Bug triage/2008-04-03/Transcript
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- [15:01] Dimitrio Lewis: hi Bridie, and Taryn :)
- [15:01] Asriazh Frye: hi taryn ^^
- [15:01] Taryn London: Hi Dimitrio :)
- [15:01] Bitterly Sweet: hey taryn
- [15:01] Dimitrio Lewis: Taryn you've fallen through the couch
- [15:01] Bridie Linden: What's up Bitterly?
- [15:01] Taryn London: Hi Asriazh, Arawn, Squirrel,Bitterly,Alexa, Bridie :)
- [15:01] Bridie Linden: hey everyone!
- [15:02] Taryn London: Oh, dear.
- [15:02] Taryn London: better now?
- [15:02] Squirrel Wood: gah.. group chat not initializing...
- [15:02] Dimitrio Lewis: yup
- [15:02] Bridie Linden: Welcome, welcome...
- [15:02] Taryn London: Good stuff
- [15:02] Bridie Linden: we'll wait just a few for a few more Lindens...
- [15:02] Bitterly Sweet: hey torley!
- [15:02] Torley Linden: OHAI
- [15:02] Squirrel Wood: I just spammed aw groupies :p
- [15:02] Asriazh Frye: hi torley ^^
- [15:02] Dimitrio Lewis: hi Torley :)
- [15:02] Torley Linden: Friendly greetings everyone!
- [15:02] Taryn London: Hi Torley :)
- [15:02] Squirrel Wood: Ungreenandpink Torley!
- [15:03] Torley Linden: The couches haven't even rezzed so far... *c'mon, rez baby!*
- [15:03] Alexa Linden: what is BVH?
- [15:03] Taryn London: Gray Torley!
- [15:03] Bitterly Sweet: torley saw you friended a rl friend of mine on fliker :P shes estatic
- [15:03] Alexa Linden: <---- non-techie
- [15:03] Asriazh Frye: hi cel ^_^
- [15:03] Bridie Linden: Bitterly, what's your worry with RC4?
- [15:04] Celierra Darling: Hey Asriazh :)
- [15:04] Taryn London: I'm worried about the 2 "other peoples IM's" I got the other day :(
- [15:04] Bitterly Sweet: honeslty, its worse for me and a few friends then rc3 was, VERY buggy and locks up WAY too often
- [15:04] Asriazh Frye: hello aric ^^
- [15:04] Taryn London: Hi Aric :)
- [15:04] Aric Linden: Hello all
- [15:04] Bridie Linden: Hiya Aric
- [15:04] Aric Linden: nice to see so many folks
- [15:04] Bitterly Sweet: hi aric
- [15:04] Alexa Linden: BVH??
- [15:04] Asriazh Frye: hi lillie ^^
- [15:04] Alexa Linden: bueller.....
- [15:04] Alexa Linden: bueller.......
- [15:04] Lillie Yifu: Hello everyone
- [15:05] Lillie Yifu: what tasty morsels for this week?
- [15:05] Alexa Linden: no idea....
- [15:05] Alexa Linden: I was going to whip up some nachos and some lemonaid?
- [15:05] Squirrel Wood: eats Rolladinhos
- [15:05] Lillie Yifu: pulls out her pet gecko
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: just realized...
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: that it's almost Aric Linden's Rez Day!
- [15:06] Aric Linden: blushes
- [15:06] Taryn London: WooT
- [15:06] Alexa Linden: how old is he?
- [15:06] Squirrel Wood: ( [1] )
- [15:06] Bitterly Sweet: If i dont see all of you im sorry ive given up panning my camera cuase it locks the viewer and crashes me . oh congrats aric
- [15:06] Asriazh Frye: well, this isnt strictly RC related, but it kind of is. if you use gcc 4.x on linux to compile the source, the moon doesnt get drawn at night. with gcc 3.4.6 it does
- [15:07] Taryn London: Bitterly, me too :(
- [15:07] Alexa Linden: mmm those look tasty
- [15:07] Aric Linden: is old enough to know better but not old enough to stop
- [15:07] Alexa Linden: nods
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: So...today's agenda...
