Doc Team/2009-04-22
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- [12:43 SLT] Jeremy Linden: No voice, Kate?
- [12:44 SLT] Kate Linden: no voice again...relogging
- [12:45 SLT] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
- [12:51 SLT] Jeremy Linden: OM NOM NOM
- [12:52 SLT] Kate Linden: What's the photo for?
- [12:58 SLT] Compass Bag - brown: stopping shoulder bag pose
- [12:58 SLT] Compass Bag - brown: starting shoulder bag pose
- [12:59 SLT] Entering god mode, level 200
- [13:00 SLT] Teleport completed from
- [13:00 SLT] Voice not available at your current location
- [13:01 SLT] Crap Mariner salutes
- [13:01 SLT] Youri Ashton: friendly greetings torley!
- [13:01 SLT] Jon Linden: hello everybody!
- [13:01 SLT] Roxelana Laval: yay! Hey Kate and Torley xD
- [13:01 SLT] Natalya Debevec: Hi:))
- [13:01 SLT] Youri Ashton: hey jeremy
- [13:01 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.2 (Mono): Youri Ashton has pinged you.
- [13:01 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hello! We're glad you made it. Welcome to... THE FUTURE!
- [13:01 SLT] Youri Ashton: hi jon!
- [13:01 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hey everyone!
- [13:01 SLT] Kate Linden: Hello everyone :)
- [13:01 SLT] Youri Ashton: hey colton
- [13:01 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: hiyas
- [13:01 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: hello
- [13:01 SLT] Torley Linden: how welcome it is... to be welcome! heh heh!
- [13:01 SLT] Colton Linden: Hi :)
- [13:01 SLT] Torley Linden: what's new and exciting in all of your Second Lives?
- [13:02 SLT] Squirrel Wood: Hot pink and green greetings ^^
- [13:02 SLT] Roxelana Laval: Gregor has a new gesture! hahahah
- [13:02 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: yes!!!
- [13:02 SLT] Roxelana Laval: ★★~~<^>Jeremy Linden** WΘΘŤ~★~WΘΘŤ **Jeremy Linden<^>~~★★
- [13:02 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: one is this
- [13:02 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: Hio Hio Hio
- [13:02 SLT] Torley Linden: wow that's a very fancy... if some unicode characters didn't behave so badly on the Message of the Day i might use more, Roxelana
- [13:03 SLT] Youri Ashton: I was thinking of joining Ll, I can do a few things that might be handy for LL
- [13:03 SLT] Torley Linden: details plz!
- [13:03 SLT] Jeremy Linden: It's just an interview process away!
- [13:03 SLT] Youri Ashton: well, building for exanmple, i been told im pretty much the fastest there is in SL
- [13:04 SLT] Youri Ashton: helping other users is what i do often aswell
- [13:04 SLT] xstorm Radek: eeepppp
- [13:04 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: torley remember the other week when we were talking about view distance for snapshots..
- [13:04 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Hey everyone sorry I'm late ... rezzing
- [13:04 SLT] Torley Linden: Youri, also related, have you looked into the Linden Department of Public Works? always looking for quality talent to help build out the new mainland
- [13:04 SLT] Squirrel Wood: heh
- [13:04 SLT] Youri Ashton: well, that was one of the questions indeed that i had
- [13:05 SLT] Squirrel Wood: my talent is torturing sims with my terraformer :p
- [13:05 SLT] Youri Ashton: on the official SL website and SL wiki i couldnt find what i wanted
- [13:05 SLT] Squirrel Wood: the moles ?
- [13:05 SLT] Youri Ashton: tnx jeremy, ill check that link out!
- [13:05 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.2 (Mono): Youri Ashton has pinged you.
- [13:05 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: in 2 hours Michael will come
- [13:05 SLT] Torley Linden: yes, the moles
- [13:06 SLT] Squirrel Wood: ^^
- [13:06 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: at sim Shamon
- [13:06 SLT] xstorm Radek: we need better moles
- [13:06 SLT] Squirrel Wood: them moles are sure working hard
- [13:06 SLT] Youri Ashton: I know for a fact that Data Linden is also from my country,I met him a few weeks ago actually
- [13:06 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: If you get your application into Michael, in the next couple hours, be sure that it gets his attention, and confuses him utterly
- [13:06 SLT] xstorm Radek: i had to AR the GOV for missing roads
- [13:07 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Isn't Governor Linden to person to accuse, when we've nobody else?
- [13:07 SLT] Youri Ashton: I can do translations for example aswell, both Dutch and English are known to me
- [13:07 SLT] Colton Linden: It's probably best to file a support ticket on a missing road than a abuse report
- [13:07 SLT] xstorm Radek: yep
- [13:07 SLT] Colton Linden: Yes Arawn, or any Linden can be used
- [13:07 SLT] Torley Linden: i once punched the Governor in the head and she ran off crying
- [13:07 SLT] Squirrel Wood: humm
- [13:07 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Uhh... Torley?
- [13:07 SLT] Youri Ashton: lol torley
- [13:08 SLT] Roxelana Laval: o.O meany
- [13:08 SLT] xstorm Radek: support ticket ? spike did not remove the road when i fell off it
- [13:08 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: lol
- [13:08 SLT] Youri Ashton: i hope not hard ;)
- [13:08 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Haptic Interface is happning?
- [13:08 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: Torley how do you get the draw distance past 512 fror snapshots?
- [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: no she just regenerated into another form and cleared some trees
- [13:08 SLT] xstorm Radek: the LL land belongs to the GOV
- [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: Bio, oh that's a Debug Setting.
- [13:08 SLT] Youri Ashton: in advanced menu you can unlock the settings
- [13:08 SLT] Youri Ashton: do know you need your view distance on maximum aswell
- [13:09 SLT] Squirrel Wood: Its called RenderFarClip
- [13:09 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Hey, Marrianne
- [13:09 SLT] Youri Ashton: so espect lagg when you do it
- [13:09 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hiya
- [13:09 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: yeah i used the debug so I can do hgue snapshots..
