Doc Team/2009-03-04
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- [13:02 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Concierge? I think I see more so at Jack's
- [13:02 SLT] Torley Linden: Friendly greetings!
- [13:02 SLT] Squirrel Wood: cheers!
- [13:02 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: High Jeremy
- [13:02 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Arawn Spitteler has pinged you.
- [13:02 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Only 40m
- [13:02 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hi all!
- [13:02 SLT] Chaley May: hi torley :)
- [13:02 SLT] Qie Niangao: hi Torley, Jeremy, everybody
- [13:02 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Qie Niangao has pinged you.
- [13:02 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Hiya Torley
- [13:02 SLT] Paradise Tavoularis: Hi Torley
- [13:03 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Ah, Torley must be the duck
- [13:03 SLT] Daniel Voyager: Hey Torley and Jeremy :)
- [13:03 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Daniel Voyager has pinged you.
- [13:03 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: What's up, Duck?
- [13:04 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hiya
- [13:04 SLT] Daniel Voyager: Hey Marianne :)
- [13:05 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Hey, Marianne, what's your game, now; can anybody play?
- [13:05 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hmn
- [13:05 SLT] Marianne McCann: I give up! What is my game, an can anybuggy play?
- [13:05 SLT] Arawn Spitteler wonders if we should wait for Jon, so we can ignore him.
- [13:06 SLT] Qie Niangao: somebody needs to tell Rodney Linden to turn on auto-return on his parcel. o.O
- [13:06 SLT] Marianne McCann: You bet!
- [13:06 SLT] Torley Linden: Is it becoming like a virtual clutter?
- [13:06 SLT] Torley Linden: Did you IM him about it? :)
- [13:06 SLT] Marianne McCann: Heck, there's been one gov plot in Shermerville that's been no return and a mess f'r years.
- [13:06 SLT] Qie Niangao: it hath ICBM, cage, and assorted wonderments.
- [13:07 SLT] Torley Linden: Linden Dept. of Public Works should be apprised of that, Mari!
- [13:07 SLT] Marianne McCann: Torley - have been. 'bout a bajillion times
- [13:07 SLT] Chaley May: has this office hour started?
- [13:07 SLT] Jeremy Linden doesn't think he can count that high. Lucky not to be in LDPW
- [13:07 SLT] Torley Linden: Yarghhh I wonder why it's still a mess.
- [13:07 SLT] Marianne McCann: Molly Montale's been on it for a long long time
- [13:07 SLT] Marianne McCann: Dunno. It's actually up in Blumfield when I tink of it.
- [13:08 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heheh. Sure, we're started. Jon should be here shortly, and I think Kate, too.
- [13:08 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: The owner might want to have a crap collection
- [13:08 SLT] Marianne McCann: Ya never know.
- [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: Prim junk hoarders exist too. ;)
- [13:08 SLT] Marianne McCann: How's life in the documentation mines?
- [13:08 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Alternatively, you might send a reminder, but include the SLURL
- [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: Explosive. ;)
- [13:08 SLT] Torley Linden: And here comes Kate!
- [13:09 SLT] Kate Linden: Hi :)
- [13:09 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Hello Kate
- [13:09 SLT] Marianne McCann: Have. It's been ticketed f'r a while too, Arawn. It is, adittedly, purty low on the issues list
- [13:09 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hiya
- [13:09 SLT] Kate Linden: Still rezzing
- [13:10 SLT] Squirrel Wood: Jellotaur!
- [13:10 SLT] Jon Linden: greetings!
- [13:10 SLT] Daniel Voyager: Hey Jon and Kate :)
- [13:10 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I noticed when I arrived here that there's an event set for some kind of emo get-together. Is the decor depressing?
- [13:10 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hiya
- [13:10 SLT] Marianne McCann: Wiggly Linden
- [13:10 SLT] Jeremy Linden: The return of JELLOTAR!
- [13:10 SLT] Torley Linden: DUN DUN DUN.
- [13:10 SLT] Marianne McCann: I was wondering abotu that. Wasn't sure if I shoudl wear black or not
- [13:10 SLT] Simon Kline: hehe if it's depressing and we were emo it would make us happy! :D
- [13:11 SLT] Torley Linden: Jeremy we should totally do a Punk'ed on them.
- [13:11 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
- [13:11 SLT] Torley Linden: Like put up happy cheery balloons and all that good stuff.
- [13:11 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heh.
- [13:11 SLT] Kate Linden: How is everyone this week?
- [13:11 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hip deep
- [13:11 SLT] Paradise Tavoularis: pretty well, thanks
- [13:11 SLT] Squirrel Wood: documented ^^
- [13:12 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Woot!
