1st steps in Second Life
SecondLife(SL)에 처음이십니까? SL에 대한 기초를 배우시기 원하십니까? 이 색션을 참고 하세요 !
세컨드라이프? 이게 무엇입니까?
기본 이용 가이드, several Guides are available:
This is about the software you need to start your SL!
The wiki proposes portals dedicated to creation:
Bugs, Abuse Report, DMCA, tickets, etc
About bugs reporting in JIRA :
- How to report bugs in the JIRA :
- You can also check :
- Go to JIRA
Linden Lab Support:
Trademark & Copyright:
Other subjects

- Dazzle : Information about the latest SL viewer !
- Havok4 : All you want to know about the new physics engine !
- Mono : Mono is coming...
- WindLight : The new atmospheric lighting and rendering system
- Open Grid Public Beta : The open grid public beta has been launched
Linden Lab
About Lindens
About Linden Lab
Advanced Help
This section contains advanced help for Residents about avatars, objects, navigation, communication, community etc.
Avatars (appareance, gesture, etc):
Objects (build, inventory, etc):
Multimedia (voice, audio/video stream, sound, etc):
Communication (chat, IM, etc.):
Community/Social (group, SLetiquette, events, etc):
Navigation (map, SLURL, movement, etc):
Lands (land, sims & estate):
Viewers (preference, menu, etc):
Miscellaneous information (Combat, $L, etc):