- [13:09 SLT] Kate Linden:
- [13:09 SLT] Crap Mariner salutes
- [13:09 SLT] xstorm Radek: hi hi
- [13:09 SLT] Marianne McCann: Did someone mention one of my favorite debug settings>
- [13:09 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: my pc can handle the draw distance ;)
- [13:09 SLT] Torley Linden: that page is sharp-edged temptation. chock full of things we don't officially support, but you may find useful!
- [13:09 SLT] Squirrel Wood: I stick to 128m when recording 720p machinima
- [13:10 SLT] Marianne McCann: Add RenderUseFarClip and up RenderTreeLOD while yer at it. If yer system can manage it
- [13:10 SLT] Torley Linden: ramping up the RenderTreeLOD REALLY slows your system. :O
- [13:10 SLT] xstorm Radek: if people build on LL land i will AR it every time same way if there is prim trash on it or missing roads
- [13:10 SLT] Youri Ashton: trust me, im on a true gamer pc and i dont even have it on max all the time :)
- [13:10 SLT] Youri Ashton: only slows down and makes you crash
- [13:10 SLT] Torley Linden: especially in places with tons o' Linden trees (obviously)
- [13:10 SLT] xstorm Radek: compants do not need to see this
- [13:10 SLT] Marianne McCann: True, Torley. I usually do keep mine above normal, but for long shots involving Linden trees, it's vital
- [13:10 SLT] Youri Ashton: torley, those are called lag-o-tree's :p
- [13:10 SLT] Crap Mariner stays on 64m almost always
- [13:11 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: so is higher treelod better?
- [13:11 SLT] Marianne McCann: For average use, I keep mine down, but for pics, sometimes I gotta go up up up
- [13:11 SLT] xstorm Radek: put in prim trees
- [13:11 SLT] Marianne McCann: Lower = less lag and less detail
- [13:11 SLT] Youri Ashton: ow, speaking of trees. could you send me that landmark to that forrest you made a video in?
- [13:11 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: ok treelod set to 2 lol
- [13:11 SLT] Youri Ashton: i sure would love to see that!
- [13:11 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: farclip set to 720
- [13:12 SLT] Youri Ashton: hi giddy
- [13:12 SLT] Giddy Gears: hi youri
- [13:12 SLT] Torley Linden: whose video, Youri? mine? Chakryn?
- [13:12 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: What's this Far Clip again? I don't know how to get there.
- [13:12 SLT] Marianne McCann: I usually have my TreeLOD at 2 to 5. Seems to balance okay with viewer lag on my system
- [13:12 SLT] Youri Ashton: yours
- [13:12 SLT] Torley Linden: Youri, :)
- [13:12 SLT] Marianne McCann: RenderFarClip in debug settings, Arawn
- [13:13 SLT] Youri Ashton: i thought it was about hiding objects if im not mistaken
- [13:13 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Debug as opposed to Advanced?
- [13:13 SLT] Youri Ashton: thank you torley!
- [13:13 SLT] Marianne McCann: (RenderUseFar clip seems to help with render prims on those long distances)
- [13:13 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: i could prob push it up more..see if my quad can take it
- [13:13 SLT] Marianne McCann: With any of 'em, the more you ush it, the more troubles you can encounter
- [13:13 SLT] Becky Pippen: RenderVolumeLODFactor is another one that is sometimes useful -- it makes sculpties stay at their higher resolution at greater distances without affecting the rest of the render distance settings
- [13:14 SLT] Marianne McCann notices every goes silent as they pick through debug settings
- [13:14 SLT] Becky Pippen: Jeremy, I think you asked for resident-contributed text-based tutorials for some project you were working on. I dunno if this is like what you were looking for, but I just uploaded a new article on the wiki about animation frame rates at
- [13:14 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.2 (Mono): Becky Pippen has pinged you.
- [13:14 SLT] Youri Ashton: I rea something about new roads for main land, does that mean LL is adding a complete new mainland part to SL? any news? details?
- [13:15 SLT] Youri Ashton: YAY!! SIM LAG!!
- [13:15 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: well im sure my system can take it lol
- [13:15 SLT] Torley Linden: if someone made an open source viewer that allowed you to "snap" through sets of custom settings i'd prolly want to check that out.
- [13:15 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I did?
- [13:15 SLT] xstorm Radek: how did you know i was looking at my debug settings ?
- [13:15 SLT] Marianne McCann: Youri - Michael Linden is on that. They're doing a "poll" on some roads on the new continents, an finishing up some on the Korean Continent
- [13:15 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heh. I always welcome interesting tutorials!
- [13:16 SLT] Youri Ashton: the poll told me it was over
- [13:16 SLT] Youri Ashton: could be a minor bug tho
- [13:16 SLT] Marianne McCann: Might be. It was a couple weeks back that he opened it
- [13:16 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: got tree set to 6...terrain set to 3 and farclip set to 720
- [13:16 SLT] xstorm Radek: no such thing as a small bug
- [13:16 SLT] Marianne McCann: An one of the routes was a clear front runner
- [13:16 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Becky, I can't see yet, anyone sitting next to you?
- [13:16 SLT] Arawn Spitteler tries to imagine a linden bug that isn't over the age of 18
- [13:16 SLT] Youri Ashton: lol
- [13:17 SLT] Becky Pippen: Sophie, there's someone on either side of me
- [13:17 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: thanks Becky, dont want to squish anyone
- [13:17 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: thats what a pic looks like with those settings lol
- [13:17 SLT] xstorm Radek: you best be 40 and older
- [13:17 SLT] Squirrel Wood: /ao off
- [13:18 SLT] Torley Linden: nice shot, Bio! how spontaneous.
- [13:18 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: not to break out of the discusstion at hand, but wow, I have never seen this many lindens in one spot before o.o I have only ever seen 3 lindens in my almost three years here
- [13:19 SLT] Torley Linden: then we are have glad to broken the record for you, Methvell =)
- [13:19 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: haha
- [13:19 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: thats with beta vid card drivers in windows 7 though :(
- [13:19 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hi Methvell. We're holding a team office hour right now. Glad you could make it!
- [13:19 SLT] Youri Ashton: I reported a few days ago some griefers that misused the group liabilities to gain money WITHOUT telling anyone. Basicly they let you in and then put the group liabilities on. any news about that subject?
