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[[Category:SL Volunteer Education Center]]
= Main=
<Dynamic Page, Free to add your content>
This page is for documenting all volunteer-created objects placed on the Second Life Volunteer Education Center (SLVEC) island.<br>Please see [[SL_Volunteer_Education_Center]] for policies and guidelines.

Page Creator:  Neovo Geesink
As you add content to/remove content from SLVEC, please update this page.

Creation Date: 01/10/2008
= Resources for All Mentors =
== [[User:Ferd Frederix|Ferd Frederix]] ==

Purpose:       Describe the contents you have setup on the Second Life Volunteer Education Centre (SLVEC)
DT/LU: 02/02/2009

I apologise for the bad layout, I do not know how to force a WIKI page in the WYSIWIG Format.
|description= A Free, Universal Google-based Translator for mentors to give away.
|name=Free Translator
|description=This translator has XFER/COPY enabled for Second life mentors.  It is designed for new residents as well as mentors

A Double-Enter will Split short lines in two seperate lines, rather then linking them to one.

To start a new line you can also use the html tag for line breaks &lt;br&gt;:<br>new line here

At this page, you can document the items that you have setup in the SLVEC kiosks.

This way, every Mentor and Linden can have a quick look on what is actually placed on the SLVEC Island.

To get some uniformety, please try to keep the structure like this: (Copy and paste, and edit for your credentials at the place of the "( )", deleting the brackets in the process)

A true setup of mine follows below at my User Name.
== [[User:Neovo Geesink|Neovo Geesink]] ==

Go Edit the part "(Your AV Name)".
DT/LU: 11/19/2009
Select the text, and do a CTRL-C
Cancel the changes, and close the Idit Window.


= (Your AV name)=
<Deleted all my Items from Kiosk #32 due to closedown of the SL Mentors Group, and the Region SLVEC, as with SLVOI and the SLVI's.>

Occupant name: (Your AV name) (IF there are more AV's in one, please let every AV fill out his / her part)
== [[User:Rails Bailey|Rails Bailey]] ==
DT/LU: ?
|description=7 Single-Prim Items.
|description=2 Signs
|description=MM History Giver Box
|description=MM Charter Giver Box
|description=MM Member Suggestion Box
|description=MM Position Application Drop Box
|description=MM Survey Box

Kiosk Type: (Tube, Small, Large)
== [[User:Myria Boa|Myria Boa]] ==
DT/LU: ?
|description=2 scripted vendor prims.
|description=Vendor prim that gives out a free Info HUD for Mentors.<br>The HUD helps you to hand out folders to new residents.<br>Its editable and free to modify, only the button scripts are no mod.
|description=Vendor prim that gives out a notecard with gestures in different languages.

Kiosk Number: (At left-top or mid top at Tube)
== [[User:Lara Shepherd|Lara Shepherd]] ==
DT/LU: 05-06-2009
|description=While my work as Community translator I started to collect the links of all Knowledge Base Articles. It became a work of around 3 months to put everything together and to know how to make them available for mentors in the first place and to the public. One possibility to view all links of KB Articles is to got to http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=rHqY0zIXxDWx3YWNISWhojA
or to grab a notecard with the category you are interested in from the two vendors in the back of the pavillion. Simply click on them and choose the category you wish to get the links of. The notecards as well as the spreadsheet on the web (the gadget seems to have a bug and is not working as of 05-02-2009, hopefully it is getting fixed soon) will be updated frequently.
If anything, the web or getting the notecards, doesn't work please get back to me. If you discover a bad link while trying to view a certain KB article please let me know as well. Sometimes I worked quite late and might have put the wrong link in :)
A special thanks to Salahzar Stenvaag who wrote the script for the vendors. You are an angel :)
Have fun with this tool - it is a good way to learn how to use the Knowledge Base which is a great source to help new and old residents.
|name=The Knowledge Base
|description=To receive a notecard with information about this kiosk
|name=Knowledge Base Articles - LINKS - No. 1
|description=Please click on this vendor to open a menu from which you can choose the right notecard
|name=Knowledge Base Articles - LINKS - No. 2
|description=Please click on this vendor to open a menu from which you can choose the right notecard

Description of the Inventory:
= Resources for Mentor Coaches =

(Your Description's)
== [[User:Nava Muni|Nava Muni]] ==
DT/LU: ?
|description=Resources and support materials related to my classes and projects.
|name=Upcoming Classes
|description=Announces ALL upcoming "optional mentor classes" listed on the Volunteer Wiki page.<br>It refreshes its display every 30 minutes and, on touch, gives a link to the [[Volunteer-sponsored Classes]] page.<br>(If a Wiki-listed class is to be displayed on this device, the 'Optional Class' Wiki entry must use the [[Template:SLVEC coaching]] template.)
|name=Idea Requester
|description=A suggestion drop box.<br><font color=red>under construction</font>
|name=push-pin giver
|description=A push-pin notecard give. Delivers notecards related to my Coaching classes.
|name=MCCR Promoter
|description=A sign that promotes and delivers a link to [[Mentor Coach Class Request]].
|name=Attendance taker/handout giver
|description=A small device that allows its owner to collect attendance and give handouts for a class or session. Instruction notecard is included in the device.

