Mayo: only durring times other services fail do i still see this
- [12:23] Kona Linden: last post was in Nov 08...
- [12:23] Yann Dufaux: you talk about grey map?
- [12:23] Kona Linden: yep
- [12:23] Yann Dufaux: i have now
- [12:23] Yann Dufaux: i take a picture
- [12:23] Latif Khalifa: yes, only when sim has difficulty getting textures anyway... don't think its map specific
- [12:23] Kona Linden: Yann, can you also comment too please and post your system specs as well?
- [12:23] Yann Dufaux: Kona, yep no probleme! :)
- [12:23] Kona Linden: TY TY
- [12:24] Kona Linden: shall we import this one as well then?
- [12:24] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:24] Kona Linden: next...
- [12:24] Yann Dufaux: but the grey map are on mini-map
- [12:24] Yann Dufaux: ^^
- [12:24] WolfPup Lowenhar: just found a location that is greyed out my self on the map
- [12:25] Soft Linden: Sorry, was shuffling an issue in the background...
- [12:25] Cummere Mayo: yeah me too
- [12:25] Cummere Mayo: linden hq
- [12:25] Soft Linden: If you take this in, I'd pass it to Merov. He's pretty much replacing the map system, so this may not matter in the near future
- [12:25] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:25] Techwolf Lupindo: I just found one. Linden Lab HQ3 is greyed out.
- [12:25] Cummere Mayo: linden lab hq3 is a grey blur
- [12:25] Soft Linden: The code that's not working won't be in use soon.
- [12:25] BlckCobra Shikami: on my map LL HQ3 stays gray
- [12:25] Kona Linden: LL HQ3...lol
- [12:25] Moon Metty: some textures refuse to load ... it may apply to the map as well
- [12:26] Opensource Obscure: confirmed here, linux
- [12:26] BlckCobra Shikami: probably in cloak mode :-)
- [12:26] WolfPup Lowenhar: same here just took a snapshot
- [12:26] Alexa Linden: that's so you can see the candy colored rainbows and free balloons
- [12:26] Kona Linden: I see it as well
- [12:26] Cummere Mayo: also have madeira
- [12:26] Alexa Linden: can't*
- [12:26] Cummere Mayo: its greyed out as well
- [12:26] Kona Linden: looks like it's STILL an issue then =)
- [12:27] Kona Linden: so next up: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2059
- [12:27] WolfPup Lowenhar: want me to post my snapshot?
- [12:27] Kona Linden: Avatar becomes frozen after landing on another avatar's head
- [12:27] Soft Linden: Ah yeah, I can repro this 100%.
- [12:27] Kona Linden: Wolfpup, yes please
- [12:27] Soft Linden: Just use multitool to !stand on someone's head, then hop once.
- [12:27] Cummere Mayo: jsut import this one.
- [12:27] Soft Linden: This should import, yeah.
- [12:27] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:27] Cummere Mayo: i see it every night
- [12:27] Kona Linden: never can have too much info on these jiras
- [12:27] Latif Khalifa: or send teleport to two people without moving
- [12:28] Cummere Mayo: yep
- [12:28] Latif Khalifa: the second one to tp in gets stuck on top of the first one
- [12:28] Kona Linden: nice
- [12:28] Cummere Mayo: and sometimes flying wont even fix it for them
- [12:28] BlckCobra Shikami: yep, had this aswell several times
- [12:28] Kona Linden: next: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2683
- [12:28] Cummere Mayo: then the only way to unstick them is to bump them
- [12:28] Kona Linden: Missing Root Prim, Object Returned to Lost and Found without the Root Prim
- [12:28] Cummere Mayo: and thats another import . still an issue.
- [12:28] Soft Linden: Bah, can't demonstrate the last on Kona. I think he's in god mode. :)
- [12:28] BlckCobra Shikami: yup Kona
- [12:28] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:28] BlckCobra Shikami: had a customer with that problem only a few days ago
- [12:29] Cummere Mayo: I had it last night
- [12:29] BlckCobra Shikami: interesting was: they took the object, and it didn#t arrive in inventory until 2 days later
- [12:29] Cummere Mayo: fortuneately i didn lose anything
- [12:29] BlckCobra Shikami: and when they pulled it out again root prim was missing
- [12:29] Cummere Mayo: but still
- [12:29] BlckCobra Shikami: and the 2nd in link chain became new root prim
- [12:29] Soft Linden: I'd take this in.