- [13:19 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: Have been wanting to meet you for a while, Torley
- [13:19 SLT] Kate Linden: Doc Team meets here every week Methvell. Nice you could join us :)
- [13:19 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: every thing wiht WIN 7 drivers is ok
- [13:19 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: I was at the indligt Riot, and at Zero's presentation at Pooley
- [13:19 SLT] Torley Linden: that's awesome to hear ^_^
- [13:19 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: i use it just fine
- [13:20 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: yeah but all the drivers for the gtx275 are betas lol
- [13:20 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: on nvidia
- [13:20 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: even in xp
- [13:20 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: been subbed to your youtube channel since last year
- [13:20 SLT] Crap Mariner: speedy
- [13:20 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: your tips are awesome
- [13:20 SLT] GoSpeed Racer: yo
- [13:20 SLT] Youri Ashton: hi gospeed
- [13:20 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Somebody spamed the Zero Meeting, with a crowd of lindens blasting those noises, and one f themgot Ghosted
- [13:20 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: 8800gts is just fine
- [13:20 SLT] Marianne McCann: Bio: Here's 4096m draw, with a 20 on trees.
- [13:20 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: yeah used to have 1 of them..
- [13:20 SLT] Colton Linden: I am using a 8800gts
- [13:21 SLT] pinkytje Docherty: Hi everyone
- [13:21 SLT] Marianne McCann: I could not move, but we all suffer for art.
- [13:21 SLT] Marianne McCann winks
- [13:21 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: 640 mb 320 bit COLTON ?
- [13:21 SLT] Torley Linden: oh wow Methvell, how'd you originally find my videos?
- [13:21 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hiya
- [13:21 SLT] Youri Ashton: zero can fend for himself, he is a great man, so no doubt he will punish the one if he found him :)
- [13:21 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Does anybody have a link from the kb or somewhere about what do to about ghosting - apart from rebooting the sim of course
- [13:21 SLT] Youri Ashton: 3870X2 for me :)
- [13:21 SLT] Colton Linden: no, I dont think it has that much memory
- [13:21 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Reboot the sim
- [13:21 SLT] Marianne McCann: Same with this one, Bio, which is a bit more artistic:
- [13:21 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I watch everyone you make, torley
- [13:21 SLT] xstorm Radek: Zero Linden is he even around any more ?
- [13:21 SLT] Youri Ashton: yeah he is
- [13:21 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: even IMed you a question, the other night
- [13:21 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: APART from rebooting the sim .. if you aren't a sim owner, you are stuck
- [13:21 SLT] Youri Ashton: once a week so far i know
- [13:22 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: nice mari
- [13:22 SLT] xstorm Radek: i have yet to seen him show up at a office meeting
- [13:22 SLT] Youri Ashton: his office is in grasmere
- [13:22 SLT] Kate Linden: If you have a stuck presence, and can't restart your region, go to the support portal and they can help you .
- [13:22 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Even if you only have a basic account?
- [13:22 SLT] xstorm Radek: same way for the linden doing the Xstreet office meetings
- [13:22 SLT] Torley Linden: Mari, that's a wonderful sky setting
- [13:23 SLT] Kate Linden: yes, if you have a basic account you can still get help with stuck presence issues.
- [13:23 SLT] Torley Linden: i like the orange to blue transition
- [13:23 SLT] xstorm Radek: and Xstreet is a damn mess
- [13:23 SLT] Marianne McCann: Thankoo, Torley. I believe that was Coastal Sunset, slightly modified
- [13:23 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: thank you, Kate
- [13:23 SLT] Youri Ashton: I sure would love the entire list of meetings :o i see i miss out alot :o
- [13:23 SLT] Torley Linden: Methvell, oh alas i don't check IMs (as it says in my profile) but you're always welcome to contact me via the Web tab of my profile!
- [13:23 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: o I mean, Imed you on youtube, not SL
- [13:23 SLT] Jeremy Linden:
- [13:23 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I don't like to bug lindens
- [13:23 SLT] Torley Linden: ahh sorry i don't really check those either, as i mention on my main YouTube channel page Methvell... wish i had clones!
- [13:23 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Did you ever get my message about the clickable log-in message?
- [13:24 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: ah I see
- [13:24 SLT] xstorm Radek: i never use a browser when im in SL
- [13:24 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Attention costs money, to corporations.
- [13:24 SLT] Jeremy Linden almost always has firefox open on the other monitor.
- [13:24 SLT] xstorm Radek: i like SL not a flat non 3D screen
- [13:24 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: A Corporation is essentially, a being made of Money
- [13:24 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: bit of a hard man to get to I see, have come to your sim a few times, but I have not seen you there
- [13:24 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: haha
- [13:25 SLT] Crap Mariner is pondering the word "display"
- [13:25 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: exploere 8 here on 7 and works fine but NVM
- [13:25 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: what a crazy place it is, those chairs were awesome, when you had them up
- [13:25 SLT] xstorm Radek: a company is not made of money
- [13:25 SLT] Kate Linden: (See "I can't login inworld with my account") Tourmaline
- [13:25 SLT] Torley Linden: Methvell, yes, we're redecorating Here island :) haha there's gonna be more wackiness soon... and those chairs, the ones i did a video of? by Trin Trevellion? they have marvellous detail
- [13:25 SLT] Youri Ashton: ah, tnx for the link again! I most likely had the wrong page myself!
- [13:25 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: A company is made of People, a Corporation is made of Money, and a law is made of rash asumptions.
- [13:25 SLT] xstorm Radek: they are filled with hard working people trying to bring real world items in to SL
- [13:26 SLT] Youri Ashton: wb gregor
- [13:26 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: thanks
- [13:26 SLT] pinkytje Docherty: wb baby
- [13:26 SLT] Youri Ashton: yw :)
- [13:26 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: o yes, I even Imed her and told her how cool they were that torley talked about them, and she was nice enough to just give me one :D
- [13:26 SLT] Torley Linden: i am super-responsive when contacted through the right way about the right things. it's just, as the old cliche goes, "there's so much!" and a lot of the stuff directed to me is best handled by another Linden who knows more in that area.
- [13:26 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Thanks again Kate :)
- [13:26 SLT] Squirrel Wood: So we can come visit HERE soon to see mor OSSM ?
