On damage

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Event: on_damage( integer num_detected ){ ; }
KBwarning.png Warning: This function or parameter is part of the Combat2 project and is only available on parts of the beta grid.

This event is triggered when damage has been inflicted on an avatar or task in the world but before damage has been applied or distributed.

All llDetected* functions that are normally available within a collision event are available while processing this event. Additionally the llDetectedDamage and llAdjustDamage methods may be called while processing this event.

• integer num_detected The number of damage events pending against the avatar or task.



string damageType2String(integer type)
    if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_GENERIC)
        return "generic";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID)
        return "acid";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_BLUDGEONING)
        return "bludgeoning";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD)
        return "cold";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRIC)
        return "electric";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE)
        return "fire";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_FORCE)
        return "force";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_NECROTIC)
        return "necrotic";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_PIERCING)
        return "piercing";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON)
        return "poison";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_PSYCHIC)
        return "psychic";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_RADIANT)
        return "radiant";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_SLASHING)
        return "slashing";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC)
        return "sonic";
    else if (type == DAMAGE_TYPE_EMOTIONAL)
        return "emotional";

    return "type " + (string)type;

        llSay(0, "I'll be back!");
    on_damage(integer count)
        integer index;
        for (index = 0; index < count; ++index)
            key object = llDetectedKey(index);
            string object_name = llDetectedName(index);
            key owner = llDetectedOwner(index);
            key rezzer = llDetectedRezzer(index);
            list damage = llDetectedDamage(index);
            string owner_name = llKey2Name(owner);
            string rezzer_name = llKey2Name(rezzer);
            llSay(0, "I was struck by " + object_name + "{" + (string)object + "} owned by " +        
                owner_name + "{" + (string)owner + "} rezzed by " +
                rezzer_name + "{" + (string)rezzer + "} for " +
                (string)llList2Float(damage, 0) + " points of " + damageType2String(llList2Integer(damage, 1)) +
                " damage (originally " + (string)llList2Float(damage, 2));
            float new_damage = llList2Float(damage, 0) / 2.0;
            llSay(0, "Reducing damage by 50% to " + (string)new_damage);
            llAdjustDamage(index, new_damage);
            llSay(0, "llDetectDamage = [" + llDumpList2String(llDetectedDamage(index), ", ") + "]");

See Also


•  on_death
•  final_damage


•  llDetectedDamage
•  llAdjustDamage

Deep Notes


event void on_damage( integer num_detected );