- [12:29] WolfPup Lowenhar: actualy i had an object that i was sitting in and fell from a high alt and crashed into the gron this happened
- [12:29] Soft Linden: I can think of a recent change that could have affected this.
- [12:29] Cummere Mayo: ild up the priority too
- [12:29] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:29] Cummere Mayo: this can break allot of stuff and crash sims and clients
- [12:30] Soft Linden: drop me an email when you import and I can add a comment about it.
- [12:30] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:30] Cummere Mayo: ild make his a major priority internally :-/
- [12:30] BlckCobra Shikami: yep, unfortunately all scripts from the root prim vanish and I had suspected the customer to have removed it
- [12:30] BlckCobra Shikami: until someone else confirmed it that this can happen
- [12:30] BlckCobra Shikami: corrupted root prim in storage
- [12:31] Soft Linden: There was a rude trick people were doing where they'd try to send messages to simultaneously take the root and a child prim in an object to attempt to copy no-copy objects. The prevention for that could have bitten here.
- [12:32] Kona Linden: so import yes?
- [12:32] Soft Linden: Ya.
- [12:32] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:32] Kona Linden: next: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1062
- [12:32] BlckCobra Shikami: a lot of people where hit by that as what I noticed after learned it wasn't intentioanlly damaged by the user
- [12:32] Cummere Mayo: definatly and with some priority please kona
- [12:32] Kona Linden: Age Verification Beta is not working
- [12:32] Cummere Mayo: at least major or critical
- [12:32] Techwolf Lupindo: I tired to age verfied. Failed.
- [12:32] Cummere Mayo: simply smirks at this one
- [12:33] Kona Linden: hehehe
- [12:33] Soft Linden: So the original for this is 2007... it's not the AO verification
- [12:33] Cummere Mayo: no comment
- [12:33] Soft Linden: I'd ask the individual people on this to contact support. It's all pre-AO.
- [12:33] Cummere Mayo: soft the only way to get age verified is support ticket.
- [12:33] Cummere Mayo: all other ways still fail
- [12:33] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:33] Kona Linden: good pt Cummere
- [12:33] Cummere Mayo: and even a friend of mine that id and age verified though support ticket still isnt listed as age verified when he logs in
- [12:33] Techwolf Lupindo: When did Animation Overrides came into view date wise?
- [12:34] Yann Dufaux: support tiket, right i have did mine by this :D
- [12:34] Soft Linden: The AO stuff broadens the ways of doing verification. Some details about that in the blog and forum posts.
- [12:34] Cummere Mayo: still thinks LL is wasting time and money with this
- [12:34] WolfPup Lowenhar: i wen through the age verification process just befor the 1.26 server releace and it iswas ok
- [12:34] Soft Linden: The old way was not perfect for a lot of people.
- [12:34] Kona Linden: Techwolf, I can't recall...Soft, do you?
- [12:35] BlckCobra Shikami: Non US residents had the most problems with it
- [12:35] Harleen Gretzky: AO = Adult Oriented
- [12:35] Cummere Mayo: they still do >.>
- [12:35] Soft Linden: When did AO come into view? The announcement was about 3-4 weeks ago.
- [12:35] Kona Linden: BlckCobra, yeah, international support is still developing =)
- [12:35] Morgaine Dinova: Call it Adult Content, jeez.
- [12:35] WolfPup Lowenhar: -*@ ROFL @*-
- [12:35] BlckCobra Shikami: at least 50% of your residents are international (if not more) :-)
- [12:35] Soft Linden: And I super totally promise it's not motivated by Lindens being prudes.
- [12:36] Cummere Mayo: seriously jsut abondon it. its never going to work, and most complanies long since gave up trying
- [12:36] Alexa Linden: lol
- [12:36] Kona Linden: lol
- [12:36] BlckCobra Shikami: but no matter what you do - yoiur way of Adult Verification will fal with certain european authorities
- [12:36] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1728
- [12:36] BlckCobra Shikami: fal=fail
- [12:36] Kona Linden: While Online, appear as offline to others, and all IMs handled as such.
- [12:36] Kona Linden: While Online, appear as offline to others, and all IMs handled as such.
- [12:36] Techwolf Lupindo: I look on the age verfication and it volates two federal laws. One is asking for SSN.
- [12:36] Morgaine Dinova: 90% of community feedback said "No" ... so much for listening to feedback.
- [12:36] Kona Linden: wow...delay!
