Bug triage/2008-01-30

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Next meeting: 2008-01-23 at 3pm PST at Bridie Linden's house.


(Bugs reported in Release Candidate — consider for import?, sorted by votes)

  • VWR-4338 - Votes: 0 - Login > Not Responding, White Screen, Crashing, Unable to Connect to Login Server. - Meghan Dench
    • Fixed
  • VWR-4262 - Votes: 0 - while crossing a sim either sailing or flying I crash - Tia Araw
    • Closed - Duplicate
  • VWR-4364 - Votes: 0 - When you click or left click (windows) on any area you crash - Syler Zhora
    • Closed - More Info Needed
  • VWR-4216 - Votes: 0 - Mac Pro (early 2008) crashes Windlight & regular viewer - Zyzzy Zarf
    • Imported - Assigned to Pastrami Linden
  • VWR-4384 - Votes: 0 - Viewer Crashes As "Connecting to Region..." - Meghan Dench
    • Closed - More Info Needed
  • VWR-4394 - Votes: 0 - Crashes after a short time with Catalyst 7.12 and 8.1 on Radeon X1950 - Ashcroft Burnham
    • Last Triaged - Drive suggested
  • VWR-4333 - Votes: 0 - When I first teleported to NOAA Virtual Island, it froze after a few seconds before continuing - Sam Reinard
    • Closed - Won't Finish
  • VWR-4365 - Votes: 0 - Clicking "Skip all skip next time dialogues" in preferences seems to clear all saved preferences on disk - Goldie Katsu
    • Imported - Assigned to Aric Linden
  • VWR-4309 - Votes: 0 - Crash after pointing mouse in the title bar during in world explorating - Auron Forcella
    • Last Triaged - What Version is being used?

Fast Track Import

(Move bugs here that have solid repros, or valid patches that you have reviewed)

Hot by Vote

  • SVC-1272 - Votes: 21 - Boats Lower in Water in the Havok 4 Sims - Owen Oyen
    • Imported - Assigned to Sidewinder Linden

High Voted Bugs



Misc Pool

Misc Pool

Pre-meeting activity

Some issues will be resolved in the course of building this agenda. Rather than deleting them from the proposed agenda, move the issue and associated discussion into the appropriate section below.




Transcript is/will be at Bug triage/2008-01-30/Transcript

Creating An Agenda

Community members generally collaborate on the agenda for bug triage meetings. Here's how you can quickly fill in an otherwise blank agenda:

Setting up

  • Go to Bug_Triage/YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the four digit year code, MM is the two digit month code, and DD is the day code
  • Write and save {{subst:Triage Template}} as the only content of your new page. This will copy the complete markup from Template:Triage Template as a starting point for your agenda.
  • Fill in the relevant time, date, and location info for the upcoming meeting. The easiest way to do this is to copy the entire block of information from an earlier meeting of the same type (RC, regular, etc...) and modify the date and time as needed.

Populating the issue listings section(s)


  1. !/usr/bin/env perl

use XML::Simple;

my $bugs = XMLin($ARGV[0]);

foreach my $item (@{$bugs->{channel}->{item}}) {

 $title = $item->{title};
 $title =~ s/^\^\*\] //;
 $key = $item->{key}->{content};
 $votes = $item->{votes};
 $reporter = $item->{reporter}->{username};
 print "* $key - Votes: $votes - $title - $reporter\n";



  • Pick a reasonable cutoff point, and copy the output into the appropriate section of your newly created page.