- [13:12 SLT] Kate Linden: I was browsing through pjira today and noticed all of the links to KB articles added into comments. (Thanks Ellla!)
- [13:12 SLT] Marianne McCann: Redoin a lot of the packaging in my stores, so they have a good "vintage toy store" feel. Lotsa texture maps
- [13:12 SLT] Torley Linden: We're looking at adding some widgets to the side of our Tips & Tricks blog... any suggestions on what would be most useful to you?
- [13:12 SLT] Jon Linden: i actually can't stay too long either -- i've got a pile of things to review that will eventually see the light in the KB
- [13:12 SLT] Torley Linden: They'll appear on the left @
- [13:12 SLT] Ellla McMahon: :))
- [13:13 SLT] Squirrel Wood: quick tips ?
- [13:13 SLT] Squirrel Wood: tip-'o-the day?
- [13:13 SLT] Jon Linden: hmm
- [13:13 SLT] Jon Linden: i think we'd want something like that to be archivable, though -- also, there's not a whole lot of space in there
- [13:13 SLT] Squirrel Wood: top voted tips of the week?
- [13:13 SLT] Jon Linden: many tips benefit from screenshots or videos that would probably be bad to scrunch down
- [13:13 SLT] Kate Linden: Twiiter links?
- [13:13 SLT] Squirrel Wood: link it ?
- [13:14 SLT] Squirrel Wood: tip matrix ?
- [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: Re: "tip o' the day", I'm keeping a running record of most of the MOTDs:
- [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: There is overlap, yes.
- [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: You can put suggestions on the Discussion/Talk page.
- [13:14 SLT] Torley Linden: *edits page to make that more clear*
- [13:15 SLT] Torley Linden: Just very lightweight and time-economical.
- [13:15 SLT] Kate Linden: I was thinking of doing an Ask Kate column where Residents could write in if there is something they would like explained. What do you think?
- [13:15 SLT] Marianne McCann: Shoot. Gots t'run alreadies. Have fun, all!
- [13:15 SLT] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
- [13:15 SLT] Qie Niangao: have fun Mari
- [13:15 SLT] Torley Linden: One of the possibilities that came up for a widget was showing pictures from our office hours, a Flickr stream. (I don't know a good aggregator that grabs from other photo services like Snapzilla at the same time, alas.)
- [13:15 SLT] Torley Linden: Ta Mari!
- [13:15 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Bye Maria
- [13:16 SLT] Jon Linden: i think a flickr widget would add a nice splash of color
- [13:17 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heya Colton!
- [13:17 SLT] Torley Linden: Colton! Puppetry!
- [13:17 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Might be helpful to have a widget that cycles through helpful spots in SL, like the ivory tower and such since lots of people don't know about those places
- [13:17 SLT] Colton Linden: OhHai :)
- [13:17 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I like that idea.
- [13:17 SLT] Jon Linden: oh, that's a good one
- [13:17 SLT] Simon Kline: hi colton! how's the sinus? :D
- [13:18 SLT] Torley Linden: Haidan, Blue may do something similar with Eureka, albeit we could do a specific tips & tricks-focused locales.
- [13:18 SLT] Colton Linden: Much better, can finally use my TP roll on my belt for TPs here now
- [13:18 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Ooh I see.
- [13:18 SLT] Jeremy Linden: We're all about trying to help people get into Second Life; if we could do something to connect people beyond the KB, it'd be cool.
- [13:19 SLT] LeoJunior Laval: Hello :)
- [13:19 SLT] Jon Linden: welcome to Documentation Office Hours!
- [13:19 SLT] Kurai Denimore: Hi
- [13:19 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Kate, where would you "ask kate column" appear?
- [13:20 SLT] Kate Linden: It would appear on the TNT blog
- [13:20 SLT] Jeremy Linden:
- [13:20 SLT] Jeremy Linden: "Tips 'n' Tricks" :-)
- [13:20 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Oh, KB = is Knowledge Base, I still thunk it meant like...Computing "Knowledge"...duh
- [13:20 SLT] Jon Linden: we'd have to make sure it doesn't overlap with my "busting Second Life myths" series, which i'll be announcing soon
- [13:21 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Ooh that sounds fun
- [13:21 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: SLUrban Myths?
- [13:21 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Ooh. I should start collecting LSL tips and tricks for my posts. I'm certainly open to suggestions.
- [13:22 SLT] Jon Linden: i'll definitely want to gather myths in my blog comments
- [13:22 SLT] Jeremy Linden wonders if anyone still has a copy of the Book of Dwellnor.