- [12:37] Harleen Gretzky: You can manual age verify thorugh support now
- [12:37] BlckCobra Shikami: yep, usually happens to me when I am TPing
- [12:37] BlckCobra Shikami: IMs send while I am in TP end up in my mailbox
- [12:37] BlckCobra Shikami: since 1.24
- [12:37] Cummere Mayo: yeah
- [12:38] Harleen Gretzky: has never happened to me
- [12:38] Cummere Mayo: lol, I know LL got my noticed about the SSN too
- [12:38] Soft Linden: I think a lot of us wish we could talk about every pressure that makes us do things. But sometimes that's just going to make the problem worse. I promise nobody here was behind the decision, nor are we the ones who could do anything about it.
- [12:38] Moon Metty: o_O
- [12:38] Morgaine Dinova: Yeah, I know Soft. But doesn't make it much better :-(
- [12:38] Cummere Mayo: soft, that may be true, but as an employee of ll, you can still be held legally responsable
- [12:38] Uni Ninetails: what i miss?
- [12:39] Cummere Mayo: which is why you all should be as concerned as the residents
- [12:39] Soft Linden: Is anyone having this in a 1.2x series server?
- [12:39] Squirrel Wood: I've never been asked for my ssn. Just the general passport info that you have to give out anyway if you fly over to the states :p
- [12:39] Soft Linden: The SVC-1728
- [12:39] BlckCobra Shikami: not seen it this way yet
- [12:39] BlckCobra Shikami: but the IM to mail when TPing issue
- [12:39] Kona Linden: Not seen this one in years
- [12:39] Cummere Mayo: still an issue at times soft
- [12:39] Harleen Gretzky: It has never happened to me even when TPing
- [12:39] BlckCobra Shikami: and when stuck in TP longer others may see me offline while I am
- [12:40] Soft Linden: It onnnnly happens to me when TPing/region crossing
- [12:40] Soft Linden: I'd like to NMI, ask how many people are seeing this sepcifically when -not- TPing.
- [12:40] Kona Linden: still that's not right...hmmm
- [12:40] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:40] Cummere Mayo: /em reaises hand
- [12:40] Soft Linden: The TPing one we definitely have in a separate issue
- [12:40] Gellan Glenelg: I've seen this too: someone IMs you when TPing - you get it in email, usually see it 3 hours later!
- [12:40] Cummere Mayo: im getting this right now in fact
- [12:40] Squirrel Wood: What I have seen lately was nobody marked online on my friend list, even though they were. So basically the opposite
- [12:40] Techwolf Lupindo: In the USA, only the IRS is premitted to use SSN. Emplyers are premetted as it directory relates to taxes. All others are forbidden, procuations is rare, but it does happens.
- [12:41] BlckCobra Shikami: Squirrel: I had this onyl when the sim had connectivity probs
- [12:41] Kona Linden: Cummere...pls comment & pic if you can
- [12:11] Life: User: not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
- [12:11] Mayo: alison?:
- [12:41] Cummere Mayo: ill comment
- [12:41] Soft Linden: odd.
- [12:41] Kona Linden: very
- [12:41] Cummere Mayo: but yeah peoples show up offline or online opposite of what they really are
- [12:42] Kona Linden: Cummere, please not what version of SL you're running too please =)
- [12:42] Squirrel Wood: yep. it tells you they are offline yet IMs work fine
- [12:42] Kona Linden: note*
- [12:42] Cummere Mayo: 1.23 aka crasy viewer :P
- [12:42] Kona Linden: Import, soft or NMI still?
- [12:42] Yann Dufaux: Cummer, its an interesting viewer but very alpha :P
- [12:42] Soft Linden: I'd NMI. It would be useful to get more people's reports, see if we can find any patterns to it
- [12:42] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:42] Kona Linden: kk
- [12:42] Soft Linden: which OS they use, whether it's worse when the grid is loaded down, etc
- [12:43] Squirrel Wood: the pattern so far is that there is no pattern
- [12:43] Kona Linden: next up: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2055
- [12:43] Kona Linden: SIM FPS going down to 20 or less (irregulary) for periods of a few minutes
- [12:43] Squirrel Wood: state saves on a busy sim ?
- [12:43] Techwolf Lupindo: SVC-1728 could be a feature to builders that need to be invisiable.