- [13:26 SLT] xstorm Radek: so any thing we do must be the best we can do for any company thats in SL or willing to come in to SL
- [13:27 SLT] Kate Linden: yw :)
- [13:27 SLT] xstorm Radek: time is money
- [13:27 SLT] Youri Ashton: ow torley, nicely redone your sim i saw. all euhm.. pinkish :p
- [13:27 SLT] pinkytje Docherty: ao off
- [13:27 SLT] Radrun Rau: Hi
- [13:27 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I would like to ask a general question to all the Lindens here, if that is ok
- [13:27 SLT] Radrun Rau: It is great to meet a linden :)
- [13:28 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Ask away!
- [13:28 SLT] xstorm Radek: are they Lindens ?
- [13:28 SLT] Jeremy Linden checks his last name.
- [13:28 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: It is easier to ask permission, than to ask forgiveness, but, gettingis a bit the reverse.
- [13:28 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Looks like it.
- [13:28 SLT] xstorm Radek: can i spend them ?
- [13:28 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: LOOOL
- [13:28 SLT] Crap Mariner: the ones present are just figments of your imagination. This is but a dream.
- [13:28 SLT] Torley Linden: indeed, Squirrel, indeed.
- [13:28 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: they must be
- [13:28 SLT] Kate Linden: Welcome to the Documentation Team office hour Radrun. Glad you could join us.
- [13:28 SLT] Youri Ashton: anyone with Linden as last name you can be sure they are a Linden
- [13:28 SLT] Jon Linden: nobody say "42"
- [13:28 SLT] Torley Linden: Here is really a dumping ground for hands-on content creation exercises and ideas that come to mind but require Second life t o test.
- [13:28 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: 42?
- [13:28 SLT] Youri Ashton: Lindens often have a test avi aswell, usually with last name Test
- [13:28 SLT] GoSpeed Racer: 7x6
- [13:29 SLT] Torley Linden: Youri, exactly. and if someone claims to be an alt, they need to PROVE IT and login as their Linden account.
- [13:29 SLT] Crap Mariner wonders what a Torley maze would look like.
- [13:29 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: My questions is how to the lindens, as a whole, view the Second Life military community?
- [13:29 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: no he ment the answer is 42
- [13:29 SLT] Jon Linden: (sorry, hitchhiker's guide joke)
- [13:29 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: lol yeah
- [13:29 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: what?
- [13:29 SLT] Kate Linden: Oh! We even made a KB article to help explain "Who are Lindens?", complete with a video tutorial!
- [13:29 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Life the universe and everything
- [13:29 SLT] Torley Linden: there is no whole canonical view on that, Methvell... also because there are many different military groups. so, it's too much of a generalization.
- [13:29 SLT] Jon Linden: methvell, to be honest, my awareness of the SL military community is minimal
- [13:29 SLT] Arawn Spitteler asks The Question: What is the horizontal windspeed velocity of a swallow in flight?
- [13:29 SLT] Marianne McCann: Like yours, crap, but with less white and more pink and green?
- [13:29 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: well i am from the big Dayafter family of Wales
- [13:30 SLT] xstorm Radek: oh i hope thats not like the SL Police i hate to have to go and watch that group again
- [13:30 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Methvell, I can't speak for all of us, but I know we're working with some branches of the U.S. and other militaries to form a presence for training and other communication here.
- [13:30 SLT] Youri Ashton: I dont know what "hippo" is though, last year in friends list there were alot of 'hippo's" in the list most of the time
- [13:30 SLT] Youri Ashton: placeholders?
- [13:30 SLT] Crap Mariner: Mari - Eshi gets on my case when I am "afraid of color" but I'm rather averse to color usually. Shades of black and white.
- [13:30 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: that is not what he means Jeremy
- [13:30 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.2 (Mono): Sophie Wellesley has pinged you.
- [13:30 SLT] Squirrel Wood: Mmmm. Hippos!
- [13:30 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: No, not liek the real military, i am speaking of the ones that are made in SL
- [13:30 SLT] Kate Linden: Arawn, an African or European Swallow?
- [13:30 SLT] Becky Pippen: role playing
- [13:30 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: like the Alliance Navy, merczateers, ordo, etc
- [13:30 SLT] Jon Linden: ah, interesting
- [13:30 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: yes, it is a type of role play
- [13:31 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: I can't answer that... Ahhhhhh!!!!!
- [13:31 SLT] Jon Linden: my answer remains the same, unfortunately: my knowledge is minimal, and hence i have no real opinion
- [13:31 SLT] xstorm Radek: if they are RP people and they grief people i will AR them
- [13:31 SLT] Torley Linden: one thing i really like that i've seen from some of these military groups is the depths to which they've used the groups system.
- [13:31 SLT] Kate Linden: lol Arawn
- [13:31 SLT] Marianne McCann: We all like what we like, Crap. I think your preference to shades is as valid as any.
- [13:31 SLT] Youri Ashton: anything on the 'hippo' names?
- [13:31 SLT] Torley Linden: also, some really elaborate avatars with tons of customization -- that can be said for most dedicated roleplayers.
- [13:31 SLT] Marianne McCann: An really, looks good on the maze, too.
- [13:31 SLT] Youri Ashton: just placeholders or something thats not good?
- [13:31 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Video Games were developed by the Pentagon, for training. That's why you get so many shoot'em ups, asides their being fun
- [13:32 SLT] GoSpeed Racer: Like Fronterra
- [13:32 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: we do have a lot of experts here
- [13:32 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: Yes, outside of being in the militaries themselves, many soldiers of all SL militaries do enjoy other RP, of all types
- [13:32 SLT] xstorm Radek: yes but the SL police was a real hard working group that was a bunch of griefers
- [13:32 SLT] Torley Linden: i like olde-skool vector tank games like BattleZone and even Spectre VR.
- [13:32 SLT] Youri Ashton: Lindens have to be knowing what they talking about
- [13:33 SLT] Youri Ashton: and for the rest, well there are a lot that are in SL for some time now
- [13:33 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: now that is a cute av
- [13:33 SLT] Crap Mariner: SL Police made for excellent target practice.