- [15:07] Torley Linden: It's so quiet! @_@
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:07] Bitterly Sweet: lol aric
- [15:07] Celierra Darling: Hmm, https isn't opening in the in-world browser.... :P
- [15:08] Torley Linden: accepted your inventory offer.
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: But I also wanted to ask folks to be sure to remind us (esp. Lindens) if there are any issues/areas that we're not paying enough attention to...
- [15:08] Taryn London: nope, sure isn't
- [15:08] Asriazh Frye: bvh is the format SL needs for uploaded animations, right?
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: There's so much to get through in triage!
- [15:08] Torley Linden: Yes.
- [15:08] Torley Linden: *seconds what Bridie said!*
- [15:08] Asriazh Frye: okies, thanks ^^
- [15:08] Alexa Linden: throw food at us!
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: grins
- [15:08] Taryn London: digs out her snack belt
- [15:08] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:08] Bitterly Sweet: not oepning for me either but i already have it on an external
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: well, gentle reminders of things important to Residents would be welcome...
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: and gold sarts too
- [15:09] Squirrel Wood: I think the blog trolls do a good job of reminding you of their unwillingness to read up on stuff and repeating the same stuff over and over again :p
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: ooooooooh!
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: anywho...
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: shall we jump in?
- [15:09] Taryn London: Hi Pastrami :)
- [15:09] Celierra Darling: [2]
- [15:09] Celierra Darling: (remove the s)
- [15:09] Torley Linden: Pastramiii dude.
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: Welcome Pastrami!
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: First up...
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: # VWR-5869[c
- [15:09] Torley Linden: Hey this one sounds familiar...
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: still don't know what a BVH is
- [15:09] Arawn Spitteler: BioVision Heierarchy
- [15:09] Torley Linden: my wife ran into it I believe.
- [15:10] Torley Linden: I've seen it myself, I'd import it!
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: aaaahhh so it's a file type?
- [15:10] Torley Linden: Yes Alexa! =)
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: assign to?
- [15:10] Aric Linden: triage please
- [15:10] Torley Linden: Thankfully the attached bvh should be enough to repro...
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:10] Aric Linden: wonders
- [15:11] Aric Linden: /a log would be rawkin
- [15:11] Bridie Linden: havok4 shouldn't have anything to do with it should it?
- [15:11] Bridie Linden: viewer issue only?
- [15:11] Squirrel Wood: unlikely when it happen during upload?
- [15:11] Aric Linden: no, i think it's confusion because of thehavok rollout
- [15:11] Asriazh Frye: oh and on the missing ico file on linux. thats intended. if you download the source, adding the ico file after compiling is done got commented out, for whatever reason
- [15:11] Aric Linden: I just had a long chat with sidewinder about it
- [15:11] Aric Linden: really long
- [15:11] Aric Linden: chat
- [15:11] Bridie Linden: kk
- [15:12] Squirrel Wood: we had the missing icon one recently at a triage methinks.
- [15:12] Squirrel Wood: or the opensource meeting
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:12] Torley Linden: Alexa, BVH backgrounder... [3] :)
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: Next on the list...
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: # VWR-5520[c
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: ty :)
- [15:12] Squirrel Wood: eep... help island just went down ?=
- [15:12] Bitterly Sweet: experienced it
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: We've been waiting on Spank, but there were new comments...
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: ouch
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: want me to mark MNI?
- [15:13] Aric Linden: pastrami? is there enough for you guys?
- [15:13] Asriazh Frye: so its not a bug, its something someone did on purpose. you should ask whoever it was why he or she did that. by reenabling the line that adds the ico file everything is back to normal again tho
- [15:13] Torley Linden: I've yet to see more substantial info that identifies this as an SL-specific problem as opposed to hardware failure/problems...