- [13:22 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Jeremy...those groups chatter is filled with ongoing tips...i.e. Script Academy, College of music science, Fermi sandbox group...
- [13:22 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Courteous Avedon has pinged you.
- [13:23 SLT] Becky Pippen: Jeremy, for the LSL tips, what kind of word count are you looking for? Pithy aphorism or tutorial-length articles?
- [13:23 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Becky Pippen has pinged you.
- [13:23 SLT] Kurai Denimore: oh my, what lag
- [13:23 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I'm thinking they'd be useful tutorials focused on a particular, common task.
- [13:23 SLT] Iska Miles: Helo
- [13:23 SLT] Jon Linden: hello newcomers; welcome to Documentation Office Hours!
- [13:23 SLT] Jeremy Linden: "How to script a door", or "How to script a tip jar", those kinds of things.
- [13:24 SLT] Torley Linden: *listens*
- [13:24 SLT] Torley Linden: It'll be cool to see how things evolve on our blog.
- [13:24 SLT] Qie Niangao mutters: How to avoid SVC-93
- [13:24 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Which s 93?
- [13:24 SLT] Simon Kline: i do video tutorials on scripting at slowly adding new ones every week or so
- [13:24 SLT] Qie Niangao: local rot
- [13:24 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Alternatively, I could explore different pieces of LSL, like the particle system or the vehicle system.
- [13:24 SLT] Kurai Denimore: Scripting tutorials is somethin id be interested in for sure
- [13:24 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Oh, nice, Simon.
- [13:24 SLT] Simon Kline: there's class dates and times at that website also for those interested D:
- [13:25 SLT] Simon Kline: i've just covered some basic things in the tutes but they might help with ur ideas too jeremy :D
- [13:25 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Simon Kline has pinged you.
- [13:25 SLT] Qie Niangao: (llSetLocalRot and the associated llSetLinkPrimitiveParam() has it backwards... confuses the hell out of people trying to learn quaternions. :p )
- [13:26 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Jeremy, many of the classes ...NCI college, Sunbelt University scripting go over those specifically...opening doors
- [13:26 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Courteous Avedon has pinged you.
- [13:26 SLT] Arawn Spitteler wishes for a tip to understand Linear Algebra
- [13:26 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Very likely, Simon. I don't know how advanced should go with these... No matter how advanced you go in any langauge, there's always someone who'll think it's too simple :-P
- [13:26 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Oh going back to the blog thing, thought of this. What about having tabs setup, where you could click over to all the LSL tips, or the building tips, etc
- [13:26 SLT] Courteous Avedon: An interesting topic in LSL is the malleability of the programming code
- [13:26 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Different ways of setting variables, global variables for the same actions
- [13:27 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Haidan, our blog posts should be tagged, which will let you do something similar to that.
- [13:27 SLT] Simon Kline: indeed Jeremy i've experienced the same thing while doing the classes! people like to get refreshers event if they've done it before they're sometiems not doing it allll the time and so forget the finer details :D
- [13:27 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Simon Kline has pinged you.
- [13:27 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Oh alright
- [13:27 SLT] Courteous Avedon: yes
- [13:27 SLT] Arawn Spitteler'd just been showing someone how to script a seat, and found most of it suprprisingly simple
- [13:27 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hmm...
- [13:28 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Would it be useful for me to do it "For Dummies" style, where I give an example script and then break it down and explain each part?
- [13:28 SLT] Jon Linden: (folks, i'm sorry to cut out early, but I have to get some things done this week or i'll never forgive myself)
- [13:28 SLT] Becky Pippen: Bye Jon
- [13:28 SLT] Jon Linden: (be well!)
- [13:28 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Thanks for coming by Jon
- [13:28 SLT] Torley Linden: Simon, thanks for doing those.
- [13:28 SLT] Kurai Denimore: Bye Jon
- [13:28 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: High, Taryn
- [13:28 SLT] Taryn London: Hello ㋡
- [13:28 SLT] Simon Kline: hehe np Torley :D thanks for doing yours! they help me and many others on a daily basis! :D
- [13:28 SLT] Qie Niangao: So... there's a bit of confusion--even controversy--in the Forums around the KB's article on Traffic (, specifically about the wording "...the time spent on that parcel out of their total time inworld that day. It's calculated using a complex algorithm." Some experiments suggest it's really very simply a count of avatar-minutes on parcel (which is how that got into the wiki). I mention it because the Traffic topic is likely to get some attention soon, I think.
- [13:29 SLT] Simon Kline: hi Taryn :D
- [13:29 SLT] Taryn London: Hey Saz ㋡
- [13:29 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Hrm.