- [13:33 SLT] Squirrel Wood: There's nothing like TPing to an InfoHub and be greeted by someone blasting music through voice as loud as they can. :p
- [13:33 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: although not many of them are well known to the public, they make a big effect on weapons, clothing, and etc. sells
- [13:33 SLT] Jon Linden: youri, it's not my job to manage communities; my area of responsibility is to see to the maintenance of the knowledge base
- [13:33 SLT] xstorm Radek: i worry that griefers will run off the real companys in SL
- [13:33 SLT] Marianne McCann: I've had way too many dealings with "SL Police" types. I really wish there was less liklihood of them harassing my customers
- [13:33 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: I saw an article, today, that we've about 1.3 million pareticsw, in the US, by some new count. I don't know what linden it would be of interest to.
- [13:34 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Torley, I have a vid question, on documentation
- [13:34 SLT] Torley Linden: sure Sophie :)
- [13:34 SLT] Jon Linden: is there a lot of griefing done these days by groups or individuals purporting to be "SL Police"?
- [13:34 SLT] Youri Ashton: Jon, still, as Linden you have to know something of the basics, besides the job you are there for
- [13:34 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: do you think you could add a PDF text to them?
- [13:34 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: which gets people to spread more of their money to get L, I would have to say it is one of the big 3 items that SL builds on
- [13:34 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Ultimately, all Residents are bound by the Community Standards and Terms of Service... in almost all cases, it is individual Residents who are held accountable for their actions.
- [13:34 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I use them in training all the time
- [13:34 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: it would help :)
- [13:35 SLT] Jon Linden: youri, this world is so big and diverse that keeping track of all the communities in it would be a full-time job ;)
- [13:35 SLT] Squirrel Wood: military groups of any flavour have no authority whatsoever except on their own land or in their own sims.
- [13:35 SLT] Torley Linden: Sophie, more will be integrated with text articles which can be printed out or converted to PDF. as for specialized PDFs like the Quickstart Guide, we'll see... still collecting feedback on that.
- [13:35 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: that is truth
- [13:35 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: LOVE the quickstart guide torley, but I do have some suggestions
- [13:35 SLT] xstorm Radek: no not as much the mentors and a good group of people did bring down the bad SL polive group
- [13:35 SLT] Youri Ashton: I said basics Jon, not the entire communities and their people :p
- [13:35 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: you need to talk about graphics cards at that point Torley
- [13:35 SLT] xstorm Radek: but some of us lost our main AVs do to RL griefing from them
- [13:36 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Meat-Side Griefing?
- [13:36 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: because (andn talkign schools here, because that is my environment) I have some old machines)
- [13:36 SLT] xstorm Radek: yes
- [13:36 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and they need to knwo what works up front
- [13:36 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: though in the easily days of SL militaries (2005) the alliance navy for example did try and police sandboxes to protect people against griefers
- [13:36 SLT] Torley Linden: there's already been a number of suggestions for followups to the Quickstart Guide, including more technical stuff. there could very well be followups based on actual use and demand. OH and we should update System Requirements soon.
- [13:36 SLT] Crap Mariner: quickstart guide is impressive
- [13:37 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: but it is a great start Torley, and much needed
- [13:37 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: love the visual context
- [13:37 SLT] Arawn Spitteler doesn't see any graphics card in his future.
- [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: Jon added substantial polish to the Quickstart guide! i just Don King'ed it.
- [13:37 SLT] Youri Ashton: update the system requirements? I have a feeling its going up :p
- [13:37 SLT] Youri Ashton: need more! :D
- [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: Youri, more like: there are new cards on the market we support but don't list yet.
- [13:37 SLT] Jon Linden: i imagine that getting even a basic footing on the communities that exist here would be two full days' worth of briefings
- [13:37 SLT] Marianne McCann: Ya, great quickstart guide!
- [13:37 SLT] Crap Mariner: without don king, there's have been no mike tyson.
- [13:37 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: worries about her poor graphics card in the brand new laptop :(
- [13:37 SLT] Youri Ashton: true Torley
- [13:37 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I'd like to see a good guide on how to do machinima within SL itself, since it is much harder to do then other video games
- [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: Crap, hahahaha. oh that's such a funny visual image....
- [13:38 SLT] xstorm Radek: problem is when the police and groups like them use cage guns and fake AR's and orbit tools this is not permited under the TOS rules
- [13:38 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Methvell, look on youtube
- [13:38 SLT] Marianne McCann: Methvell - try having one of these "police" forces policing your store. Ive had to deal with that a coupel times lately, harassing my customers with their "Not role playing" police work. Insanity.
- [13:38 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I think Torley, would do a great job at doing a guide like that
- [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: Methvell, have you seen the wiki pages?
- [13:38 SLT] Crap Mariner: tour - you can get a laptop with a geforce 9800M 1gb these days for $1000
- [13:38 SLT] Youri Ashton: Still, with new technologies engine wise etc coming along, the System requirements also goes up
- [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: like and Torley's Guide to Making Movies @
- [13:38 SLT] Youri Ashton: everything that is prettier also has its down side
- [13:38 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: Well, I am speaking on which how ot get camera angles right and some of the many things you have done in your videos, torley
- [13:39 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: for a over 2000$ you can get a dual cards
- [13:39 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I of course, know how to film, but getting it right, it the hardest part
- [13:39 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: I just got this one, Crap :/
- [13:39 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: on a lappy
- [13:39 SLT] Radrun Rau: I have heard about Mozilla, wanting to integrate OpenGL graphics in to the browser, Are you looking at that prospect of a better accessebility of SecondLife ?
- [13:39 SLT] Youri Ashton: 2000$?
- [13:39 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: what ouy got ?
- [13:39 SLT] Youri Ashton: omd
- [13:39 SLT] Youri Ashton: omg*
- [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: and we need a guide on open sim
- [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: BADLY
- [13:39 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: please
- [13:39 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: dual graphic cards?
- [13:39 SLT] Crap Mariner: holy moly. gateway has the 7808 now. quad in the box.
- [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: Radrun, we don't have any firm plans to announce at this time. but yes, the web is important.