- [15:13] Bitterly Sweet: i tried to comment on all the ones i expereinced but i may have missed some
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: nods to Torley
- [15:14] Aric Linden: brb
- [15:14] Bitterly Sweet: torley want me to mail you my laptop ?
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: hee
- [15:14] Pastrami Linden: Aric, we are full
- [15:14] Pastrami Linden: :)
- [15:14] Torley Linden: ;)
- [15:14] Pastrami Linden: mostly because of very little movement since crash hunting started
- [15:14] Pastrami Linden: on the non crash bugs
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Well, shall we wait for more info on this one then?
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Resolve and wait for Spank to get back to us?
- [15:15] Bitterly Sweet: panning my camera cause me to either lock up or everything goes screwy. only happens with rc4 for me the going screwey part
- [15:15] Torley Linden: Hmmm... what are the good 3D graphics benchmark stress apps? Spank should try running one for a few hours.
- [15:15] Torley Linden: That would help rule whether it's an SL prob or not.
- [15:16] Torley Linden: There's that one with the orbs that taxes GPUs a LOT... I forget the name at the moment...
- [15:16] Torley Linden: if I remember I'll leave a comment.
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: You suggested that to him...
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: already! :)
- [15:16] Celierra Darling: There's ATITool, too
- [15:16] Torley Linden: Oh yeah, deja vu. @_@
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: hee
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: Speaking of which
- [15:16] Torley Linden: But I'd generally say yeah, I don't think we can go much further without ruling that out.
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: we've talked about this one too..
- [15:17] Bridie Linden: VWR-5463[c
- [15:17] Pastrami Linden: right
- [15:17] Pastrami Linden: let me check something on that one
- [15:17] Bitterly Sweet: torley if you can find and send me a stress test link ill run it for you later since ive had it occur
- [15:17] Bridie Linden: what OS Bitterly?
- [15:17] Bitterly Sweet: xp pro
- [15:17] Squirrel Wood: benchmark: 3dmark. run it 24h and you will know
- [15:17] Torley Linden: Thanks Bitterly.
- [15:17] Shaniqua Lutwag: how do i make money
- [15:18] Dimitrio Lewis: SL destroyed my first graphics card (quickly). That was long before windlight :)
- [15:18] Alexa Linden: I'll answer that one guys
- [15:18] Celierra Darling: Squirrel, you can't run it 24-hours without either cracking it or buying it:p
- [15:18] Celierra Darling: (3DMark, that is)
- [15:18] Arawn Spitteler: Open your map, and search for Spini, Shanique. They've camping there.
- [15:18] Asriazh Frye: theres an easteregg in SL. if you manage to visit all sims at least once in 2 days, you get 100k lindens ^^
- [15:18] Pastrami Linden: basically, it's like this-
- [15:18] Squirrel Wood: I would recommend buying it or just running it in demo mode :p
- [15:18] Pastrami Linden: 99% of the resources normally available for graphics fixes
- [15:19] Pastrami Linden: are taken up right now reducing the crash rate
- [15:19] Aric Linden: back
- [15:19] Asriazh Frye: wb ^^
- [15:19] Pastrami Linden: so these issues, I can tell you honestly, are getting very little exposure if any internally
- [15:19] Taryn London: Hi Harleen :) wb Aric
- [15:19] Bitterly Sweet: wb
- [15:19] Pastrami Linden: because of the much bigger issue of crashing
- [15:19] Aric Linden: thanks Taryn
- [15:19] Pastrami Linden: when this cycle is over
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: nods to Pastrami
- [15:19] Pastrami Linden: we'll swing back around to a lot of these graphcis issues
- [15:19] Harleen Gretzky: hello
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: Welcome Harleen
- [15:20] Harleen Gretzky: ty
- [15:20] Asriazh Frye: hi harleen
- [15:20] Squirrel Wood: Meep
- [15:20] Bitterly Sweet: pastrami... Im wondering if soem of them might not be related? what might hurt one graphics card might crash another system total?