- [13:29 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: *sigh*
- [13:29 SLT] Daniel Voyager: lol
- [13:29 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: The big problem with th traffic stat, is the difficulty in filtering out the camp bots.
- [13:30 SLT] Simon Kline: i gotta get to rl work.. jeremy ping me if you want more ideas on the scripting thing and i'll show u some methods i use
- [13:30 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Simon Kline has pinged you.
- [13:30 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Traditionally, we've been instructed not to reveal the exact algorithm (in fact, I don't even know it). This was to prevent people from specifically gaming the traffics tat.
- [13:30 SLT] Simon Kline: take care all :D
- [13:30 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Sure thing. Thanks, Simon!
- [13:30 SLT] Qie Niangao: Well, I'm not trying to solve the Traffic problem, nor even fix the KB (if it's wrong)... I just wanted to mention that a lot of folks are likely to look at that answer.
- [13:31 SLT] Squirrel Wood: ha! Do not count stationary avatars as traffic if they have not moved at least half an inch in the past hour ?
- [13:31 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Interesting! Why do you think it'll get a lot of views soon?
- [13:31 SLT] Torley Linden: Qie, yes, that issue tends to come up time and time again. We were discussing it recently.
- [13:31 SLT] Qie Niangao: Jack says that there's a new policy soon to be blogged for feedback
- [13:32 SLT] Maggie Darwin: I imagine it will get a lot of it. :-)
- [13:32 SLT] Courteous Avedon: But also it seems the issue is to increase the interest in Second Life in general again in the out-world
- [13:32 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Ah. Well, if the concept of traffic is going to change as a result of that policy, he knows to notify us to make the changes in the KB :-)
- [13:32 SLT] Qie Niangao: okay, thanks. :)
- [13:32 SLT] Courteous Avedon: There is to be an article running in the New York Times about a book describing all of the activities in Second Life
- [13:32 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: It's pretty awful, that we can't even search for Proctor and Gamble, in SL, given their family trad.
- [13:33 SLT] Torley Linden: All of the activities? ;D That'd be a pretty big article, ha ha!
- [13:33 SLT] Courteous Avedon: I think the areas like education and the interest shown by NASA and the Natinoal Science Foundation and other universities
- [13:33 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Sorry I'm late folks. Just read on SLDEV something implying that Shadowdraft will be in viewer 1.23.
- [13:34 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Son of Windlight. :-)
- [13:34 SLT] Torley Linden: LOL!
- [13:34 SLT] Torley Linden: That's a funny way to put it.
- [13:34 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: LOL
- [13:34 SLT] Torley Linden: "I am... SHADOWDRAFT, son of WINDLIGHT."
- [13:34 SLT] Torley Linden: That sounds like some Norse mythology gone cyberpunk.
- [13:34 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Well, it'd be fiunnier if there wasn't a blocking bug for nVidia users,
- [13:34 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Where's Jon? That'd be a fun myth.
- [13:34 SLT] Torley Linden: "I WIELD the new RENDERING ENGINE!"
- [13:34 SLT] Maggie Darwin:
- [13:34 SLT] Qie Niangao: initially as a debug setting, RenderDeferred, or something like that.
- [13:35 SLT] Torley Linden: I haven't used Shadow Draft in awhile.
- [13:35 SLT] Maggie Darwin: It requires RenderDeferred, yes.
- [13:35 SLT] Jeremy Linden has not tried it yet, personally.
- [13:35 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh Maggie, I wonder if that's new. The image reminds me of an older bug... reported internally...
- [13:35 SLT] Squirrel Wood eyes the tanuki, declares the movie "Pom Poko" worth the time being watched ^^
- [13:35 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: What's RenderDeferred?
- [13:35 SLT] Maggie Darwin: I tried it once with Kristin's build, ran ito the JIRA
- [13:35 SLT] Torley Linden: "Why does everything look like it has Torley colors?!!?"
- [13:35 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Gave up....bug has to be fixed first.
- [13:35 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Oh noes! He noticed!
- [13:36 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Now it will *never* be fixed!
- [13:36 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Sometimes I wonder how the massive potential difference in graphics settings will affect how people build things. I already changed my glowing eyes to be transparent, because people who can't see glow used to see me with flat red eyes.
- [13:36 SLT] Torley Linden: Yeah, whenever you have visual preferences, that's bound to be an issue.
- [13:36 SLT] Torley Linden: I remember not having shiny on when I started my Second Life.
- [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: People kept telling me, "Look at the shiny robot avatar!" and he looked flat white to me.
