GWA Project/Meeting Summaries/Archive 01
Summary of the Meeting of August 5th 2008
Jean Linden Office Hour:
Attendees: Alexa Soyer, Carina Raymaker, Carbon Sirbu, fr43k Paine, Monalisa Robbiani, Robby Pommeray
- "Mentorizing" of non-mentors is still pending. Jean will contact Blue again
- Jean agreed to invite the non mentors in the GWA officers group after checking formal requirements of mentorship and Mona and Robby standing surety for them
- New builders role in group GWA officers has benn created and assigned to all members of the group
- Monalisa Robbiani, Alexa Soyer and Carina Raymaker are estate managers of the SIMs
Attendees: Alexa Soyer, Carina Raymaker, Carbon Sirbu, fr43k Paine, Isabell Ewing, Mayumi Fride, Monalisa Robbiani, Shea Slocombe
- Position of the islands for the stations have been set out. Farther landscaping will be done on each island while building the particular station
- Carbon Sirbu distributed landscaping tools ("Landroller"), allowing an effective and controlled landscaping much more precisely then the manual raise and lower nmethod of selected areas.
- Each station will be developped cooperatively in the same way as the overall layout has been done
- Suggestions for design of specific islands or elements like the stations, bridges etc. can be rezzed at Goethe
- Future meetings will be hold at the OI itself
- The islands shold show the diversy of SL, but in a temperate zone representing european climathe (e.g ranging from alpine hills to north sea shore)
- Rezpoint on an alpine hill, having the impression to overlook a mountian lake? (Monalisa Robbiani)
- Maybe something freaky in a skybox - linked with the fly tutorial? (fr43k Paine, Carina Raymaker)
Summary of the Meeting of August 03rd 2008
Attendees: Alexa Soyer, Carina Raymaker, Carbon Sirbu, chieni Beck, fr43k Paine, Isabell Ewing, Mayumi Fride, Monalisa Robbiani, Niewi Benelli (left early), Robby Pommeray (arrived at the end of meeting), Shea Slocombe
- Basic order of the stations on OI
- Movement
- Appearance
- Communicate
- Inventory
- Media
- Hints, Tips & Tricks
- Outlook to the Welcome Area
- Access to "the real Word" (leading to the Welcome Area)
- Topic suggestions for each station and their layout
- Put to the next meeting
- Fix the wiki links
- Not everyone can reproduce Monas objections regarding broken redirects. Mona will send detailed info about the links not working to Carina who will inspect the redirects ans eventually fix them.
- Estimated espenses the group will have building the OI
- Decision: only own builds or Freebies. So no cost for prebuild things
- Estimated expenses for uploads: 10.000L$
- Blueprints for the sims?
- Megaprims could hinder the landscaping. Better scaled models and setting out the parcels
- Roles of estate managers
- alexa soyer *
- carbon sirbu
- carina raymaker *
- isabell ewing
- monalisa robbiani *
those marked with (*) are SL-Mentors already and should be added to the role as soon als possible
- Permissions for builders
- Mona will propose to set up a new role "Builder" in the officers group and assign some rights missing in the "Everyone" role. Carina will provide an abilities list to Mona before the meeting with Jean
- Proposal for agenda for next meeting with Jean
- New builder role in the officers group; assign to participants
- Ask again for the actual state of affirs of the "mentorizing" of non-mentors wo want to participate in the project
- Possibility of inviting the non-mentors in the officers group? While the building phase the SIM is technically not an OI limited to mentors. So the delay caused by the "mentorizing procedure" could be bridged.
- Install Estate Managers
Summary of the Meeting of July 27th 2008
Attendees: Carbon Sirbu, chieni Beck, Robby Pomeray, Isabell Ewing, Lisa Lowe, Alexa Soyer, Monalisa Robbiani, Mayumi Fride, fr34k Paine, sven Homewood, Shea Slocombe, Carina Raymaker
- Summary of the current project status.
Addition: The current group was not interested in a project based way usually in place for these kind of projects, introductions and sharing ideas with newcomer Lisa. Lisa Lowe 15:02, 27 July 2008 (PDT)
- From now on we are using voice to speed up the meetings. Due to problems with voice we have an additional TeamSpeak server set up for us so we can switch to it when necassary.
Addition: Due to previous desicion, Lisa Lowe resigned from this project, not being able to use Voice. Lisa stated: a 'majority vote' (7 voted yes) is not a good base for forcing everyone to using Voice and basically ruling out everyone else interested. Considerations not being able to follow german smalltalk in Voice were neglected. Lisa Lowe 15:02, 27 July 2008 (PDT)
- Summaries of the meetings will be posted to the wiki because of missing transcripts.