- [15:20] Aric Linden: But pastrami, don't you think it makes sense to take these in and queue 'em up?
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: Shall we resolve 5463 as NMI for now?
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: or what ARic asked?
- [15:20] Aric Linden: triage 'em internally and create the buckets etc
- [15:20] Pastrami Linden: Aric, agreed, - I just want people to understand the logistics of the timing on these
- [15:21] Pastrami Linden: i.e. for several weeks these types of bugs have not been moving
- [15:21] Aric Linden: nods at his friend
- [15:21] Squirrel Wood: on the mention of buckets... I want KFC now.
- [15:21] Aric Linden: frowns at squirrel
- [15:21] Pastrami Linden: now, regarding relationship of bugs to crashes-
- [15:21] Aric Linden: that stuff'll kill you
- [15:21] Bridie Linden: And I want to have as much info as we can *before* importing (ideally)
- [15:21] Squirrel Wood: hehe
- [15:21] Pastrami Linden: this is to Bitterly
- [15:21] Taryn London: wonders if they deliver into SL
- [15:21] Alexa Linden: sorry - back
- [15:21] Torley Linden: llPizza ;)
- [15:21] Pastrami Linden: we tackle the crashes based on call stacks
- [15:21] Taryn London: :D
- [15:22] Alexa Linden: are we still on 5463?
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: crashes caused in the same part of the code share the same call stack
- [15:22] Bridie Linden: yes alexa
- [15:22] Alexa Linden: ty
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: so we can see which crashes are the most endemic
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: based on call stack
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: that's how we're determining which crashes are getting squashed
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: so,
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: with issues like that one,
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: it doesn't make much sense for us to try and draw connections all CSI-style
- [15:22] Pastrami Linden: :)
- [15:23] Pastrami Linden: because the call stack tells us much more
- [15:23] Pastrami Linden: especially how *often* a certain crash occurs
- [15:23] Squirrel Wood: Do it Columbo style then? ^^
- [15:23] Pastrami Linden: that'd be funny
- [15:23] Bitterly Sweet: lol csi would be the worst way to do it anyways
- [15:23] Bitterly Sweet: lol
- [15:23] Bridie Linden: grins
- [15:23] Pastrami Linden: then we would innocently ask the bugs questions until they solved themselves
- [15:23] Taryn London: chuckles.
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: don't be snakin' on my show!
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: so back to aric's question...
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: to import or not to import?
- [15:24] Celierra Darling: Do it McGuyver style - use a magnet, wave it next to the hard drive, out comes perfect SL Viewer code :p
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: LMAO
- [15:24] Pastrami Linden: definitely import-
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: lol
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: ok - noted
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: assign to?
- [15:24] Pastrami Linden: yours truly
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: triage
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:24] Pastrami Linden: or triage
- [15:24] Pastrami Linden: :)
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: or Pastrami
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: :)
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:25] Celierra Darling: Looks like ":)" wins
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: Gold sarts to :)
- [15:25] Pastrami Linden: I just haven't had the time to do the importing yet, so appreciate the help I do
- [15:25] Aric Linden: the next one appears to be underway by tofu - we should import and assign to him tho
- [15:25] Alexa Linden: :) was always my favorite
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: There was discussion about the next one...
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: # VWR-5641[c
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: Next one...
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: VWR-5917[c
- [15:26] Squirrel Wood: Like I said we had this one at a triage or open sauce meeting recently
- [15:26] Pastrami Linden: Bridie that's been imported
- [15:26] Aric Linden: I love open sauce
- [15:26] Aric Linden: it's the best thing KFC makes
- [15:26] Squirrel Wood: 5917 I believe is due to those settings being overwritten on install
- [15:26] Pastrami Linden: ahh, the freely downloadable marinade
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: it has Pastrami?