- [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: I had to pretend along and go, "Wow, he's really shiny!"
- [13:37 SLT] Torley Linden: Months later, embarrassment bit me in the @$$ when I discovered the Preferences.
- [13:37 SLT] Maggie Darwin: If October of 08 is "new", it's new, Torley.
- [13:37 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:38 SLT] Maggie Darwin: You just thought they were Fiirefly fans. :-)
- [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: Wonder if it's a regression Maggie, as I've seen similar things in much earlier versions. Glad you're enthused about Shadow Draft tho!
- [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: Ohhhh those browncoats!
- [13:38 SLT] Jeremy Linden thought Firefly fans were called Browncoats.
- [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: GMTA.
- [13:38 SLT] Torley Linden: FTW.
- [13:38 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: hehe
- [13:38 SLT] Jeremy Linden: But they ARE shiny!
- [13:38 SLT] Maggie Darwin: well, can't help but be. People don't appreciate how important shadiows are to visual processing, and hence to immersion
- [13:38 SLT] Arawn Spitteler doesn't know how to togle shiny
- [13:39 SLT] Maggie Darwin: But anybody who's ever worked with AI vison knows...
- [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: Yes, Maggie, the natural phenomena some take for granted in a virtual world.
- [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: Arawn, a shiny-only checkbox was removed long ago.
- [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: MUCH has changed in the coming ages... but it always pays to be contextually aware of history.
- [13:39 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Well, there's still a "Bump-mapping and shiny" checkbox on the Graphics tab of Preferences.
- [13:39 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Jeremy, We are called Browncoats, but you have to be a Browncoat to know that.
- [13:39 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Maggie Darwin has pinged you.
- [13:39 SLT] Torley Linden: This is especially true for issues that people think "OH IT'S A NEW PROBLEM?" (like some of the convo related to Traffic) when infact, it hasn't changed in YEARS.
- [13:39 SLT] Jeremy Linden grins.
- [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: Now it's bump... what Jeremy said.
- [13:40 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
- [13:40 SLT] Maggie Darwin: And this is mixed company.
- [13:40 SLT] Torley Linden: "Bump mapping" used to be its own thang too, then shiny was optimized to be single-pass. Its look was too shiny, so BigPapi Linden toned it down during the WindLight preview cycle to match the "old" look better. And then talk of materials came... the story continues.
- [13:41 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:41 SLT] Torley Linden: Aesthetics can be incredibly difficult to communicate in words alone or even still pictures.
- [13:41 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: what, the wind laughs at you ((OHHHH!!!))
- [13:41 SLT] Maggie Darwin: There's a shadodraft demo video.
- [13:41 SLT] Torley Linden: Real fundamental understanding requires so much personal experience; this is simply something most don't have the patience or devotion for.
- [13:42 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Oh, I am saying that there is lotsa publicity that SL recieves from each area of interest in the, eduction, science institutions, universities, scripting and that they are just bits of individual publicity unless they are somehow pulled to one idea: try out Second Life
- [13:42 SLT] Torley Linden: I've enjoyed seeing some of the shadows videos out there! On YouTube and Flickr and the like...
- [13:42 SLT] Jeremy Linden: One of the myths we'd like to bust on our blog is that the features introduced in WindLight are somehow inherently worse for performance.
- [13:42 SLT] Torley Linden: I did one of my own months ago:
- [13:42 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
- [13:42 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: LOL
- [13:43 SLT] Torley Linden: Some of the myths disturb me intensely because they're not only untrue, they harm people's experiences. Just like fwding all those hoax emails clogs up your friends' email boxes, untrue rumors passed from person to person are actually hurting their SL.
- [13:43 SLT] Jeremy Linden: In fact, a lot of the work that went in for the final release of those features was an overhaul of a lot of our rendering code. At the highest settings, yes, a viewer will run slower than the old viewers at their highest settings... but at its lowest, it should also run faster than old viewers at their lowest.
- [13:43 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: Windlaugh involved changing the look and feel, for unlaughing viewers.
- [13:44 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Graphics settings are terra incognita for most users, unfortunately.
- [13:44 SLT] Torley Linden: Maggie, this is exactly why we put in a simple master slider of Low-Med-High-Ultra. :)
- [13:44 SLT] Jeremy Linden: That's why we changed the graphics tab to show a "low/medium/high/ultra" slider by default.
- [13:44 SLT] Torley Linden: GMTA! FTW!
- [13:44 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Jinx?
- [13:44 SLT] Torley Linden: A good one.
- [13:44 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: We shouldn't change graphics settings often enough, to know how.