Addition: Lisa Lowe added: Voice transcripts are only reflections of what one wants to hear (my additions prove that already). Text transcripts rule that out. Lisa Lowe 15:02, 27 July 2008 (PDT)
- Notecards sent through the German Mentors Group will be forwarded to either Carina or Carbon to ensure communication.
Addition: The group stated "you have to speak german to be able to join the german mentors group". Conclusion: Everyone else will not be able to receive info through this group if not in it (before this?). Lisa Lowe 15:02, 27 July 2008 (PDT)
- Sims will be closed while building works are under way. The fortress will be staying at its current location.
- Estate rights: Only for a small group of experts.
- Question about land/ban rights after the build is finished.
- It is required to be an SL Mentor to join the project's officers group.
- Forwarded list of mentor applicants to Blue Linden to possibly speed up the process.
- Additional OI model presented by fr34k Paine, Monalisa Robbiani and Alexa Soyer.
- The 3d models are now accessible by everyone at Park East.
- Wiki Editing Policy: No editing of content without askin for permission. If you want to add a comment please do so and signature it but please don't delete the previous comment because of yours.
- A company outing to the newbie path built and being built by Carbon Sirbu, called 'Deutsches Tutorium'.
Summary of the Meeting of July 23th 2008
Jean Linden Office Hour:
Attendees: <not recorded>
The intention was to discuss the plans with Jean Linden at her office hour. Jean however was in favour of prosponing that to a seperate meeting on Tuesday July 29, 2008 at 10 am SLT instead of in her casual Office Hour.
Attendees: Monalisa Robbiani, Zai Lynch, Lisa Lowe, Mayumi Fride, Carbon Sirbu
Because most where not able to attend the meeting afterwards. It's basically skipped. Next meeting Sunday July 27, 2008 10am SLT (19:00 in Germany time).
Monalisa Robbiani findings talking to Jean: Please refer to group notices sent by Ethan and myself to the "German Welcome Area Officers" group (Summary: Land ownership moved to Jean, land set to group, land is public for the time being.)
(Please use the wiki and post the announcments (notices) on here somewhere. Not everyone involved in this project is a member of all those groups (yet). Besides that, lots of notices get lost or are overlooked. Using the wiki can keep everyone up to date. Thanks Lisa Lowe 01:30, 25 July 2008 (PDT))
Summary of the Meeting of July 20th 2008
Attendees: Monalisa Robbiani, Zai Lynch, Lisa Lowe, Carbon Sirbu, KleineSphinx Lane, Carina Raymaker, Mayumi Fride, Torben Trautman, Danziel Lane, Mayumi Fride, Shea Slocombe, chieni Beck, Trent Mavendorf
- Presentation of current OI Suggestions.
- Contend discussion for OIs at Brainstorming OI Structure page.
- Raising attention to new GWA Project page.
- Asking for contributions for all of the above mentioned project/pages as well as the skill list.
- Names: The old poets names might stay for the sims (except Hazzlehoff)
- Next meeting after Jean's OH on Wednesday.
Summary of the Meeting of July 17th 2008
Please add topics to this summary since it's not complete
- We still need to get metrics on how many new German speaking Residents arrive per day, who choose not to start at a CG. (Will ask Meta Linden tomorrow
- Zai Lynch (talk|contribs) 20:43, 17 July 2008 (PDT))
- Need to send a couple of questions to Jean. Those are:
- Requirements to join the German Welcome Area Officers group (e.g.: are non-mentors allowed?)
- How to apply for the group?
- Is it possible to re-animate the Willkommen Deutschland group in that way that every new Resident who arrives at the GWA becomes automatically added to the group? (New residents would find a community and help there)
- In case the previous point is allowed, is it possible to turn the group into a one way group. So people become added automatically but it is no open enrolement, so spamming is to a minimum. Only new Residents and Mentors can join.
- Is it possible to clean the Willkommen Deutschland group from people who weren't logged in for more then 6 or 12 month? It would make group chat and notices more reliable and speed up the load. (Proposal from Robby & Zai, not part of the meeting).
- Proposal of a revised skill-list using Template:GWA Skills.
- A forum for the GWA Project will be set up in the SL forum (Assignee: Mona).
On OI:
- New Residents should be able to leave the trail at any given moment.