- [15:27] Pastrami Linden: yeah-
- [15:27] Pastrami Linden: let me get the link
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: I see, as part of VWR-4981
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: kk
- [15:27] Aric Linden: this should be marked as a dupe of the other
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: The next one...
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: VWR-5673[c
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: I need to poke Andrew about again ;)
- [15:27] Squirrel Wood: may behave now with H4
- [15:27] Pastrami Linden: well, they're not exactly dupes
- [15:27] Bitterly Sweet: didnt that one get discussed alst week?
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: or someone else can verify...
- [15:28] Squirrel Wood: targetomega will stop spinning on sim reset with H4
- [15:28] Squirrel Wood: as far as I know... was discussed yesterday at the H4 hours
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: oh cool
- [15:28] Torley Linden: Thanks for filling that in, Squirrel.
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: resolve?
- [15:28] Squirrel Wood: this may be something different though
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: ask if still a problem?
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: Sure
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:29] Squirrel Wood: andrew commented on it
- [15:29] Harleen Gretzky: Is probably a server issue alo
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: Did we talk about 5769?
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: VWR-5769[c
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: no
- [15:30] Torley Linden: Hmmm...
- [15:30] Garn Conover: with zoomin? if so ive had no issues
- [15:30] Torley Linden: *tries to repro this*
- [15:30] Bridie Linden: Last week?
- [15:30] Torley Linden: Ah yeah, I can repro this.
- [15:30] Alexa Linden: import?
- [15:30] Torley Linden: I'm viewing a wiki.secondlife.com page via Search > All tab.
- [15:30] Bridie Linden: Let's import
- [15:30] Torley Linden: I'd say so! YEAH!
- [15:30] Alexa Linden: triage?
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: and we've talked about 5626 before
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: VWR-5626[c
- [15:31] Aric Linden: yes alexa
- [15:31] Alexa Linden: yes
- [15:31] Alexa Linden: last week I think
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: Shall we resolve as NMI?
- [15:31] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:32] Torley Linden: *nods to Bridie*
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Apologies that I didn't scrub the agenda more closely!
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: NExt...
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: # VWR-5822[c
- [15:33] Squirrel Wood: HUD objects in general differ from normal attachments so I am not surprised there
- [15:33] Aric Linden: thinks we should take this one
- [15:33] Aric Linden: assign to triage
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: yups
- [15:33] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:33] Squirrel Wood: according to the comments it does not work even through the pie menu
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: because the pie menu does not offer an "open" function.
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: I didn
- [15:34] Asriazh Frye: editing the hud for a moments seems to always solve this tho. or thats something different i experienced
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: 't try the repro...
- [15:34] Harleen Gretzky: correct you cannot open a HUD object
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: Harleen commented...
- [15:34] Harleen Gretzky: HUDS only have Detach and Edit
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: you also cannot open a regular attachment
- [15:35] Squirrel Wood: via pie menu
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: so not a bug?
- [15:35] Squirrel Wood: not to my knowledge. always been that way
- [15:36] Bitterly Sweet: you can open them viae edit
- [15:36] Bridie Linden: right
- [15:36] Harleen Gretzky: Maybe should be a New Feature instead
- [15:36] Bitterly Sweet: you might state that thats the only way i know of. asking my freind cummere shes been in sl longer
- [15:36] Squirrel Wood: Yep. feature request
- [15:36] Torley Linden: Yeah, and I recommend definine use cases for why this would be useful.
- [15:36] Torley Linden: *defining
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: so change to FR
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: how about we resolve as 'won't finish' but offer comment to move to feature request?
- [15:37] Aric Linden: nods
- [15:37] Torley Linden: Sounds good to me Bridie.
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: and not import to triage?
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: right
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: or still import?