- [13:44 SLT] Jei Desoto: >xD
- [13:45 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Yes, I understand that, and it is a good idea.
- [13:45 SLT] Torley Linden: Raising awareness for causes like these helps increase their appreciation and understanding. :-)
- [13:45 SLT] Jeremy Linden: On the contrary, Arawn. When I'm in a particularly dense area, or need improved performance, I intentionally turn down my graphics settings.
- [13:45 SLT] Jeremy Linden: ...or when I need a really nice screenshot, I'll crank them up, even if it means 1 frame per second :-)
- [13:45 SLT] Torley Linden: I wish we could set out own custom 1-click presets for Graphics, but I'm glad the grand slider simplifies it.
- [13:46 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: :)
- [13:46 SLT] Maggie Darwin: A more accessible slider for draw distance has been mentioned.
- [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: I do the same as Jeremy in that respect.
- [13:46 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
- [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: Maggie, that's another 2004 classic — the first time I saw that suggested. (And I was one of the ones to bring it up, hehe.)
- [13:46 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Graphics presets would indeed be nice...
- [13:46 SLT] Torley Linden: Some of these things are possible in open source viewers.
- [13:46 SLT] LostBoss Vemo: m
- [13:46 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:47 SLT] Torley Linden: Just takes someone canny enough to listen to these specific requests and put it into action.
- [13:47 SLT] Maggie Darwin: "Please write this for us, OSS people" :-)
- [13:47 SLT] Haidan Sakai: And a lot of patience
- [13:47 SLT] Torley Linden: One person can make such a badass difference.
- [13:47 SLT] Torley Linden: When filming machinima I have external macros to set my window size too.
- [13:47 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Unfortunately I'm not enough of a badass to write C++. :-)
- [13:48 SLT] Maggie Darwin: My ass is too good.
- [13:48 SLT] Torley Linden: LOL!
- [13:48 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:48 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh Maggie that's heelarious.
- [13:48 SLT] Haidan Sakai: rofl
- [13:48 SLT] Maggie Darwin: When I was young and foolish. perhaps....but now I'm old and foolish, and can only do Java.
- [13:49 SLT] Jeremy Linden: For external macros, I tend to use a program called AutoHotkey. It uses a scripting language that's simpler than LSL :-)
- [13:49 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne sighs
- [13:49 SLT] Arawn Spitteler can't figure the IDE, and is stuck with LSL
- [13:49 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Simpler than LSL? The mind boggles.
- [13:49 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Must be FORTH.
- [13:50 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Yeah, tell me about it. I don't even know C++ or Java anymore. Just LSL!
- [13:50 SLT] Torley Linden: On Mac, I really like a combo of TextExpander for more phrasey bits + QuickKeys for general automation.
- [13:50 SLT] Jeremy Linden:
- [13:50 SLT] Torley Linden: <3 sharing tools that make your lives easier.
- [13:50 SLT] Maggie Darwin: I just use a Logitech G11 keyboard.
- [13:50 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Makes it easy for me to type things like ™ and ®
- [13:50 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Many macro keys.
- [13:51 SLT] Torley Linden: Maggie, is that the one with the little LCD display you can use with SL? Or am I thinking of the G15?
- [13:51 SLT] Maggie Darwin: You mean the one that SLV broke?
- [13:51 SLT] Torley Linden: I didn't know that!
- [13:51 SLT] Maggie Darwin: That's not supported anymore.
- [13:51 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Ah yup.
- [13:51 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:51 SLT] Jeremy Linden wants an Optimus Maximus keyboard.
- [13:51 SLT] Maggie Darwin: No, the G11 is it's cheaper cousin.
- [13:52 SLT] Maggie Darwin: *its
- [13:52 SLT] Torley Linden: Jeremy, it looks so beautiful. But the disappointing thing I've heard from folks who own is it... it's not a very good keyboard keyboard in that the feel of the keys isn't very nice for the price. I haven't tried it for myself, tho.
- [13:52 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Torley Linden has pinged you.
- [13:53 SLT] Maggie Darwin: "16-Oct-2008 NOTE: After weighing usage of the Logitech keyboard extended functionality and its cost to maintain and test, Linden Lab has decided to deprecate this feature as of viewer 1.21. Though useful to a small percentage of our residents, it is impractical to maintain as a direct implementation while we continue to develop the Second Life viewer."
- [13:53 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heh. In that case, I just want something with scissor-switches.
- [13:53 SLT] Torley Linden: I <3 the feel of low-profile keys.
- [13:53 SLT] Torley Linden: Less travel distance!
- [13:53 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:54 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Exactly. And I'm a light touch. I don't abuse my keys :-D
- [13:54 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Well I don't think I've ever heard of someone who violetly types, Jeremy.