- [13:39 SLT] xstorm Radek: you can get one for $100
- [13:39 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: i can give you a link to
- [13:39 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: if you are intersted
- [13:39 SLT] Youri Ashton: pretty good dual card you get here for about 300-500 euro, thats about 600-800 USD
- [13:39 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: OOOOOKEY DOOOOOKEY
- [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: Sophie, OpenSim is outside our scope, it can be documented (and already has been) by Residents involved in its open-source development. that's also what pools of knowledge like are good for
- [13:40 SLT] Squirrel Wood: Can you imagine that there is like 15 hours of videos uploaded to youtube worldwide every minute ?
- [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: ok Torley
- [13:40 SLT] xstorm Radek: gateway computers have gone bankrup in the UK
- [13:40 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I can believe it
- [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I have been documenting as I go
- [13:40 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: I paid £200 for my gtx275
- [13:40 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: but it is rough
- [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: OpenSim is *not* an official Linden Lab product so we can't support it. we encourage innovation always.
- [13:40 SLT] Youri Ashton: about the same price as I would pay
- [13:41 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I call it a "walled garden" for my schools
- [13:41 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I want it to work badly
- [13:41 SLT] Youri Ashton: opensim does have some nice tricks, like working ofline
- [13:41 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: but it was on special offer when i got it a few days after it's release lol
- [13:41 SLT] Youri Ashton: good for when SL is a mess with lagg or you wish not to be disturbed by anyone
- [13:41 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: If you want something to work badly, the Bleeding Edge is the place to be.
- [13:41 SLT] xstorm Radek: just tell people to stay away from OpenSim do to its not safe to have your priv info open to others to see
- [13:41 SLT] Youri Ashton: bad side is, opensim doesnt work on my pc unfortunatly
- [13:42 SLT] Torley Linden: always look at deals sites before buying new computer parts, there are SO many that can be had for less. lots of people are unfortunately unaware of this, and they pay too much. that's sad.
- [13:42 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Tell pople to stay away from Open Sim, to drive people there by the thousands.
- [13:42 SLT] Youri Ashton: think its the combination 64bit and vista that does that
- [13:42 SLT] Torley Linden: in the US at least, i highly recommend , lots of people there who, well, let's say they love their deals as much as i love my Second Life
- [13:42 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: What are you talking about Arawn?
- [13:43 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: I'm not sure what every body else is talking about. What are you asking about, Sophie?
- [13:43 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I am talking about business/education dev of opensim
- [13:43 SLT] Torley Linden: graphics cards meeing and exceeding Second Life's System Recommendations can be had for US$50 -- i know that scales to higher in other parts of the world, but the point is it's less than commonly perceived.
- [13:43 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: why would we stay away from it?
- [13:43 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Is Opensim a brand? Open Grid might bemore generic. I don't know who was calling it dangerous.
- [13:43 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: I know mine still says it doesn't meet the requirements lol
- [13:44 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I got a Geforce 9800 GT and runs SL great, better then my old radeon X700
- [13:44 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Open Grid shouldn' tbe any more dangerous than any network of servers.
- [13:44 SLT] Youri Ashton: i didnt even check requirements :p
- [13:44 SLT] Crap Mariner: quite happy with my 9800M GT
- [13:44 SLT] Torley Linden: the 9800GT is at a great price point right now.
- [13:44 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: i have 6600
- [13:44 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: LOOOL
- [13:44 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: have not checked out how SL looks on ultra high yet, but it does well on High
- [13:44 SLT] Youri Ashton: i can have at this time everything on max and i wouldnt have much problems :)
- [13:44 SLT] Radrun Rau: I have used opensim, ever making a server, but I do not see the advantage to use it, yet.
- [13:44 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: old one
- [13:44 SLT] Youri Ashton: only CPU is kinda slow :p
- [13:44 SLT] Torley Linden: it is, in 2009, what the Ti4200 was in, hmmm... was it 2002? was a long time ago, anyway.
- [13:44 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: yes, it was only 172$ US, of course
- [13:44 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: <--- 8800GTS 640
- [13:45 SLT] xstorm Radek: LL has there server inside a firewall and opensim you have no clue if they are or not
- [13:45 SLT] Kate Linden: While the sys requirements info is getting updated, this link is helpful:
- [13:45 SLT] Marianne McCann: Who'l ever need more than 16MB of memory, anyay?
- [13:45 SLT] Kate Linden: It's not mac enabled however.
- [13:45 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: lappy yo ppl that wanna lookk in to it
- [13:46 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: the 9800gtx 512 is about £79.99+vat here at the min
- [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: pardon, crashed. am back now :)
- [13:46 SLT] Squirrel Wood: wb torley
- [13:46 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: GTS250 IS BETTER
- [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: thx!
- [13:46 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: gtx275 is better still
- [13:46 SLT] Marianne McCann: Kate - I know the lack of a mac version of the shadow-draft is a bummer f'r me.
- [13:46 SLT] Youri Ashton: if i can run Crisis at maximum, i should be able to play SL :p
- [13:46 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: wb Torley
- [13:46 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: gts250 = 9800gtx+
- [13:46 SLT] Marianne McCann: Welcome back!
- [13:46 SLT] xstorm Radek: wb Torley
- [13:46 SLT] Marianne McCann: Friendly re-greetings
- [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: NVIDIA's rebranding is confusing... a bunch of the 9xxxs are basically the same as the 8xxxs, and now there's the GTS 150, 250, what have you nots
- [13:47 SLT] Radrun Rau: I upgraded my oldie PC with a ATI 3650 AGP, and it works great for SecondLife
- [13:47 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: If you can run fallout 3 just fine, then SL should have no problems
- [13:47 SLT] Torley Linden: hahah i wonder if re-greetings are like re-gifting. prolly not.
- [13:47 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: mine is half a gtx295 lol
- [13:47 SLT] xstorm Radek: AGP ?
- [13:47 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: even on high, I get no lag in single sims and even on the a grouping of sims like this, I only lag a little
- [13:47 SLT] xstorm Radek: did they not kill off the AGP
- [13:47 SLT] Squirrel Wood: when it comes to graphics cards we have the old discussion of "my <insert adult term> is bigger than your <insert adult term>" :p
- [13:47 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: GTS 150 IS JUST 9600
- [13:47 SLT] Kate Linden: Marianne, I'm in the process of catching up with mac experience overall, and running SL on a mac. Can you tell me more?