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: ok no import gotcha :D
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: sorry for confusion alexa, don't import
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: np :p
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: Next
- [15:37] Celierra Darling: Why not change type to feature request?
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: VWR-5760[c
- [15:37] Alexa Linden: we are
- [15:37] Bitterly Sweet: they just siad they would offer lol
- [15:38] Pastrami Linden: Bridie let me check if I imported that one
- [15:38] Aric Linden: wonders if this isa dupe of vwr-3258
- [15:38] Garn Conover: that sounds like av upgrade
- [15:38] Aric Linden: pastrami, i think I just assigned one like this to you the other day
- [15:38] Pastrami Linden: maybe that was it
- [15:38] Squirrel Wood: ATI MobilityRadeon 9000 (not meeting minimum requirements)
- [15:38] Pastrami Linden: I'm checking
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: waits on PJIRA
- [15:38] Celierra Darling: (You can directly change the type from Bug to Feature Request, no need to resolve and recreate)
- [15:39] Alexa Linden: coorect Celierra, I re-assign them
- [15:39] Aric Linden: extra work is good for folks, Celierra
- [15:39] Bitterly Sweet: glares at aric
- [15:39] Aric Linden: what doesn't bore you makes you stronger
- [15:39] Garn Conover: missed Torley cuz he's human today lol
- [15:39] Aric Linden: loves Bitterly's name
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: looks like a dupe...
- [15:39] Bitterly Sweet: lol
- [15:39] Torley Linden: ;)
- [15:39] Pastrami Linden: ahh, vwr-3258, the classic
- [15:40] Alexa Linden: will mark as dup of 3258
- [15:40] Torley Linden: Haha Pastrami, that's the exact same thing I was thinking.
- [15:40] Bridie Linden: Next
- [15:40] Aric Linden: wonders if there's an echo in here
- [15:40] Bridie Linden: VWR-5530[c
- [15:40] Trinity Coulter: is Torley being human a bug or new feature?
- [15:40] Trinity Coulter: :)
- [15:40] Garn Conover: chuckles
- [15:40] Squirrel Wood: Must be the asset server acting up again ;)
- [15:41] Torley Linden: I say import, I reproed this.
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:41] Torley Linden: Seeing it in too.
- [15:41] Torley Linden: =)
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: not on my mac :)
- [15:41] Torley Linden: Hmmmm... anyone else on Mac wanna repro?
- [15:41] Bitterly Sweet: kicks the asset servers. I say tell the asset servers, youll trn them into sccrap if they dont work. should give them incentive lol
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: Next i think is a dupe...
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: VWR-5826[c
- [15:42] Aric Linden: is pretty sure it's a dupe
- [15:42] Aric Linden: hold on'
- [15:42] Torley Linden: *notes Aric's earlier comment*
- [15:42] Squirrel Wood: I would see VWR-5530 not as a bug. Its merely doing what winbugs does when you minimize all windows. It sorts them. and therefore repositions the minimized window.
- [15:42] Bridie Linden: periapse has been looking into /VWR-5623
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: can we resolve 5826 as dupe of 5623?
- [15:43] Aric Linden: i'd say leave it in his hands but ask him to update the issue
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: will do
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: since he sits by me
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: u sit by anthea?
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: looks @ Alexa
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: oh I thought he meant
- [15:44] Bitterly Sweet: ok looking ahead i think most if not all the audrio fails are dupes that resolve to one of two issues if im reading them all right
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: nm :p
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: giggles
- [15:45] Alexa Linden: gives bridie back one gold sart
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: Next...
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: VWR-5905[c
- [15:45] Trinity Coulter: isn't there an April fools' bug?
- [15:45] Squirrel Wood: 5905 - the dots are visible when you cam underwater.
- [15:45] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:45] Bitterly Sweet: no aric
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: comment and resolve?
