Important: This article has been translated. The translation was imported on 29 Mar 2010. Any changes will require re-export for incremental translation. |
Click the toolbar icons to change what the mouse cursor does inworld:
Note: This article has been edited since it was returned from translation. REQUIRES RE-TRANSLATION. |
Selected object information
Shows the number of objects selected, their total land impact, and the remaining capacity of the current parcel. See Build Tools - Advanced for more information.
Important: This article has been translated. The translation was imported on 29 Mar 2010. Any changes will require re-export for incremental translation. |
Texture tab
These options apply to all selected faces of an object:
Opens Color Picker so you can choose a color to overlay. Any existing textures become tinted by the selected color.
Transparency %
Select a transparent effect value from 0 (opaque) to 90 (almost invisible).
Select a glow effect value from 0.00 (not glowing) to 1.00 (washed-out bright). Glow is suitably used in moderation, such as making fire appear more realistic. Basic shaders must be on for glow to show.
Full Bright
Check to exclude selected faces from external lighting and shadow effects and render them at full, neutral brightness. Commonly used on screens displaying media and information signs.
How textures are mapped onto the object. A typical use for Planar is reducing distortion on angled surfaces. See Planar texture mapping.
Sets the level of metallic sheen.
Applies a a predefined bump map. Brightness and Darkness options add visual depth to Texture.
Repeats Per Face
Sets how many times the applied texture is repeated. Use Flip to reverse the texture's orientation.
Rotates the texture.
Sets how many times the texture is repeated per meter.
Texture Offset
Offsets the texture's center. Used for aligning textures across objects.
Shows the current URL for web-based media. Click to change the URL or to remove it. If no media currently exists, you can click Add to add an URL via Media Settings.
Automatically stretches and aligns media to fit the face(s) it's displayed on. Align relies on the Size setting in Media Settings to determine the correct aspect ratio.