- [13:47 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: sorry caps
- [13:48 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: on my old card, I would have either crashed or could not move at all
- [13:48 SLT] Youri Ashton: Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz, 2.67 GHz Performance Rated at 5.21 GHz, 4.0 GB RAM,Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Build Service Pack 22600), ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 (ATI Radeon Graphics Processor CrossFire Secondary (0x950F))
- [13:48 SLT] Youri Ashton: yup, pass :p
- [13:48 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I have trouble with my macbook pro Kate, my hard drive spins out of control with SL
- [13:48 SLT] xstorm Radek: wow thats a old PC
- [13:48 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: I have no idea why
- [13:48 SLT] Radrun Rau: Yes the obsoloete AGP, still has some option for improving the SecondLife experience
- [13:48 SLT] Jeremy Linden runs a fanless 8600GT and SL runs wonderfully.
- [13:48 SLT] Youri Ashton: on recommended i even have almost everything on max :p
- [13:49 SLT] Marianne McCann: Overall, my mac experience (20" iMac from last year) is really quite good. better than in the past, no question. Was referring to the shadow-draft code, which is not mac friendly
- [13:49 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: agp the best card is a 3850
- [13:49 SLT] Kate Linden: Sophie I run a fan under my macbook pro. That helps a great deal.
- [13:49 SLT] xstorm Radek: ok have a company build you a server or workstation
- [13:49 SLT] Arawn Spitteler tries to recall what he wanted to mention, before th hour was up: Clickability of log in page; Help on downloading U$; something else...
- Th elog in page doesn't look clickable, on my computer, and doesnt' give much acknowledgemnet when I use it, but it works;
- I filed a support ticket, on page for processing accounts, where my Paypal E-mail was asked, without any explanation of how that would be differnet from my regular e-mail;
- The KB Page on what to do, if limits aren't adequates, doesn't mention that Lindex isn't going to budge, if you haven't bought any lindens yet.
- [13:49 SLT] Youri Ashton: 20 M/bit cable... yup, i should be okay :p
- [13:49 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Mine is up on a platform, I will try a fan
- [13:49 SLT] Marianne McCann: I used to have to do that with my PowerBook G$, Kate. For a while, it was my main SL machine (yikes!)
- [13:49 SLT] xstorm Radek: get a blade system
- [13:50 SLT] Youri Ashton: laptops are nice, but not made to use for games
- [13:50 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: quad core o/c from 2.4ghz to 3.2ghz , 4 gig ram, windows 7 build 7068, nvidia gtx275
- [13:50 SLT] Youri Ashton: best use a normal PC
- [13:50 SLT] xstorm Radek: you can get a gamer laptop
- [13:50 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Ahh but SL isn't a game ;)
- [13:50 SLT] Natalya Debevec: Some laptops are built for gamers
- [13:50 SLT] Youri Ashton: laptops are not as good as they make you believe
- [13:50 SLT] xstorm Radek: 12 k is cheap for one
- [13:50 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: So I shouldn't upgrade to a Target U$300 laptop?
- [13:50 SLT] Torley Linden: i think "gamer laptop" is a pretty neat niche. whoever foresaw that coming is prolly pretty rich by now.
- [13:51 SLT] Youri Ashton: arawn, please take my advice, get a real pc
- [13:51 SLT] Torley Linden: the kind of industries that look obvious in hindsight, but approaching them, they're regarded with quite a lot of doubt.
- [13:51 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: some laptops are better then you might think
- [13:51 SLT] Youri Ashton: less problems and makes you have more fun of all games
- [13:51 SLT] Arawn Spitteler hasn't the money to buy much of anything
- [13:51 SLT] xstorm Radek: no the investers in gamer laptops lost 10k in one year
- [13:51 SLT] Youri Ashton: you just need a simple standard pc
- [13:51 SLT] Kate Linden: Arawn, are you referring to the LindeX page?
- [13:51 SLT] Torley Linden: xstorm, source?
- [13:51 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: it is best to have a desktop PC for gaming, laptop ones can be good, but then you are limited to how much time you have to play, since it does run on batteries
- [13:51 SLT] Youri Ashton: most are already equipped with propper gaming capabilities
- [13:52 SLT] xstorm Radek: i was one of the investers
- [13:52 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: lol
- [13:52 SLT] xstorm Radek: US company had problems
- [13:52 SLT] Youri Ashton: lets say 800 - 1500 USD should be okay
- [13:52 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Laptops don't only run on batteries - you can plug them in lol
- [13:52 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: I forget where the page is precisely, but where I'm asked for the Paypal Email?
- [13:52 SLT] xstorm Radek: now the USA is stock crap
- [13:52 SLT] Youri Ashton: just make sure you know what the system has, you do need to be ABOVE the requirements, unless you like to buy a new pc every year
- [13:52 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Arawn, are you trying to "Process Credit"?
- [13:52 SLT] Torley Linden: sorry to hear that, xstorm.
- [13:53 SLT] Kate Linden: That does sound like the LindeX page, as best I can tell, without more info.
- [13:53 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: for a ok computer you can pay that but for a goodd u need to pay bit more
- [13:53 SLT] xstorm Radek: good side is i have SL for a new job ;-)
- [13:53 SLT] Radrun Rau: I will enjoy to watch what crawls out of thi primeval mud of the interactive media in the future. It is not hardware, it i the real subtanse, little critters that evolve in to dinosaurs.
- [13:53 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: you do not have to buy a new PC every year, hell, I have had this machine I am using now since 2005 and the only thing I have ever had to remove on it was the hard drive
- [13:54 SLT] Squirrel Wood: heh. If I keep selling my stuff I will have to change my last name to something like "Filthy Rich" :p
- [13:54 SLT] Youri Ashton: arawn, best option i can give you is to save alot of money up for a killer pc, of about 2500 - 3000 USD. then the comming 5 years you should be fine
- [13:54 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: only because it dead on me :(
- [13:54 SLT] Marianne McCann: I get one every 3 years or so
- [13:54 SLT] Youri Ashton: for all games that is ofcourse
- [13:54 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: I lost all my old videos, pictures and etc
- [13:54 SLT] Torley Linden: Youri, problem with that, though, is inflated price premiums for top-end parts which cost disproportionately more than stuff which is 80-90% as effective/fast but costs half.