- [15:45] Bitterly Sweet: im not
- [15:45] Trinity Coulter: i guess you could hide water to terraform easier
- [15:46] Bitterly Sweet: lol
- [15:46] Squirrel Wood: I think they should be visible through the water though
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: Were they ever?
- [15:46] Torley Linden: Before WindLight, yes... this sounds kinda dupish...
- [15:46] Harleen Gretzky: They are visible in non-WL viewers
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: hmms
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: comment and import?
- [15:47] Torley Linden: I bet this is a dupe of something already out there *searches*
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: kk
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: on to next one...
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: VWR-5823[c
- [15:48] Torley Linden: OK, that last terraform dots one... VWR-5905 is similar to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3172
- [15:48] Alexa Linden: ty torley
- [15:48] Torley Linden: NP Alexa, it's not exact but part of the same blanket of issues... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-4580 is the newest sorts of reports on it.
- [15:49] Squirrel Wood: ati driver issue on macs ?
- [15:49] Bridie Linden: We need a repro on 5823?
- [15:49] Aric Linden: pastrami - do you guys need a repro?
- [15:49] Pastrami Linden: let me check with someone here
- [15:49] Torley Linden: Is this the same as regular Z-fighting... ?
- [15:49] Torley Linden: I don't think this is a new graphics issue...
- [15:49] Aric Linden: ok - seems like an imac thgan
- [15:49] Squirrel Wood: looks very ati related to me
- [15:50] Aric Linden: thang
- [15:50] cougar Dovgal: ???????????
- [15:50] Squirrel Wood: !!!!!!!!!!!!
- [15:50] Torley Linden: I'd ask if they tried to disable (1) shaders and (2) alpha rendering from Advanced menu.
- [15:50] Pastrami Linden: I don't believe so
- [15:50] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:50] Pastrami Linden: I think we have enough to repro
- [15:51] Torley Linden: Part of it does sound like that ol' leopard multitexturing stuff Pastrami and I heard lots about.
- [15:51] Torley Linden: AKA https://jira.lindenlab.com/browse/DEV-5755
- [15:51] Pastrami Linden: yeah
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: Comment and import
- [15:51] cougar Dovgal: SILL??????????????
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: Next...
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: VWR-5853[c
- [15:52] Torley Linden: Hmmm I'm seeing the same as Harleen so far...
- [15:52] Squirrel Wood: that merely resizes the window for me to fit the longest name
- [15:52] Aric Linden: Pastrami?
- [15:52] Aric Linden: qar-444 has been given a go ahead
- [15:52] Pastrami Linden: yeah I just saw
- [15:53] Pastrami Linden: thanks!!
- [15:53] Bitterly Sweet: does to me the invtory window thing
- [15:53] Torley Linden: Nice, 4's my lucky number.
- [15:53] Aric Linden: np dude
- [15:53] Asriazh Frye: i dont see that kind of behaviour on linux either. it just expands the floating window
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: mine too Torley!
- [15:53] Torley Linden: :D
- [15:53] Torley Linden: AH CRAP my Inventory window DID just get mangled!
- [15:53] Torley Linden: I did some other steps in between tho!
- [15:53] Squirrel Wood: I cannot repro
- [15:53] Torley Linden: Hmmm...
- [15:53] Garn Conover: can you remember them?
- [15:53] Torley Linden: All the UI elements are wacky and outside a collapsed, narrow thin tall window... I'll attach a picture and try to recreate later.
- [15:54] Torley Linden: If I find a repro I'll add it in.
- [15:54] Bitterly Sweet: its an intermentant thing for me torley
- [15:54] Torley Linden: *attaches picture*
- [15:54] Squirrel Wood: manglage happens to me when double-clicking on the RIGHT side
- [15:54] Harleen Gretzky: Only if you have multi[ple windows open, then it contracts to be next to the other windows
- [15:54] Aric Linden: yeah but you can move the window back in and resize it
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: hmmms
- [15:55] Asriazh Frye: tried both sides and nothing out of the ordinary happened. so it seems to be a window thing
- [15:55] Harleen Gretzky: like chat and inventory
- [15:55] Bitterly Sweet: i vote import but low priority if im allowed to vote
- [15:55] Torley Linden: Sounds good to me Bitterly...
