GWA Project/Meeting Summaries

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Revision as of 13:42, 23 November 2008 by Zai Lynch (talk | contribs) (summary)
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View the archive for older summaries.

Summary of the Meeting of November 23th 2008

Attendees: fr43k Paine, Zai Lynch, Lore Lamont, Alexa Soyer, Mayumi Fride, Wolwaner Jervil

  • Big Spaceship got other goals than the GWA has (doesn't interfer)-
  • Question if creator of freebies are allowed to place a notecard in their boxes needs to be forwarded to Jean for clarification.
  • Mayumi fixes the greeters, Lore & Fr34k have at the missing textures

Summary of the Meeting of November 18th 2008

Attendees: fr43k Paine, Lisa82 Amat, Zai Lynch, Timmi Allen, Jean Linden, Lotte Linden, Lore Lamont, Robby Pomeray, Alexa Soyer, Mayumi Fride, Wolwaner Jervil

  • Island is supposed to open before X-mas
  • Owners of sightseeing places need to be informed (Wolwaner will send requests)
  • Freebie sighting and sorting

Summary of the Meeting of November 16th 2008

  • missing*

Summary of the Meeting of November 11th 2008

Attendees: Monalisa Robbiani, fr43k Paine, Lisa82 Amat, Zai Lynch, Timmi Allen, Jean Linden

  • Jean is sending an info to the forums because of the trademark issues.
  • Schiller will be moved one spot to the west.

Summary of the Meeting of November 9th 2008

Attendees: Alexa Soyer, Monalisa Robbiani, fr43k Paine, Mayumi Fride, Carina Raymaker, Dreagan Randt, Wolwaner Jervil, Lisa82 Amat, Zai Lynch

  • LMs for the UFO will be ready next week.
  • Visited Lisa82s building and accepted her to the GWA (invitation will be sent by Jean after checking the backlog).

Summary of the Meeting of November 4th 2008

Attendees: Alexa Soyer, Monalisa Robbiani, fr43k Paine, Mayumi Fride, Danziel Lane, Jean Linden, Lotte Linden, Carina Raymaker, Zai Lynch

  • GWA Project might become an optional 2nd place after the HI as 1st rezpoint. A test will determine the value of the GWA as first starting point.
  • Work on the other GWA sims is stopped in favour of the Orientation Island Sim (Schiller). After the test, further steps for improvement / continuing work on the GWA sims will be discussed.
  • Update on the To-Do list of for the OI:
* geeignete Orte und  die dazugehörigen Landsmarks für das Ufo suchen
* Screenshots für das Ufo
* Beschreibungen der Orte

*FREEBIES für Shop & Mall
-- ??? --

* Objekte für die Tutorialstationen (Ideen/Freebiesuche)
* Greeter Script für einzelne Inseln, die auf Tutorials hinweisen (Bewegungsmelder)
* Texte für Greeter Script und dazugehörige Anweisungen
* Verteilen der Scripte und Objekte über die Sim
--Zai, Mona, fr43k--

* Rezz-/Derezz- Script für Floß
*Partikelscript für UFO

* Texturen für die Schilder
--Lore, Mona--

--fr43k, Mona--

--Timmi, Alexa, Mayumi...--

Summary of the Meeting of November 2nd 2008

  • _______ please insert topics of the meeting_____
  • Fe and Tistra left the group due to opensim policy change.