- [13:54 SLT] Bio Swindlehurst: I just upgrade bits when I'm bored
- [13:54 SLT] Youri Ashton: in the meanwhile, stick to your laptop and try to save it
- [13:55 SLT] Jeremy Linden is in the process of converting an old NES to an HD-capable set-top PC.
- [13:55 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Torley
- [13:55 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: this page, asks for To( paypoal email)
- [13:55 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: much like how I lost all my old items from my first account, which is unplayable now, sadly
- [13:55 SLT] Crap Mariner salutes
- [13:55 SLT] Crap Mariner hears the call
- [13:55 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: this is why I had to make methvell here
- [13:55 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: Have you ever thought of using an interactive white board in these meetings, to brainstorm ideas for an agenda
- [13:55 SLT] Torley Linden: i don't know if anyone's ever made a price premium calculator, but it really depends on your needs too. if you NEED power now, especially to generate more wealth (money, sheer joy, etc.) then pay more. don't hold off on experiencing something wonderful.
- [13:55 SLT] Youri Ashton: torley, I know, but best thing is to buy on a good webstore that is known. then you have it cheaper aswell, no store = less people to get payed for
- [13:55 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: it might help us to stay on documentation
- [13:56 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: go to toshiba website
- [13:56 SLT] Natalya Debevec: Good point Sophie ;)
- [13:56 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: it;s good
- [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Sophie, we've had interactive whiteboards for internal meetings. sometimes we have key topics at these office hours. but documentation admittedly covers SO MUCH STUFF.
- [13:56 SLT] Yann Dufaux: hello :)
- [13:56 SLT] Jon Linden: heh; i kind of enjoy seeing where these discussions go
- [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: and it doesn't help that i'm so tangent-biased.
- [13:56 SLT] Marianne McCann: Time f'r me to wander. Have fun!
- [13:56 SLT] Natalya Debevec: Certainly gone sideways :)
- [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: and there's the Wanted sign there...
- [13:56 SLT] Youri Ashton: its basic commen knowlage, the less peopel you need to employ, the less the product can cost, only a webstore? then even less since you wont have rent etc to pay :)
- [13:56 SLT] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
- [13:56 SLT] Kate Linden: Thanks for coming to the OH , Marianne
- [13:56 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: but if you have so many participate, and you have a drop box of sorts, like possibly using sloodle
- [13:56 SLT] Marianne McCann: You're welcome! :-)
- [13:56 SLT] Sophie Wellesley: then everyone could participate
- [13:57 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Properly extended, the programming of all servers and clients is a documentation of what a machine is suppoed to do next.
- [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: we can sure try different things and see what works. some things require more organization, others can be pretty casual.
- [13:57 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Just be very concise and complete, with each of your statements, and hope you can find it in the jam
- [13:57 SLT] Yann Dufaux: Ty for the quickstart guid, its a very nice and interesting :)
- [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: we were thinking of having an ideas dropbox and conceiving other ways to reach us... so that's in the "pipeline"
- [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: if anyone hasn't gotten the Quickstart Guide yet,
- [13:58 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: haha just had a though cross my mind, have any of the lindens had attacks on them, like in a meeting like this before?
- [13:58 SLT] Torley Linden: or check out our blog, -- it's embedded there so you don't even need to download it as a file
- [13:58 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Yes
- [13:58 SLT] Torley Linden: sure Methvell, it's happened, we've had a bus and whales assault us
- [13:58 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: o? when was that?
- [13:58 SLT] Youri Ashton: lol, usually there is someone that tries to mess it up :p
- [13:58 SLT] Torley Linden: (that was an "only in Second Life" saying)... heh, i had a picture in my Flickr archives
- [13:58 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: haha
- [13:59 SLT] Natalya Debevec: Take care everyone :)) Heading off now.
- [13:59 SLT] Torley Linden: thanx for coming by, Natalya!
- [13:59 SLT] Jeremy Linden is pretty good on the quickdraw vs. griefers here :-P
- [13:59 SLT] Jon Linden: our hour does seem to be up -- thanks for coming!
- [13:59 SLT] Youri Ashton: haha
- [13:59 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: One of Zero's Meetings, some clever person sent him a spamload of noobs
- [13:59 SLT] Jon Linden: that goes for everyone here
- [13:59 SLT] Becky Pippen: Thanks guys!
- [13:59 SLT] Youri Ashton: atleast no watermelons, else torley would hop after the watermelons! right torley ;)
- [13:59 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: haha
- [13:59 SLT] Youri Ashton: nice, chat lagg :p
- [13:59 SLT] Torley Linden: haha Youri, yeah, well it's kind of hard to make people angry who are already into wacky, chaotic fun
- [13:59 SLT] Youri Ashton: that haha should be after that line :p
- [13:59 SLT] Torley Linden: speaking of, i notice Rodney's constructed himself quite a tall tower over there...
- [14:00 SLT] Jon Linden: i must be on my way; everyone have a good rest of the week!
- [14:00 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Bye Jon
- [14:00 SLT] Youri Ashton: have a nice sl day Jon!
- [14:00 SLT] Kate Linden: Great seeing everyone this week! Thanks for coming.
- [14:00 SLT] Arawn Spitteler's srry to see Jon go so soon.
- [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: (i'm sorry i miss IMs, if you have followup questions, please read the contact details in my profile)
- [14:00 SLT] Yann Dufaux: bye bye jon :)
- [14:00 SLT] Squirrel Wood: keep rockin' ^^
- [14:00 SLT] Gregor Dayafter: bye
- [14:00 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: ok guys bye now all
- [14:00 SLT] GOLAN Eilde: tc
- [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: and thanx each and everyone for being with us today!
- [14:00 SLT] pinkytje Docherty: bye
- [14:00 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: How about those SLL guys? I remember them back in the day, trying to fight for a free SL, when SL was already free
- [14:00 SLT] Methvell Gearbox: haha
- [14:00 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I gotta run, too. Nice seeing you all!
- [14:00 SLT] Tourmaline Falken: Bye Torley, Bye Jeremy
- [14:00 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.2 (Mono): Tourmaline Falken has pinged you.
- [14:00 SLT] Youri Ashton: thank you for the meeting again!
- SuesseMaus Hotaling: hi :D
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