Mountains Of East Continents

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The East Linden-owned continents, except for Sharp Continent, share some common features. Unlike the central and old continents, their Geography consists mainly of plains and plateaus. Basically, the term defines all mountains found on other Linden-owned continent except for Heterocera, Sansara and Jeogeot. Sharp Continent has its own article about its mountains (see below the lists of mountain articles), so it will also be excluded from list.

As much as possible, this article is created using the style of a touristic guide.


Based on the age they were created, all mainalnd continents can be grouped in 3 generations. More then this, each generation has some common Geographic features.

Generation 1 includes the so-called Old World: Sansara, Sharp Continent and Heterocera. [[Jeogeot is a transitional continent between generations 1 and 2. These continents have some common features: very high mountains (over 300 meters), high diversity of Geographic features, a big amount of Protected Land, highly developed transportation networks and a higher population density.

Generation 2 includes the so-called New World: Corsica, Nautilus, Satori, Gaeta 1 and Gaeta 5. These continents have a less spectacular Geography, with large plains and plateaus, lower fragmentation, smaller mountains (below 200 meters) and smaller declivity. Mountains are rare. These continents have more Abandoned Land and their population density is a lot lower. Transportation network is low developed and sometimes does not cover the whole continent. The comparation is also because Satori looks like South america and the new continents are separated by Central Ocean exactly how Atlantic Ocean separates in real world America from the old world.

Generation 3 includes the last continents built: Zindra and the four Premium Continents. These structures are smaller and created by a complete different concept: Much of the land is perfect flat, ground texture is different and altitudes much lower. Premium continents are a result of Geographic clonation, while Zindra is much more complex even then second generation continents.

The New World

Basically, only Nautilus and Satori have mountains. Even so, a paragraph can be said about the other continents:


Corsica has no mountain, but large, endless plateaus surrounded by plains. The highest point was detected in Android sim, 163 meters. Seen from coast, it looks like a mountain, even if it is in fact the border of a plateau. It is close to the shore, so a good way to explore it is to start from nearby Laserlight sim, on the circuit road, at 65 meters high. Climbing is not an easy task because there are many walls created by terraforming and a lot of Land With Restricted Access. Up, there is a flat plateau with high altitudes and not very populated. Ground texture is that of rocky, dried land.

Gaeta 1

This small and unfinished continent has the reputation of being the most unpopulated continent. Entire sims are made of abandoned land and there is even land that has never been sold. This continent is made of a large, endless plain. Even so, it still has a notable maximum altitude of 100 meters in Lemontal sim. Unfortunately, the highest parcel of the continent has access restrictions.

Gaeta 1 is a good place for sailing. Its waters are less populated and this makes it very quiet. Unknown for many residents is that this little continent is one of the best place for horse riding and off-road driving. A bit more difficult is to find a rezz zone, but once you found it, driving is not a problem. This continent has only two small beach roads. You can rezz a vehicle anywhere on them and then you can start exploring.

See Also

Second Life Geography

Mountains Of Heterocera

Mountains Of Sharp Continent

Mountains Of Jeogeot

Snowlands Subcontinent