- New Residents should start in a exhibition room/hall which allows them to spot exhibits which advertise parts of SL culture. It should be a motiviation on why to continue their virtual life.
- Try to use self explanatory pictures for tutorials (NCI-, Melting Dot- and Metaverse Mentor-style)
- Try to provide examples and connect them with SL culture.
- Show "advanced content" in geeky chamber.
- Avoid restrictions of the regular OIs (limited search, limited map...).
- Volunteers gotta be nice DAMN IT
- OI should be linear with the opportunity to exit any time.
- New Residents need a reason to stay in (and learn about) SL. A goal or something attractive.
- Provide a reason why Residents should stay and they'll invest time on learning.
- Opinion
- Blue: Showing new Residents the "real" SL is more important then protecting from griefers.
- Lexie: More then OI experience but less than a combat zone too....
- Don't make SL look like a game
- Connect learning with specific examples. Like: "Going to a club" with "how to change clothes", "how to sit", "how to dance"...
- Introduce on how to use the search
- Show that not everything is interactive in SL
Summary of the Meeting of July 13th 2008
Meeting: not documented.
Summary of the Meeting of June 22nd 2008
- Next meetings will start at 7pm METZ (10am PDT)
Forum that's not moderated by us:
- Going to ask Jean - official SL forum?!
Status report - SL5B:
- Finished - waiting for SL5B to start
List of avatar resources (SL Wiki):
- Page up and running - waiting for wiki to work again
Time plan:
- Moved - SL didn't work at that time - NC transfer didn't work
Summary of the Meeting of June 15th 2008
- There was a discussion, if an election at the given moment is necessary or makes sense. The attendees started an election after a while - Decision: The elected persons are the only contact persons to Jean and Linden, responsible for giving group information to Jean and Linden and passing all information from Jean and Linden to the group. They will not have powers of leaders or managers.
- Elected were contact persons (representatives) of the group, no leaders. - Orlandoo Habercom as founder and Holger Gilruth as one of the owners were elected of the group - Third elected contact person is Monalisa Robbiani.
- The logo provided by Monalisa Robbiani will be used for the group information and on SL5B.
- All agreed to a forum not moderated by the group. The SL forum will be used.
Endorsed Group:
- Application as an endorsed group? - Agreed (Endorsed Group Entry).
Project: OI:
- Conceptional ideas for buildings at a SLVI parcel for German Mentors. - No unique information availabe. Land won for building should be used for the group activities. Representatives will provide a list of mentors that claimed land there and will find out, when these parcels have to be ready for use.
- Do we agree that Concept 2 as described in the wiki is a plan worth to work with? - Agreed.
- German OI Concept
Summary of the Meeting of June 11th 2008
- Obeying to the Tao of Volunteers is now a requirement at meetings and in the forum.
- We will try to organize a Q&A Session with Blue Linden and experienced OI builders to get suggestions, tips & tricks.
- German Mentors are generally interested in becoming an endorsed group.
- There will be elections of 3 (three) representatives/leaders of the German Mentors group at the next meeting on sunday.
- Conceptional ideas for buildings at a SLVI parcel for German Mentors can be posted at the forum. It's also a topic on the agenda for next sundays meeting.
- Drafts for a new German Mentors logo will be posted at the forum.
- The forum will be open for anyone to read.
- One of the subforums will be open for anyone to write as well.
Summary of the Meeting of June 8th 2008
- Suggestions for names of the planned sims should be posted at this thread. In case Jean Linden confirmes that the Names of the Sims can be changed, there will be a vote at the next meeting.
- Additional help groups and communities might be contacted in order to help the German Mentors with certain (previously planned) projects.
- The topic Giefing problems, especially with a proposed sandbox coming (from Keumjoo Ahn) was postponed.
- As decided on an earlier meeting already, one of the four islands will become a stand alone, linear OI.
- There should be suggestions made for Sim 1 to 4 within the next week.
- The EM should be abolished.
- Discussions will be held in German, summaries will be posted in German and translated to English.
- Summeries of meetings will be posted at the wiki in English and German by Zai Lynch, in case every agenda item got a formulated and accepted conclusion, which is expressed during the meeting.
- The German Mentors apply for a parcel at SL5B. This will be coordinated by Gunter Gustav, TalinaQ Yao, Peter Houston and sexina Babii. This should take place in cooperation with the German speaking Linguists, if possible
- Agenda items from Danziel Lane will be discussed at the connected forum posting.
- From now on, there will be two meetings per week. Dates swill be suggested and discussed in the forum.