= Resources for Buddy Mentors =

= Next AV name=
== [[User:Doctor Gascoigne|Doctor Gascoigne]] ==
DT/LU: ?
|description=Resources and support materials for Buddy Mentors.
|name=Buddy Mentor Shirts
|description=Shirt giver for mentor buddies.
|name=Mentor Landmark Giver
|description=Mentor Landmarks
|name=Buddy Shadowing Notecard
|description=Buddy Shadowing Guidelines and Signup.
|name=Mentor Volunteer Shirts
|description=Shirt giver for mentor volunteers.
|name=Mentor IH landmark giver
|description=Mentor Landmarks.
|name=Hover Text Cube
|description=Hover text cube for mentor blog.

= Neovo Geesink=
= Public Objects =
Occupant name: Neovo Geesink

Kiosk Type: Small
This section is for objects placed on SLVEC that are public - that is, outside a kiosk or booth.

Kiosk Number: 32
|owner=Ferd Frederix
|name=Meta Map
|description=3-D DIsplay of the Lum Sign
|location=SLVEC landing point, next to Lum Phohl's large Mentor signs
|notes=Click panel to activate and tp directly to a Help Island.

Description of the Inventory:
= SLVEC Object Documentation Template Links =
These templates should be used to document objects on SLVEC:
5 Single-Prim Vendors.
1: Light Medaillon:
This Panel Gives out the Light Medaillon which an AV carries around his / her neck.
This willgive the AV and others around him / her light at night and in dark SIMs.
2: Orientation Guide 2.06 and 2.13:
This panel gives out the Orientation guides, a Gesture called Hula, and various Notecards regarding the Use of the Guides.
3: Calibrate Texture:
This panel gives out an Instruction note to correctly calibrate your Monitor for the use with Second Life.
The picture on that panel is to be used to do this correctly.
4: ShowText:
This panel gives out a miniature Prim with the Script "Floating Text" inside.
The Floating Text Script can be modified to represent any text that the AV wants to be projected above his / her head.
This Prim is to be attached to the Right Ear, as where the Offset centres it inside the AV Head.
5: Voice Chat:
This panel gives out a Notecard on how to setup, configure, and use Voice in Second Life.
As gift of gratitude for using Voice, the panel allso gives out a Headset that the AV can wear to show others that he / she is on Voice. (ONLY co-Voicers can see it at the Voice-Dot above the AV Head, Non-Voice Residents cannot, beceause they do NOT see the Voice-Dots.)

Latest revision as of 16:34, 14 December 2009

Out of Date

The volunteer information on this page is now out of date and will be kept for historical purposes. Please do not update information on this page.


This page is for documenting all volunteer-created objects placed on the Second Life Volunteer Education Center (SLVEC) island.
Please see SL_Volunteer_Education_Center for policies and guidelines.

As you add content to/remove content from SLVEC, please update this page.

Resources for All Mentors

Ferd Frederix

DT/LU: 02/02/2009

Kiosk Number: 18
Kiosk Type: tube
Date added: 02-Feb-2009
Description: A Free, Universal Google-based Translator for mentors to give away.

Item Number   Name: Free Translator
1 Description: This translator has XFER/COPY enabled for Second life mentors. It is designed for new residents as well as mentors
Date: 02-Feb-2009
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Neovo Geesink

DT/LU: 11/19/2009

<Deleted all my Items from Kiosk #32 due to closedown of the SL Mentors Group, and the Region SLVEC, as with SLVOI and the SLVI's.>

Rails Bailey

DT/LU: ?

Kiosk Number: 17
Kiosk Type: small
Date added: 20-Jan-2008
Description: 7 Single-Prim Items.

Item Number   Name: (no name)
1 Description: 2 Signs
Date: 20-Jan-2008
Prims: 2
Scripts: (none)

Item Number   Name: (no name)
2 Description: MM History Giver Box
Date: 20-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Item Number   Name: (no name)
3 Description: MM Charter Giver Box
Date: 20-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Item Number   Name: (no name)
4 Description: MM Member Suggestion Box
Date: 20-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Item Number   Name: (no name)
5 Description: MM Position Application Drop Box
Date: 20-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Item Number   Name: (no name)
6 Description: MM Survey Box
Date: 20-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Myria Boa

DT/LU: ?

Kiosk Number: 18
Kiosk Type: tube
Date added: 21-Jan-2008
Description: 2 scripted vendor prims.