- [12:44] BlckCobra Shikami: I noticed that when people use builder tools which rez high numbers of prims
- [12:44] BlckCobra Shikami: FPS goes down, TD sometimes down to 0.15 for several seconds#
- [12:44] Object: Hello,: Avatar!
- [12:44] Harleen Gretzky: No comment since May 08 too
- [12:44] Soft Linden: On this, I'd want to know (a) Does it get better, or does it persist? (b) if it persists, can they point to some sims where it's happening?
- [12:44] Cummere Mayo: ok kona can you see if thats enough info for you?
- [12:45] Soft Linden: It will help a ton if a Linden can see it happening, poke about in the logs in real time.
- [12:45] Kona Linden: NMI then?
- [12:45] Soft Linden: ya.
- [12:45] Moon Metty: nmi
- [12:45] Kona Linden: kk
- [12:45] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:45] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2557
- [12:45] Kona Linden: I sat down an item that I didn't know had almost 1000 prims, instead of saying "parcel full", 900 prims were taken from me, things given by friends to decorate my island.
- [12:45] Kona Linden: This one is a pain
- [12:46] Soft Linden: Ugh, what a nuissance
- [12:46] Cummere Mayo: sounds like this one should be cc'd to inventory recovery
- [12:46] BlckCobra Shikami: happens quite often if I believe my customers
- [12:46] Cummere Mayo: oh it does
- [12:46] Soft Linden: Yeah, I'd import this, but it could use a clearer summary
- [12:46] Alexa Linden: k
- [12:46] Cummere Mayo: and if theres a linden tree ANYWHERE in the prims you can kiss them goodbye even LL cant recover them
- [12:46] BlckCobra Shikami: yup
- [12:46] Kona Linden: next: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2902
- [12:47] BlckCobra Shikami: but mostly they even don't arrive in lost+found
- [12:47] Kona Linden: voice enabled regions spam the message "talk0" on channel 666 every time somone speaks
- [12:47] Soft Linden: On the previous one, maybe "items should not rez if they would cause existing objects to be returned"
- [12:47] Squirrel Wood: cannot repro
- [12:47] Aimee Trescothick: sounds like someone has a voice gesture active that's sending that when they talk
- [12:47] Alexa Linden: yup
- [12:47] BlckCobra Shikami: jira won't load LOL
- [12:48] Kona Linden: no surprised
- [12:48] Morgaine Dinova: So what's the resolution on 2557, that needs a fix, not sympathy
- [12:48] Yann Dufaux: i need to test! in next day :)
- [12:48] Soft Linden: This is almost certianly someone's avatar having a voice-activated gesture
- [12:48] Kona Linden: not*
- [12:48] Soft Linden: Many avatars use voice activated gestures to speak on channels in order to tell the prims in the avatar to animate.
- [12:48] Soft Linden: Muzzletalk, etc use it.
- [12:48] Squirrel Wood: Its like the voice gestures...
- [12:48] Yann Dufaux: i notice some interesting bugs, with voice :)
- [12:48] BlckCobra Shikami: Can I create an entry in JIRA which says, JIRA is timing out for me now? :-)
- [12:48] Aimee Trescothick: yeah, I've used it to make voice responsive art stuff before
- [12:48] Moon Metty: lol Cobra
- [12:49] Soft Linden: This can be resolved as expected behavior
- [12:49] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:49] Soft Linden: There are already comments talking about voice activated gestures. they can glean what they need to know from there :)
- [12:49] Kona Linden: next: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2991
- [12:49] Kona Linden: Changing PARCEL COMMAND AGENT's PARCEL MEDIA TYPE from any type to video fails
- [12:49] Cummere Mayo: hey before we run otu of time may i request we discuss a feature request after this last bug kona?
- [12:50] Kona Linden: sure
- [12:50] Soft Linden: Ya, would import this and note that there's a repro in the comments.
- [12:50] Alexa Linden: ok
- [12:50] Soft Linden: Who's the parcel media PM? Could probably go straight to them.
- [12:50] Soft Linden: Otherwise, Sam would know.
- [12:50] Kona Linden: kk
- [12:51] Cummere Mayo: ok kona can we look at [4] ? ive got votes for it already
- [12:52] Kona Linden: Please add the ability to view ONLY adult content, ONLY mature content, and Adult and Mature content.
- [12:52] Squirrel Wood: but no PG content
- [12:52] Techwolf Lupindo: Filtering out PG can be of use to filter out newbies spamalot areas.
