New Pride Land

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Revision as of 00:45, 18 December 2009 by Rasmus Pennell (talk | contribs) (Continent Update)
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New Pride Land is a multi-estate "continent" stretching from 953 to 961 vertically and 733 to 741 horizontally on the grid map. It was founded by Sterling Whitcroft principally as a home for gay residents, although all are welcomed. The continent consists of several regions.


Among major landmarks on New Pride Land is Mission Brothers Gay Beach (one of Second Life's most populous and popular gay & lesbian social destinations). While owned by 10KHz Tone & Rasmus Pennell, it moved to its actual place in norteast quarter of Spice Islands sim. Most of the SIMs are residential, with parcels for both rental and purchase in a variety of planned and free-form environments.

Also on visitors' lists are the Ewing Arts Gallery and the Episcopal Chapel of St. Matthew-by-the-Sea on Olympos sim, the Mission Sea Promenade shopping area in Spice Islands sim, the Docklands urban build (Mission-Super-Mare) north of the promenade now after its move from ER Highlands sim, the ancient greek installation on Hylas or the medieval abbey ruin on the central island of Pallas sim.

List of Regions in New Pride Land

  1. Abderos - Private residences
  2. Achaea - Russian River Rentals residences
  3. Andros - Private residences
  4. Alex Ander - Mostly water, plus a football stadium
  5. Argolis - Russian River Rentals residences
  6. Attica - Mostly water
  7. Corinthia - Russian River Mall & Hunter's Gay Club
  8. Hylas - Residential
  9. Ilium - Private residences
  10. IX Exotica - Resort with gym, retail & residences
  11. Marathon - Residences
  12. Mykonos - Residences
  13. Olympos - Ewing Arts gallery, St. Matthew's-by-the-Sea Episcopal Chapel, residences
  14. Pallas - Larsson Business Park
  15. Rodos - Private residences
  16. Scyros - Private residences
  17. Selene - Barking Dog Studios, residences
  18. Sparta - Temple of Sparta, residences
  19. Spice Islands - Mission Brothers Gay Beach
  20. Thrace - Damage-enabled recreational water, residences
  21. Troy - Residences

Former Sims

  1. Andersonville - Private residences
  2. Athos - Private residences
  3. Atlantica Beach
  4. Badpuppy Island - portal with Temple nightclub, cinema, retail village and apartment towers
  5. Bummer Bay - windsurfing paradise followed by the Spice Islands sim at the same location
  6. ER Highlands - Docklands shopping (Mission-Super-Mare) & recreational build (closed july '09)
  7. ER Low Country - Tiki village (residential/social) and Larsson Business Park (closed july '09)
  8. Gulf of Onan - Mission Gulf International Airport
  9. Melos - Residences
  10. Meteor Crater Lake - Residences
  11. Mission Beach - Mission Brothers Gay Beach social area, sandbox, home of the Beach Bums from the Mission Bros. Group
  12. North Halstead - Original home of Boystown, a recreation of the Chicago gayborhood
  13. Randy Reef - 100% waterspace... scuba, sailing, surfing, awesome reefs and pure water fun
  14. Siphonios - Mark Kendall Bingham International Airport, Port of New Pride Land (ferry terminal), M/S Jötúnn
  15. Thyra - Pirate-themed residences
  16. Yalta - Retail area & residences - created by Lauritz Larsson Architects - link shows a few ambience pics of the former sim
  17. Yalta Cliffs - residences - - created by Lauritz Larsson Architects - link shows a few ambience pics of the former sim
  18. Yumbo Angel Beach
  19. Yumbo Beach
  20. Yumbo Park Hotel
  21. Yumbo Prive
  22. Yumbo Rentals
  23. Yumbo Sands
  24. Yumbo Texel

Transportation in New Pride Land

A ferry service, operated by MASONLines on behalf of The Port Authority of New Pride Land, connects the various islands making up the Continent. Two lines are operational, with a third under construction, and a fourth route planned.

New Pride Land was home to two airports, the Mission & Gulf International Airport owned by Carlo Eriksen, and the Mark Kendall Bingham International Airport operated by the Port Authority.