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Function: llPushObject( key target, vector impulse, vector ang_impulse, integer <span title="boolean, if TRUE uses the local axis of target, if FALSE uses the region axis." style="border-bottom:1px dotted; cursor:help;">local );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Applies impulse and ang_impulse to object id

• key target Avatar or object UUID in the sim
• vector impulse
• vector ang_impulse angular impulse
• integer local boolean, if TRUE uses the local axis of target, if FALSE uses the region axis.


  • Only works on land where Push is not restricted or where the script is owned by the land owner.
    • If the land is owned by a group, the scripted object must be deeded to the same group.


Deep Notes


function void llPushObject( key target, vector impulse, vector ang_impulse, integer local );