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Function: list llCSV2List( string src );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

This function takes a string of values separated by commas, and turns it into a list.
Returns a list made by parsing src, a string of comma separated values.

• string src

To convert a list into a comma-separated string use llList2CSV.

Do not confuse this function with the "Wikipedia logo"CSV format, it is not the CSV format.


Vectors & Rotations

Anything between "<" and ">" is considered a single value regardless of the existence of a comma between.

This ensures that vectors and rotations get treated as a single value, with no additional cleanup needed afterward.

Note, though, that for every "<" there needs to be a corresponding ">" or it will consume the rest of the string : <lsl> llCSV2List("<>,>,a") == ["<>", ">", "a"]; //didn't match the last ">" llCSV2List("<<>,>,a") == ["<<>,>", "a"]; //matched everything llCSV2List("<<<>,>,a") == ["<<<>,>,a"]; //didn't match the last "<" </lsl>


The function makes no assumptions about what the list entry types should be, all elements in the resulting list are strings. It is important to know that the llList2* functions implicit typecasts do not perform the same as explicit typecast. The following table gives code examples for each type that will yield the best results.

Code Description
integer (integer)llList2String(mlist, mint) llList2Integer does not support the hex format
float (float)llList2String(mlist, mint) llList2Float does not support the scientific or hexadecimal notations
string llList2String(mlist, mint) Always Safe
key llList2Key(mlist, mint) Always Safe
vector (vector)llList2String(mlist, mint) llList2Vector will return a zero vector
rotation (rotation)llList2String(mlist, mint) llList2Rot will return a zero rotation

llList2Vector, llList2Float, llList2Integer, llList2Rot should not be Rotations and Vectors included in this list will be strings. You'll need to convert them back to Rotations or Vectors for other use when you haul them out of the list.


llCSV2List consumes leading and trailing spaces from all values :

<lsl>list tmp = llCSV2List("first , second , third"); //returns ["first","second","third"] //not ["first "," second "," third"]</lsl>


  • If a "<" does not have a matching ">", the remainder of the string will be a single value, even if the "<" is in the middle of the value, see Vectors & Rotations for further details.
  • All items in the returned list are strings.
  • Leading and trailing spaces are removed from all values.
  • If an empty string is parsed, the result will a list containing an empty string: [""] (not an empty list).


<lsl> default {

       string csv = "first,second,third";
       list my_list = llCSV2List(csv);
       llOwnerSay("CSV: " + csv);
       integer i;
       for (i=0; i<llGetListLength(my_list); ++i)
           llOwnerSay("my_list[" + (string)i + "]: " + llList2String(my_list,i));


To use separators other than commas (especially if you can't predict when a user might have sneaked a comma into data they supply the script), use llParseString2List instead, which allows you to specify separators other than commas. llParseString2List unfortunately does not support the special parsing required for handling rotations and vectors, nor does it consume leading and trailing whitespace.

See Also


•  llList2CSV
•  llDumpList2String
•  llParseString2List
•  llParseStringKeepNulls


•  Typecast

Deep Notes


function list llCSV2List( string src );