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Constant: integer INVENTORY_NONE = -1;

The integer constant INVENTORY_NONE has the value -1

Value returned by Inventory functions which defines that the inventory item doesn't exist.


<lsl>string InventoryName(string name, integer type) {//finds an item in a case insensitive fashion of the given type and returns its true name.

   integer a = llGetInventoryType(name); 
   if(!~a)//a == INVENTORY_NONE
   {//it should be noted that INVENTORY_NONE == INVENTORY_ALL == -1; which is why '!~a' works.
       string lc_name = llToLower(name);
       a = llGetInventoryNumber(type);
       {//(a = ~-a) is equivalent to --a, but runs faster.
           if(llToLower(name = llGetInventoryName(type, a = ~-a)) == lc_name)
           {//we found a match ^_^
               return name;
   else if((a == type) ^ (!~type))//return name, as long as a == type or type == INVENTORY_ALL
   {//we already know that a != INVENTORY_NONE, but just in case we use xor instead of or.
       return name;
   return "";//no match ~_~


integer InventoryExists(string name, integer type) {//only included to show how this type of check could be done if the value of 'type' is not constant and could be INVENTORY_ALL.

   return (llGetInventoryType(name) == type) ^ (!~type);

}//Since INVENTORY_ALL == INVENTORY_NONE, the extra part on the end is required to invert the result.</lsl>

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integer INVENTORY_NONE = -1;