- [15:55] Aric Linden: too
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: agreed!
- [15:55] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:55] Torley Linden: it's rare enough but *glares at my screen* it's werid.
- [15:55] Torley Linden: weird.
- [15:55] Squirrel Wood: icons and their clickable position do not match either
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: gives Bitterly a gold sart!
- [15:55] Alexa Linden: :D
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: One more?
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: VWR-5906[c
- [15:56] Torley Linden: Hehe someone should literally make a gold sart object and we can hang it here... and we'll always remember, this is where gold sarts came from!
- [15:56] Alexa Linden: hahaha
- [15:56] Garn Conover: Torley is it anything liek the old notecard manglement?
- [15:56] Bitterly Sweet: that one antow of the others i suspect are related
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: wants a wand that gives gold sarts...
- [15:56] Torley Linden: Garn, I attached a picture to the issue. I'm not sure what you mean by the "old notecard" one.
- [15:56] Aric Linden: Bitterly, does your audio config work with other stuff?
- [15:56] Aric Linden: other applications?
- [15:57] Garn Conover: where notecards or textures wouldn't load properly and u had to use the expand button to see them
- [15:57] Aric Linden: we've found that linux audio config is a little tricky
- [15:57] Bitterly Sweet: I cna hear gestures i cna see soem videos i can hear music
- [15:57] Torley Linden: Garn, hmm I'm not familiar with that one offhand.
- [15:57] Aric Linden: music in SL?
- [15:57] Aric Linden: or music in other apps?
- [15:57] Bitterly Sweet: but in sl and only sl, i cant click and object or hud and get what im suppsoed to
- [15:57] Bitterly Sweet: and all other apps work
- [15:57] Bitterly Sweet: AND
- [15:57] Taryn London: (Squirrel, my KFC delivery just got here, I'm blaming these calories on you.)
- [15:58] Aric Linden: nods - I think there's some linux specific audio instructions in the knowledge base
- [15:58] Bitterly Sweet: its only in 1.19 releases. if i use mainline it usually works
- [15:58] Aric Linden: have you had a chance to try those
- [15:58] Aric Linden: mainline on linux?
- [15:58] Aric Linden: or mainline on windows
- [15:58] Aric Linden: is now confused
- [15:58] Bitterly Sweet: b hears the issue i get that bug and im windows
- [15:58] Aric Linden: huh?
- [15:58] Bitterly Sweet: and i only have it on the rc's
- [15:58] Bridie Linden: on windows?
- [15:59] Bitterly Sweet: yeah. and later on thers a wondows user reporting the same
- [15:59] Taryn London: Gotta run, good to see you all :)
- [15:59] Torley Linden: Have a good one Taryn!
- [15:59] Torley Linden: Fancy seeing ya!
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: any chance you changed your audio settings in RCs?
- [15:59] Bitterly Sweet: *tries to find it again *
- [15:59] Aric Linden: by Taryn, love the new hair color
- [15:59] Taryn London: ty :)
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: thx Taryn
- [15:59] Garn Conover: hey torley?
- [15:59] Bitterly Sweet: no bridie
- [15:59] Torley Linden: Yus Garn? =)
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: had to ask Bitterly, I know I've done that!
- [15:59] Garn Conover: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-4976 <-- the texture window mangle
- [16:00] Aric Linden: I think you might want to read KB to get some insight into linux audio config
- [16:00] Alexa Linden: bye all! I'll get things updated tomorrow AM
- [16:00] Bitterly Sweet: and eventaully everything sound wise wills top
- [16:00] Torley Linden: Thanks, ah yeah I *have* seen that, Garn.