Difference between revisions of "LlExecCharacterCmd/ja"

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(copy from english(Todo: need translate to japanese))
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|func_desc=Send a command to the pathing system.
|func_desc=Send a command to the pathing system.
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* [[llCreateCharacter]]
* [[llCreateCharacter/ja]]
* [[llDeleteCharacter]]
* [[llDeleteCharacter/ja]]
* [[llEvade]]
* [[llEvade/ja]]
* [[llExecCharacterCmd]]
* [[llExecCharacterCmd/ja]]
* [[llGetClosestNavPoint]]
* [[llGetClosestNavPoint/ja]]
* [[llFleeFrom]]
* [[llFleeFrom/ja]]
* [[llNavigateTo]]
* [[llNavigateTo/ja]]
* [[llPatrolPoints]]
* [[llPatrolPoints/ja]]
* [[llPursue]]
* [[llPursue/ja]]
* [[llUpdateCharacter]]
* [[llUpdateCharacter/ja]]
* [[llWanderWithin]]
* [[llWanderWithin/ja]]
* [[path_update]]
* [[path_update/ja]]
|history = Date of Release  [[ Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12# | 31/07/2012 ]]
|history = Date of Release  [[ Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/12# | 31/07/2012 ]]

Revision as of 13:44, 2 November 2023


関数: llExecCharacterCmd( integer command, list options );

Send a command to the pathing system.

• integer command Command to be sent.
• list options CHARACTER_CMD_*

Currently only supports stopping the current pathfinding operation or causing the character to jump.

Command Value Description & Required Parameters
CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP 0x1 Makes the character jump.

The option list is required to start with a height parameter: [float height]

• float height height to jump, between 0.1m and 2.0m
CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP 0x2 Stops any current pathfinding operation in a smooth like fashion.
CHARACTER_CMD_STOP 0x0 Stops any current pathfinding operation.


  • If another script in the same object issues CHARACTER_CMD_STOP then pathing in all scripts is cancelled.


vector patrol;
        patrol = llGetPos();
        llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 25, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 15.0]);
        state awake;
state awake
        llSay(0, "I am guarding now");
        list points = [patrol + <5,0,0>, patrol - <5,0,0>];
        llPatrolPoints(points, []);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        state sleep;
state sleep
        llSay(0, "Going to sleep");
        llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP, []);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        patrol = llGetPos();
        //Jump to attention!
        llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.5]);
        state awake;



Date of Release 31/07/2012

Search JIRA for related Issues


function void llExecCharacterCmd( integer command, list options );
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