Item Number   Name: (no name)
1 Description: Vendor prim that gives out a free Info HUD for Mentors.
The HUD helps you to hand out folders to new residents.
Its editable and free to modify, only the button scripts are no mod.
Date: 21-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Item Number   Name: (no name)
2 Description: Vendor prim that gives out a notecard with gestures in different languages.
Date: 21-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: (none)

Lara Shepherd

DT/LU: 05-06-2009

Kiosk Number: 2
Kiosk Type: small
Date added: 06-May-2009
Description: While my work as Community translator I started to collect the links of all Knowledge Base Articles. It became a work of around 3 months to put everything together and to know how to make them available for mentors in the first place and to the public. One possibility to view all links of KB Articles is to got to http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=rHqY0zIXxDWx3YWNISWhojA

or to grab a notecard with the category you are interested in from the two vendors in the back of the pavillion. Simply click on them and choose the category you wish to get the links of. The notecards as well as the spreadsheet on the web (the gadget seems to have a bug and is not working as of 05-02-2009, hopefully it is getting fixed soon) will be updated frequently. If anything, the web or getting the notecards, doesn't work please get back to me. If you discover a bad link while trying to view a certain KB article please let me know as well. Sometimes I worked quite late and might have put the wrong link in :) A special thanks to Salahzar Stenvaag who wrote the script for the vendors. You are an angel :) Have fun with this tool - it is a good way to learn how to use the Knowledge Base which is a great source to help new and old residents.

Item Number   Name: The Knowledge Base
1 Description: To receive a notecard with information about this kiosk
Date: 06-May-2009
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Knowledge Base Articles - LINKS - No. 1
2 Description: Please click on this vendor to open a menu from which you can choose the right notecard
Date: 06-May-2009
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Knowledge Base Articles - LINKS - No. 2
3 Description: Please click on this vendor to open a menu from which you can choose the right notecard
Date: 06-May-2009
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Resources for Mentor Coaches

Nava Muni

DT/LU: ?

Kiosk Number: 28
Kiosk Type: medium
Date added: 10-Mar-2008
Description: Resources and support materials related to my classes and projects.

Item Number   Name: Upcoming Classes
1 Description: Announces ALL upcoming "optional mentor classes" listed on the Volunteer Wiki page.
It refreshes its display every 30 minutes and, on touch, gives a link to the Volunteer-sponsored Classes page.
(If a Wiki-listed class is to be displayed on this device, the 'Optional Class' Wiki entry must use the Template:SLVEC coaching template.)
Date: 28-Mar-2008
Prims: 6
Scripts: 6

Item Number   Name: Idea Requester
2 Description: A suggestion drop box.
under construction
Date: 12-Mar-2008
Prims: 4
Scripts: 3

Item Number   Name: push-pin giver
3 Description: A push-pin notecard give. Delivers notecards related to my Coaching classes.
Date: 20-Mar-2008
Prims: 4
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: MCCR Promoter
4 Description: A sign that promotes and delivers a link to Mentor Coach Class Request.
Date: 31-Mar-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Attendance taker/handout giver
5 Description: A small device that allows its owner to collect attendance and give handouts for a class or session. Instruction notecard is included in the device.
Date: 15-Aug-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Resources for Buddy Mentors

Doctor Gascoigne

DT/LU: ?

Kiosk Number: 36
Kiosk Type: Store
Date added: 28-Jan-2008
Description: Resources and support materials for Buddy Mentors.

Item Number   Name: Buddy Mentor Shirts
1 Description: Shirt giver for mentor buddies.
Date: 28-Jan-2028
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Mentor Landmark Giver
2 Description: Mentor Landmarks
Date: 28-Jan-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Buddy Shadowing Notecard
3 Description: Buddy Shadowing Guidelines and Signup.
Date: 20-Mar-2008
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Mentor Volunteer Shirts
4 Description: Shirt giver for mentor volunteers.
Date: 28-Mar-2028
Prims: 3
Scripts: 3

Item Number   Name: Mentor IH landmark giver
5 Description: Mentor Landmarks.
Date: 28-Mar-2028
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Item Number   Name: Hover Text Cube
6 Description: Hover text cube for mentor blog.
Date: 28-Mar-2012
Prims: 1
Scripts: 1

Public Objects

This section is for objects placed on SLVEC that are public - that is, outside a kiosk or booth.

Owner: Ferd Frederix
Name: Meta Map
Location(s): SLVEC landing point, next to Lum Phohl's large Mentor signs
Description: 3-D DIsplay of the Lum Sign
Notes: Click panel to activate and tp directly to a Help Island.
Added on: 16-Feb-2009 Quantity: 1 Prims (each): 75 Scripts (each): 75

SLVEC Object Documentation Template Links

These templates should be used to document objects on SLVEC: