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Revision as of 13:05, 14 October 2010 by Seraph Linden (talk | contribs)
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Status Mesh Import
  • The Mesh Project viewer and mesh support on aditi are still under development and are considered "Early Beta" stability level. Consequently, issues such as crashes or loss of mesh content may occur.
  • 10/14/10 : Mesh has entered Open Beta status. The Mesh Project Beta Viewer is now available for download. See 10-13-10 blog for announcement.



The Mesh Project Viewer is a chance for all Second Life Residents to try out an early implementation of Mesh Import, an upcoming feature that will allow creators to model objects using external tools and bring them into Second Life. To participate, you will need to (1) download the mesh project viewer, (2) enable your account on our Aditi grid, and (3) connect to an appropriate mesh-enabled region. For detailed instructions on these steps, see our Getting Started with Mesh page.


We would love to hear your feedback on any part of the Mesh project. The primary means of giving feedback is by filing bugs, but you can also participate in our forums:


Understanding Mesh

Video Tutorials


Sample Mesh Files

Latest Mesh Viewer Installers




QA and Bugs