- [12:52] Cummere Mayo: theres currantly no way to restrict the viewer to filter otu LL's disneyland which -I- and many others find offensive
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: hi all =)
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: hi tech =P
- [12:53] Soft Linden: I don't think we should interrupt the agenda for that. We definitely couldn't do that before the first AO release anyway.
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: nice seeing you again =P
- [12:53] Squirrel Wood: VISTA AO SUPASEXIANIMATED v1.2: Could not find animation 'APRSITANIM1' - please fix your AO by either putting the missing animation in or by editing its config notecard and then reloading the config.
- [12:53] Kona Linden: disneyland *snicker*
- [12:53] Soft Linden: I'd also add some more reasoning for it to the jira. :) I think some folks might think you were kidding as it stands.
- [12:53] Xaria Mistwallow: hey dessie =)
- [12:53] Cummere Mayo: sot you already have half the ao stuff installed on the viewer. i think now is the best time to add it
- [12:53] Dessie Linden: heya Xaria
- [12:54] BlckCobra Shikami: hmmm, not sure if that will ever work if every object has a flag saying "I am PG, Mature or Adult" and being rezzed in the client's viewer as his rating says
- [12:54] Soft Linden: Besides. That JIRA's not complete without Avenue Q links.
- [12:54] Cummere Mayo: avenue q links?
- [12:54] BlckCobra Shikami: or what they want to see
- [12:54] Soft Linden: o/` The Internet is for Porn o/` - that :)
- [12:55] Cummere Mayo: .....
- [12:55] Cummere Mayo: soft im serious ><
- [12:56] Dakota Schwade: Is there a Linden I could chat with about that SVC-2055? I might have some information that could be used to backtrack and maybe help find a cause. Prospero Linden, perhaps?
- [12:56] Soft Linden: Really would add more about your reasoning to it, and get it into the regular agenda.
- [12:56] Soft Linden: Or are we out of agenda items?
- [12:56] Kona Linden: we can do another one
- [12:56] Kona Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-3131
- [12:57] Kona Linden: llWind() and viewer wind effects do not match
- [12:57] Xaria Mistwallow: accepted your inventory offer.
- [12:57] Soft Linden: A repro object on this would help. Maybe a simple script that shows what directoin LSL says the wind is facing, and also a flexi object with wind effects on it?
- [12:57] Kona Linden: hmmm...that's a good one
- [12:57] Moon Metty: any way the wind blow ...
- [12:57] Techwolf Lupindo: P0rn jokes aside, filtering PG can be of use. I was thinking of trying it to filter out keyword spammers and the like.
- [12:58] WolfPup Lowenhar: that should be easy to code
- [12:58] Squirrel Wood: keyword abuse, yes.
- [12:58] Aimee Trescothick: a simple windsock that points into the wind will show it
- [12:58] Dessie Linden: anyone with a valid application of the filter PG idea should comment on the jira :o)
- [12:58] Aimee Trescothick: it points the wrong way sometimes and wraps round the pole
- [12:59] Soft Linden: Yar, what Dessie says.
- [12:59] Kona Linden: well that's no good
- [12:59] Kona Linden: wrapping around the pole...lol
- [12:59] Aimee Trescothick: as the flex takes it a different way to where LSL says the wind is going
- [12:59] Kona Linden: Import then?
- [12:59] WolfPup Lowenhar: actualy a two stage windsock one that is a particle emiter wiht wind active and the other an object that is rotated to the wind direction
- [12:59] Squirrel Wood: the wind may have just changed direction and the flexi is not updating right away.
- [12:59] Soft Linden: It doesn't read like the issue is serious right now.
- [13:00] Soft Linden: Kona - I'd NMI, ask for sample content
- [13:00] Xaria Mistwallow: Earlier today I noticed someone using some object that shouts things using people's names that are near it, very rude things even
- [13:00] Kona Linden: kk
- [13:00] Soft Linden: It's going to be really low priority, but if someone has a broken object sitting in front of them, they're more likely to take it.
- [13:00] Squirrel Wood: Xaria, normal griefer stuff :)
- [13:00] Alexa Linden: and I'm off to another meeting
- [13:00] Xaria Mistwallow: yeah still
- [13:00] Squirrel Wood: Abuse report such things if you find them
- [13:00] Moon Metty: see you soon alexa
- [13:00] WolfPup Lowenhar: tc alxea
- [13:01] Alexa Linden: thanks all!
- [13:01] Kona Linden: Thank you everone! Have a great Monday & week!