- [13:54 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Haidan Sakai has pinged you.
- [13:54 SLT] Taryn London: I know a few ㋡
- [13:54 SLT] Torley Linden: I have. Kanye West.
- [13:54 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Not a forum user, obviously.
- [13:55 SLT] Torley Linden:
- [13:55 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Oh, I know some people who really bash their keyboards.
- [13:55 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: o.o
- [13:55 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Good typists, just loud :-P
- [13:55 SLT] Arawn Spitteler types greenly, rather than violetly
- [13:55 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Can just picture it though, going mad bashing at those keys.
- [13:55 SLT] Courteous Avedon: Hunt and peck and hit
- [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: Whoa what an awesome av, Taryn.
- [13:56 SLT] Taryn London: Thanks Torley! ㋡
- [13:56 SLT] Jeremy Linden: There was a book I read once where there was a hacker who literally broke keyboards by typing on them too hard when he was working.
- [13:56 SLT] Taryn London: <3 yours too
- [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: I wonder who that was?
- [13:56 SLT] Torley Linden: ^_^
- [13:56 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [13:56 SLT] Haidan Sakai: I wonder if he had backup keyboards
- [13:56 SLT] Jeremy Linden: He did!
- [13:56 SLT] Haidan Sakai: and a keyboard graveyard!
- [13:56 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: hehe
- [13:57 SLT] Jeremy Linden: The book was The Blue Nowhere by Jeffrey Deaver
- [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: That reminds me of pro wrestlers with their chairs and such.
- [13:57 SLT] Maggie Darwin: My lifepartner Siobhan uses a SafeType keyboard to reduce RMI
- [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: *looks up that book*
- [13:57 SLT] Maggie Darwin: She has a neck injury, and we're trying not o aggravate it
- [13:57 SLT] Maggie Darwin:
- [13:57 SLT] Torley Linden: Awe. Ergonomics are incredibly important.
- [13:58 SLT] Maggie Darwin: well, especially in her case...
- [13:58 SLT] Arawn Spitteler wants to coin the term, Cyberspud, for the intemprately involved.
- [13:58 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil o.O
- [13:58 SLT] Maggie Darwin: "Otaku" covers it well.
- [13:58 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: \o/ \o/ \o/
- [13:59 SLT] Torley Linden: "Otaku" is one of my fave words.
- [13:59 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: \o/ \o/ \o/
- [13:59 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: me too
- [13:59 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: hahahaha
- [13:59 SLT] Torley Linden: I love seeing those degrees of obsession channeled into success.
- [13:59 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: hahah
- [13:59 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: What's an Otaku; Japanese Cyber Spud?
- [13:59 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: ahahahah
- [13:59 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: >.<
- [13:59 SLT] Maggie Darwin:
- [13:59 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: o.o
- [13:59 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: who was the yoshi?
- [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: A UFOapple? :D
- [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: This is too much.
- [14:00 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Heh. I recognized the Smash Bros. sound too.
- [14:00 SLT] Kurai Denimore: applesacuer :3
- [14:00 SLT] Kurai Denimore: saucer*
- [14:00 SLT] Torley Linden: Wow.
- [14:00 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: i love super smash bros.
- [14:00 SLT] Kurai Denimore: ugh, i got lagged into a logout D: but now i am back
- [14:00 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: me toooo
- [14:00 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: lol
- [14:00 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Applesaucer. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
- [14:00 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: Weebees!
- [14:01 SLT] Kurai Denimore: :D
- [14:01 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: happyt
- [14:01 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: :)
- [14:01 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: :D
- [14:01 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: *
- [14:01 SLT] Kurai Denimore: lol
- [14:01 SLT] Courteous Avedon: I have a Knowledge Base question, in INVENTORY seach, anyway to bring up items from the previous day or week...any generic terms not actually in the inventory name?
- [14:01 SLT] Kate Linden: Great to see you this week. Looks like the hour is up.
- [14:01 SLT] LeoJunior Laval: May I ask a question?
- [14:01 SLT] Kate Linden: oh sure
- [14:02 SLT] Kate Linden: please do ask :)
- [14:02 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh Courteous! While it's not the most obvious, you can use Recent Items tab and Filters to do this.
- [14:02 SLT] Kurai Denimore: I also have a question but I'll save it for the ticket form thing
- [14:02 SLT] Torley Linden: If you click Recent Items tab, then Inventory's File menu > Show Filters.
- [14:02 SLT] Torley Linden: Change the time below to "Days Ago" as desired.
- [14:03 SLT] Kate Linden: Courteous you can bring up all items from a certain day forward... yes what Torley said. Use File>Show filters
- [14:03 SLT] Courteous Avedon: This meeting is great for the information.... : ))
- [14:03 SLT] Torley Linden: That's why we have 'em. :D
- [14:03 SLT] Kurai Denimore: I never knew about these until I saw the link on twitter and figured I'd check it out
- [14:04 SLT] Torley Linden: Oh great!
- [14:04 SLT] LeoJunior Laval: I think there is a problem with register/ login site. It allows register with characters like @#$%^ but it is not possible to login in with these password. In viever there is no problem in log in. I already reported it.
- [14:04 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Awesome! It's good to see we're getting the word out.
- [14:04 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: OMG IM SUCH A NEWB
- [14:04 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: I just realized that
- [14:04 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: LOL
- [14:04 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Same problem has been reported on PJIRA
- [14:04 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: we need like
- [14:04 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Good work, LeoJunior! :-)
- [14:04 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: instead of one massive friendslist
- [14:04 SLT] Kate Linden: My OH usually follows this team OH. I'm going to pick a new day/time of the week since having back to back OH's is tough on my schedule.
- [14:04 SLT] Maggie Darwin: In regard to PJIRA, I mean.
- [14:04 SLT] Kurai Denimore: Yeah twitter is a handy thing isnt it. I've been having age verification issues
- [14:04 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: we need like a better way for groups like maybe have a different list all together lol
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: for merchants/groups
- [14:05 SLT] Torley Linden: Twitter is fast and easy.
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: so you don't get all this notice stuff
- [14:05 SLT] Kate Linden: Daniel sorry I missed you last week also. I'll post a new time on the wiki as soon as possible.
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: >.<
- [14:05 SLT] Torley Linden: ColeMarie, some have come up with clever workarounds like Subscribe-O-Matic.
- [14:05 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: o.o
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: yeah I know but I always forget and then sign up too much
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: :X
- [14:05 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: who has the yoshi sound?
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: oh me
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: >.<
- [14:05 SLT] Kurai Denimore: lol
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: that?
- [14:05 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: yeah
- [14:05 SLT] Jei Desoto: Surprisingly it's not me.
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: one sec
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: hahah
- [14:05 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: hahahaha
- [14:05 SLT] LeoJunior Laval: Jeremy, I checked it later ant the problem was the same
- [14:05 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): LeoJunior Laval has pinged you.
- [14:05 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: k
- [14:05 SLT] Kate Linden: See you all next week. :)
- [14:05 SLT] Daniel Voyager: lol
- [14:06 SLT] Becky Pippen: Bye Kate
- [14:06 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Gotta go!
- [14:06 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Bye Kate
- [14:06 SLT] Kurai Denimore: By Kate
- [14:06 SLT] Maggie Darwin: Bye!
- [14:06 SLT] Kurai Denimore: bye*
- [14:06 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: bye kate
- [14:06 SLT] Qie Niangao: bye Kate, thanks... and thanks everybody.
- [14:06 SLT] Jei Desoto: Have a good one all. : 3
- [14:06 SLT] Taryn London: bye Kate!
- [14:06 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Whoa, are we in overtime already?
- [14:06 SLT] Torley Linden: Indeed.
- [14:06 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: hehe
- [14:06 SLT] Nicholas Hawthorne: yes
- [14:06 SLT] Daniel Voyager: haha
- [14:06 SLT] Jeremy Linden: Good office hour this week :-)
- [14:06 SLT] Torley Linden: I've got to go too, thanks so much for being with us!
- [14:06 SLT] Becky Pippen: Bye Torley
- [14:06 SLT] Kurai Denimore: Take care Torley!
- [14:06 SLT] Torley Linden: Watch for more tips & tricks on soon!
- [14:06 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Bye Torley! (hail the melon!)
- [14:06 SLT] Courteous Avedon: bye
- [14:06 SLT] Taryn London: Bye Torley ㋡
- [14:07 SLT] Jeremy Linden: I'm off, too... Thanks for coming, everyone! See you next week.
- [14:07 SLT] Arawn Spitteler: That's right, Torley used to do a weekly video
- [14:07 SLT] Haidan Sakai: Goodbye to you too Jeremy
- [14:07 SLT] WidgetHUD v1.1 (Mono): Haidan Sakai has pinged you.
- [14:07 SLT] ColeMarie Soleil: sorry I wave like a million gestures hahaha trying to find OH there it is
- [14:07 SLT] Torley Linden: ;D
- [14:07 SLT] LeoJunior Laval: Goodbye all
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